aggregating average value of a month
date any_hva 1/4/2023 123 1/4/2023 233 1/4/2023 234 2/4/2023 115 2/4/2023 111 I have a table in a following format, same dates are present in multiple records since there are other categories(not shown) in whichany_hva is split. I want to display a monthly chart in which I want to display average value per day. Just…
Range Selector Improvements
Hi, I love the functionality and idea of what the Range Selector Filter on DOMO could be. However, one frustrating thing is that the filter becomes quite fiddly due to the continuous nature of Date content, which best aligns with the benefits of having a Range Selector. It would be fantastic if there were some addition of…
Creating a multi category chart
I want to display column "l1_dist_value" within the same date. Meaning the values of Hyperion, Artemis and Foundation should come within a single date chart as provided in the excel snippet. How can this be achieved in domo?
How to stop a dashboard's background change from impacting charts
Our end users strongly prefer a dark mode layout on their desktops and mobile apps. We're running into a issue that sounds minor, but it makes the cards unreadable on the dash if we use any dark colors for a background. Here's the standard dash, white background, default backgrounds for the chart. When they hover their…
Default to 0 decimal for numeric/currency
I change this default literally every time I add a field to a table and elsewhere in Domo. It's extra clicks each time (per field added to a table). Additionally, when other users create their own reports they rarely change the default behavior and it remains at two decimals, which reduces data comprehension. For example,…
Global date range filter in dashboard, have it compare to exactly a year ago in guage card type.
I have a dashboard that displays metrics from social media platforms, and I would like to apply global filters so the client can filter specific dates, but then also show what those values were exactly a year ago. Example: Say the client wants to see total impressions for April 12-17, 2023. I would like the card to filter…
Re-order Colour Rules
Hi, Colour rules are applied from Top to Bottom, which is great until you realise you want to add something that shouldn't override your other colour rules, and so needs to be added to the top of the list as you cannot reorder the colour rules. It would be great if there was functionality to drag the order of colour rules…
Variable Selectors Update to Reflect variable options
Hi, I love the functionality of variables on dashboards, but I often start editing the options throughout building dashboards. It would be brilliant if the variables selectors, both in-card controls and on the page level, would update with any adjusted changes. They only seem to inherit updates of the default value, they…
dynamic slicer selection on page
I have the following date slicer on the dashboard page and want the slicer to auto select the latest month. Is this possible?
Creating percentage change on trellis categories chart
Within an interval say 0-10 mins how can I show % change month over month in each bar?
Trend line within Table
Hi folks, Please let me know if there is an option to add a trendline (based on a beast mode) for individual line items in a table. All help appreciated Kind regards,
Trend Lines for Multi-Series Graphs
Related to this community topic, can we add an ability to add multiple trend lines for bar and line graphs that have multiple series displayed?
How can I have only default filters to be visible on the filter views panel?
The selected slicers from the above page should not reflect in the filter views on top. I only want cohort and subscription filters to be displayed. Is there a workaround for this?
I want to create a 3*2 (6 lines) for percentiles by their engagement status.
I want to create a line chart with dates on X axis and 6 lines on Y axis. Is this possible with existing dataset?
Totalling certain rows
I have a question about totaling data in tables. I have two sets of data from different time periods 2021 & 2023, and I'd like to sum the respective metrics for each. I have two different tables present that may aid in getting this solution done. For the first image I want to add a column after the 2021-12-01 column to…
Being Able to Change Default Colors
In the visualization features either in the analyzer or in the dashboards themselves many companies use branded colors that match their business models. When initially creating a rule, yeah you can share it on the dataset, but in certain circumstances the color rules may get changed in different dashboards. Currently to…
How can I get labels on the D3 Correlogram Chart Brick?
I love correlation matrices for exploration, but Domo's implementation is very tough to get value out of without labeled axes. Anyone know enough about bricks or D3 to guide me?
Issue with Sales Data Tracking and Date Transformation
Hello, I'm encountering an issue with tracking sales data in from our CRM. The problem arises from the fact that the table card relies on the 'Date Created' column for capturing engagements. Although this successfully captures most sales data, it fails to include engagements that were created in the previous year but…
Pivot Table - Use of Beast mode in the rows
Sharing the feedback on behalf of the customer from Learn IT Systems, he suggests that the Pivot table card should allow the use the of Beast modes having Windows function/ Aggregation in the rows section of the card. Presently it does lead to errors in Subtotal/Total while using such beast modes.
Is there a way to store a beast mode in a filter on a dashboard?
Is there a way to instead of having the beast mode in our cards for the guage multi value visual (Impressions, Web Page Visits, Visit Rate, etc.), have it in a filter that links to the cards in the campaign? Instead of having a static last 30 days vs previous 30 days, our client suggested that it would be great if there…
Option to show an alternate date range when it's a new month/week
Many of my datasets pull in yesterday's data on a daily basis. On charts that are defaulted to show "This month" or "this week", they will blank out at the beginning of the month/week. I would like an option, when selecting a "current" date range default, to show the full prior month/week on these days (or when there's no…
How can I change the order of columns in chart?
Hi guys, I have been trying to reorder my chart chronologically backwards. I have 3 columns that I want from left to right, Current Year, 3 years ago, 5 years ago. The table is transposed. Every column header on the left (transposed) is a beast mode. I have tried clicking the arrows next to 'Year of Tour' and it never gets…
Scorecard First and Last shows same value..
I have this scorecard with Current and previous values and I am good to show change.... Challenge: One filter selection has no previous value and because of that, I only get one value and the card shows the same value for first and last in the scorecard.... Any tip how do i deal with this? May be a way to make sure it…
Is there a reason why you cannot change the legend labels in a Period over Period chart type?
I'd love if there was a quick way you could change them like you can to the y-axis for example when you click the dropdown. I know there is a way in a normal bar + line chart to make a beast mode for the time period you want and add it to series to manually plot the bar and line against each other a year apart but I have…
Ability to edit/change legend labels in period over period charts
Being able to change the legend labels in a period over period chart tyoe would make a huge difference in my workflow day-to-day. Instead of having to write multiple beast modes and adding them to series just to have the ability to have a dfferent legend label show up is too much work for what it does. Allow the ability to…
Make Appendix Cards smaller on Auto width Dashboards
I've noticed that dashboards tend to show the same number of Appendix cards per row regardless of whether the dashboard's display mode is set to Fixed width or Auto width. When dashboards are set to Auto width, the Appendix cards take up more space because of the additional space available, and in some cases are more…
How to compare last 28 days with prior 28 days?
Hello, I'm trying to compare the number of sessions in the last 28 days with the number of sessions in the 28 days prior to that. How do I accomplish this with a period-over-period multi-value chart? This seems fairly straightforward in google data studio But it seems like I'd have to create BM in Domo based on some of the…
Dynamic beast mode for "how does my brand compare to the other brands" without showing brand names?
Goal: To allow 40 external brand partners to individually log in to their own dashboard and view not only their own sales metrics, but also how the other 39 brand partners sales trends compare to their own, without showing the individual brand names or $ amounts just % comparisons in trends for each month. Questions: Can…
Automating color palette for a condition that has multiple conditions?
I am trying to customize the colors in my visualizations and some of my variables have a lot of conditions (20+). I don't want to manually select a color for each of these variables so I was wondering how would I go about doing this?