I'm looking to combine data from 6 sources into one pie chart. All data will be coming from Pipedrive but each dataset uses different filters. I have setup an ETL which goes through each filter, I'm stuck on working out how to combine the data into two columns (stage and number of panels). Is there an optimal way to…
Hello - Can I create a calendar table based of a start date and end date? I have the start date and end date that encompassed a week, and then the columns for sunday to saturday what I am trying to achieve is, to put dates as well to the columns for sunday to saturday for example: the start date is 9/4 and end date is 9/10…
I have a dataset with item receipt dates by branch. I need to find the most recent receiving event for each item by branch. The dataset has about 7M rows, and my thought was to do a dataset view, rank the receipts by branch & item descending on the receipt date. I can't seem to get the calculated column to work. Any help…
I'm trying to find the min. the value between column 1 and a range of numbers in different columns. For example, is the difference between column 1 and column 2 less than the value between columns 1 and 3? Any suggestions on how to do this?
I used the Lag function to operate a subtraction between data point and previous data point. However now I need now the average for that new column (which I am not able to do in Beast Mode) Any suggestions
I'm trying to create a card that can be used to present to budget owners how much they have currently spent for the month compared to the budget they've been given. In order to do so, I have to create a dataflow that involves joining 2 datasets; One is Netsuite, which stores all the journal entry transactions, and the…
I currently am bringing in data from google ads and one of the columns is `landing page url`. I am trying to parse this row from: https://m.ufhealth.org/uf-health-pregnancy-care?utm_source=google&utm_medium=tj%20ppc&utm_campaign=fy21%20ob%20services&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo7Hl4pCq8gIV_21vBB1iYQ_JEAAYASAAEgJD3fD_BwE to uf health…
Our business model currently offers multiple product options. I'd like to create brand new rows for each customer, 1 for each product, whether they own that product or not. My thought is to use new columns and then use a dynamic unpivot. Need help creating the new columns first though.. Currently have this: Account Product…
Hello, I have two data sets that i would like to join based on a between condition. The "Join data" available in the ETL shows only inner & outer joins. Where can i do custom joins? Here is the detailed scenario. dataset A has 2 columns - clicks, date dataset B has ID, start date, end date. I need an output with B.ID,…
I am working on converting some Redshift dataflows to Magic ETL 2.0 dataflows. I have a join statement in Redshift that looks like this: SELECT d."province_state" , c."Category" as SeverityRelativityCategory , n."Category" as SeverityRelativityCategoryMinusNY FROM "ihme_covid_19_population_death_shares" d JOIN…
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