Ability to disable access to specific instances for Office 365 Add-ins.
I would like the ability to disable access to specific instances for the Office 365 Add-ins. We have multiple subscriber instances and have users that have access to all of them. However, we only want them exporting content from the main instance and not any of the subscriber instances. Currently, there is not a way (even…
MS Office PowerPoint Variable Integration
Hey Community, We are looking to get some better integration with variables in the office plugins. Specifically, we are looking at the Powerpoint plugin, and we want to be able to bring in cards and dashboards that have Beast Modes utilizing Variables in the calculations. Perhaps something like you do for Filters, the…
Office 365 PPT Plugin - Can't use Beast Modes as filters
Hi everyone, I was just wondering, do you know how to use beast modes as filters on the new O365 plugin? I only see the fields that are coming directly from the datasets as filters, but can't see beast modes. Thanks!
Excel Plugin - Allow Domo Input/Filtering via cells
In terms of the plugin Are we considering (have considered) any enhancement for allowing Domo filtering to be driven from the actual sheet instead of always jumping into the configuration pane? This would be super efficient for teams that do a fair amount of modeling and simply want to change filters by entering value into…
Power Point Plug in
I am using the new Powerpoint plug in. I can import cards, click refresh and select a filter and the filter will work. I can even create a second filter and then toggle back and forth. As long as I have not save the powerpoint this all works. As soon as I save the powerpoint, the powerpoint will say there is no DOMO…
Custom Domo to Excel Writeback
Hi all, We would like to automate the export of data into excel. Unfortunately, the Domo Office plug-ins un-pivot the data and make it unusable for our purpose. We talked to Domo support about this and they did not have a resolution nor did they indicate that this was something they would fix in the near future. Our…
Office Add-in - cannot control X/Y axis color when exporting cards to PPT
We are attempting to export a standard card from Domo to PPT using the Office Add-in with a transparent background and be able to control the colors of the X/Y axis labels same as everything else. Reason for transparency is a corporate PPT template that has a gradient that we're not able to match otherwise. Transparency…
New PPT Connector: Adding multiple cards from one dashboard
Hi! So with the old PPT connector you were able to find a dashboard and select all the cards from that page you wanted, select a page filter, and then imported into ppt. With the new connector are you able to do this or do you only have the option to select one card at a time?
What Role/Grant is required for MS Office Add-ins?
I have not tested lately, but a while ago I believe it was required that a user had to be an editor to use MS Office Add-ins. Is that still the same today? Can "Participant" users extract data from Domo to Excel or can I create a custom role? I don't see a specific Grant for MS Office Add-ins so I was wondering which one…
DOMO Office Plug-In - Excel Filter
Hello, I am working with a client on importing a item list, into their Excel planning worksheet. When I get to the "Setup Filters and Select Columns" it won't let me enter in multiple selects for the "contains" value match. I tried to add another "selling season" filter but it gives me a duplicate filter message. Any help…
Has anyone had issues with Microsoft office Connector
Hi - Just curious if this is affecting others or if there is a work around. Currently when we pull cards into Word, we cannot resize or move the card around. It is stuck in the content block. Seems to work fine in powerpoint Is anyone able to put a custom card in an office document and run a filter? We are being told we…
Domo for Office: Add-In Error (Installation help!)
Hello! My organization wants to test out the Domo for Office Add-In. We really liked the Domo PowerPoint Plug-in Version Each time I try to install Domo for Office I get an error message: 'Your organization's administrator turned off the service required to use this feature.' So far this has stumped several IT…
How to locate the new Install file for 'Domo's Powerpoint plug-in' ?
Hello, my company is currently using the legacy version of the powerpoint plug-in. Could someone help direct me to how/where I can get the new version of Domo's Powerpoint Plug-in. Do I need to install Domo for Office Add-in? A link would be greatly appreciated! I will be installing this for many users if we can get it to…
New "Domo for Office Add-in"
Hi Domo Experts, Did you guys try the new "Domo for Office Add-in" published by Domo on MS Office Appstore? I found it very interesting - it's almost like accessing Domo right from the Microsoft Excel. Domo has opened accessibility to almost every element of Domo (and feels like you never need to go to Domo — at least to…
New "Domo for Office Add-in" for Excel compatibility with older plugin + having Query functionality
We recently got the new suit of Domo add-ins via Microsoft AppSource (link here) which has some great features like accessibilities to all Domo elements, including running an ETL flow to ability to updating the dataset right from the excel sheet. It has very cool interface and search functionality. However, there are few…
MS Powerpoint Plug In
On my Powerpoint, I have two Domo options on the top ribbon. I am unsure which is the new version and which is the old version. One of them looks like picture 1 attached and the other looks like picture 2 attached. For picture 1, when I select "choose page", it just spins and spins. For picture 2, it pulls up cards and…
Difference between excel plugin and excel addin.
When using the excel add from the excel windows store the domo content would disconnect and I would have to reconnect to the domo database to refresh it. Will the plugin provide a better experience? vs
Domo Powerpoint - Powered by Domo
We are liking the Domo Powerpoint plugin as we can continue to use our Company colours, fonts etc. The issue we have is that each metric has 'Powered by Domo' on the bottom right, as we have quite a few metrics on some slides this becomes overkill for the presentation. Would it be possible to have a feature to…
Error in PPT. Plugin
Hi Everyone, I am having an error code on a ppt I connected to Domo. Everything was set with cards but I ended up deleting some cards from the dashboard itself and also on the ppt. Now when I refresh the ppt. I get an error message below. I deleted the cards from the dashboard and ppt so I am not sure how to solve this…
Refresh Excel datasheets that have been uploaded via Plugin
I recently started using Domo and have an Excel spreadsheet with several tabs that I uploaded to Domo via the plugin. I created a dataset for each tab and then appended them for a single output. This spreadsheet is updated by a few different people and I need to update it probably 2-3 times/month. I tried searching the…
Power Point Plugin
I would like to know if a card is being used in a power point plugin. I do not want to remove/delete a card from a dashboard to later learn it was being pulled into a template with the plugin. This would also be a valuable feature in the power point plugin as well. The ability to see which card id each chart is associated…