New "Domo for Office Add-in" for Excel compatibility with older plugin + having Query functionality

Pritesh Member

We recently got the new suit of Domo add-ins via Microsoft AppSource (link here) which has some great features like accessibilities to all Domo elements, including running an ETL flow to ability to updating the dataset right from the excel sheet. It has very cool interface and search functionality.

However, there are few major limitations, which is surprising to have it on older version but were removed:

  1. Limited filter criteria: While importing the data from dataset, the new add-in simply allows you to filter on a column value. The older plug-in was having a lot of criteria like values greater than, less than, between etc.
  2. Missing query functionality: The new add-in is missing the query functionality. The older plug-in was offering a very sophisticated query functionality with manage, add, edit etc.
  3. New add-in not compatible with old plugin: The new add-in offers the functionality of linking Domo dataset with the excel sheet and refresh that when you open that sheet. However, unfortunately, it is not able to detect & refresh data update on the excel sheet which was created using the older plug-in. This is a HUGE drawback if you have created a data refresh connectivity for the business users using the older plug-in. This puts you in a very bad situation, if you have created those connections using query functionality which is no more available on new add-in (and so you can't even replicate that).

I request the Domo product team to consider these upgradations on the new add-in. I understand the older plug-in is still available, but a) it's very cumbersome to manage two different add-ins - i.e., older for query functionality and newer for the cool new features. Also, I'm not sure if there a plan from Domo to maintain both the add-ins in future, so it's rather makes senses to upgrade the new add-in.

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