Favorite Chart Type Collection - A New Dropdown Option
Hello! Has anyone ever wanted a new dropdown option in the Chart Type area for their favorite/most used charts? It would be helpful to have vetted chart types used for specific purposes in one place. Furthermore, it could also serve as a collection of "approved" chart types for business units. Would anyone else find this…
Turn on Gradient Colors Feature for Heatmap
The new 'gradient colors' feature should be turned on for the Heatmap card, so you're not stuck with the default themes. It seems weird that the one card that requires gradient colors can't use the same same options as cards that don't have to have gradients.
Mapbox Pick List Brick Works in Preview but Not When Saved
Hello! I installed the Mapbox Pick List Brick app and adapted the code with a custom dataset. When I use this code in the editor, it runs and works in the preview without issue. Once I save it, the map and list elements fail to load. I copied my code to Fiddle for reference: The gif shows what I see when I'm building and…
What are the best practices/recommendation for displaying dashboards in the users primary language?
We are expanding our services to Puerto Rico and will need to provide dashboards, scheduled reports and visualizations in Spanish and potentially other languages. What tools or best practices have been used within Domo to support multiple languages.
Bar + line/symbol graphs should have an easier option for average by group
I think one of the main use cases for adding a line or symbol to a bar graph, especially a grouped bar graph, is to plot the average on top. I know how to do this by using an ETL to calculate the averages and append them as rows to the data, but this creates a less dynamic and flexible dataset for cross-filtering with…
Update Colors of a Bullet Chart
I am currently utilizing a bullet chart to visualize the number of worked hours comparitive to estimated hours for multiple groups working on a project. Is there a way to update the worked hours bar to help quickly identify the groups that are over or approaching the estimated hours? I have attempted to set the color rules…
New application for enhanced data Viz
I wanted to inquire if there is any new application in the recent release that could enhance data viz or any other application that I should consider using to make any reports more meaningful for the client. Your insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Best way to get multiple data types in a visualization?
Hey, I have total sales (in the millions), avg. selling price (max $20/unit) , and then a % metric. I want to have them all together in a time series chart to show trends. I can't figure this out for the life of me because I can't get them all appropriately graphed without taking one off the graph completely to see. Make…
Average Loan Size
How do I calculate the average loan size using a histogram
Dynamic Columns Line Chart?
Hey everyone, does anybody know if there is a way to either convert this to a line chart using the code in this brick or if there is a seperate brick?
Calculated line on Bar Chart not the same as Summary Average
I am trying to figure out why the calculated line for a bar chart I am creating is different the the Summary Average of the same metric. Is this a rounding issue or something else? Thanks in advance.
Meltwater Connector Data Visualization Ideas
Hi All, Hoping to get in touch with any Domo users who are interested in sharing ideas around Meltwater (social & media intelligence) platform connector cards. Let me know! Any successes or best practices? We just onboarded the new platform across our brands. Thanks, Paul
Show Column Description on Column Hover in Table Cards
As a way of shortcutting a data dictionary card - it would be very useful if you could hover over a column title and have the column description show as hover text. Or even have the ability to add custom hover text to each column via the card editor here.
How to create a dataset last updated card at top of dash?
Hey, how would I create a last updated card on top of a dash? This way it gives the users the understanding of how up to date the cards below are, etc. How would i create that on the dataset to then even be able to apply to a card? Thanks!
How to calculate % change between these two years in a beast mode on several columns of data?
Option to select which fields will be shown as subtotals in pivot table
When building a pivot table, it is not possible to choose which fields will be summarized as subtotals and which will not, and for each field that is dragged to the rows, a subtotal row is added and this field divided the table's data to segments.
Date Selector Filter - settings
I would love to see an enhancement to chart properties on Date Selector, specifically for the PRESETS menu. Our data is not live, it runs nightly. So any filter for "TODAY" will always yield no results. The Chart Properties > Presets View has options to exclude Week, Month, and Year options - please add the option to hide…
Conditionally formatting colors of horizontal bar chart for over/under budget
I am trying to figure out how to conditionally format my "Actual" sales either green/red for over/under "Budget" by location. Is this possible? I know this may have to be done with a beast mode (unsuccessful so far) as it cannot be done in chart properties.
Built in data table functionality & arrows
Hey guys. Weird ask here. Boss is wondering if I can make a visual that gets rid of the light blue bar (Revenue) but keep it in the data table below. Reason being is so I can have two scales for the values instead of the three, which is why the scale for the light grey bar is messed up. She is also asking for up and down…
Is there a way to use DropDown Cards to display text or tables?
Hello! I am trying to allow users to select a dropdown for a data dictionary. The idea is to allow users to select the terms they want to understand, and for a description to populate below. For Example: When the user selects 'Cost per Session' from the dropdown, I want the card to display the definition directly below…
Why doesn't my line + bar chart show the "Show data label on" option?
I want to display data label only for the line but the option is off.
Can I show positive (instead of negative) numbers in red?
I have a table that shows YoY comps as a percentage for four different metrics. For three of the metrics, negative is bad and positive is good. For the fourth metric, negative is good and positive is bad. I found the option to "Show Negative Numbers in Red", which works correctly for three of the rows but not the fourth.…
Tool Tip Functionality for Table Viz
We pull our data from SFDC and have opportunity pipeline tables we review weekly. We have long string fields (Next Steps, etc) that I'd like to be able to provide functionality to view but not make part of the table itself since the visual formatting gets messy. If we had tool tips for tables I could add the long text…
Does anybody mind sharing what their marketing campaign dashboard looks like?
How to Create WTD, MTD, QTD, YTD on one Chart
I received a request to create a chart to show KPI with WTD … YTD on a single chart. Image below is the example: The Closest I've gotten is; I created a dimeson that flags the 'WTD' dates as a Y/N, then created a beast mode doing a case statement for when the Date flags are 'Y.' I've done the same for the other KPI, but it…
Bullet Chart - removing labels of Ranges
Hi all, I've been trying to find a way to show the RAG ranges of acceptability on a graphic I'm currently working on; the bullet chart has been an excellent find, however, I want to display the "actual value" as a data label, but I really want to avoid having the data labels of my Ranges present. Is there a way to do this…
How to recreate this visual in DOMO?
I have all the data needed to make something like this, I just haven't found a setting or chart type to make this. The problem is getting the table to be multi-tiered with column headers able to stack under like in the image. Just wondering if anyone has any idea or knows of a chart type, brick, etc to help me achieve this.
I have a variance % measure in beast mode. I am trying to filter the chart to show me anything >= 15% OR < = -15% however when I try to apply filters to the chart in edit analyzer, I do not see a way to add in an or statement based on my measure. Is there a way to do this in Domo ? I'm really hoping to avoid having to do…
Interaction between controls
Have the controls to behave similar to the filters in their interaction. A control should be impacted by another control. For example, a control of countries and a control of products. If I select a country on the first control, the second one should only show the products that exists in the country selected.
Include day name abbreviations in global date selector.
Hi, It would very handy for our customers when picking between dates to have the day name abbreviated in the UI. This is done in the other areas of domo such as the view of a dataset when filtering so would be good to transfer this to the global selector. As well as this if the board is set to financial year as per this…