DOMO Office Plug-In - Excel Filter


I am working with a client on importing a item list, into their Excel planning worksheet. When I get to the "Setup Filters and Select Columns" it won't let me enter in multiple selects for the "contains" value match. I tried to add another "selling season" filter but it gives me a duplicate filter message. Any help would be greatly appreciated as the user wants to be able to filter in excel and not have us mess with the dataflow to adjust each time.

Best Answer

  • ThomasPetroski
    Answer ✓

    I don't recognize where you're doing this from based on your screenshot.

    Are you not able to accomplish this task through the creation of a card? If not, can you create a "helper column" within the Data Warehouse that evaluates the necessary fields and creates a True/False condition?


  • ThomasPetroski
    Answer ✓

    I don't recognize where you're doing this from based on your screenshot.

    Are you not able to accomplish this task through the creation of a card? If not, can you create a "helper column" within the Data Warehouse that evaluates the necessary fields and creates a True/False condition?

  • DMJerry
    DMJerry Contributor

    @ThomasPetroski - Thank you for the response. This is the what the UI looks like for the excel connector. I'll have to add a helper column as I wanted to see if it would use the filter functionality like excel.