Mapbox Pick List Brick Works in Preview but Not When Saved


I installed the Mapbox Pick List Brick app and adapted the code with a custom dataset. When I use this code in the editor, it runs and works in the preview without issue. Once I save it, the map and list elements fail to load.

I copied my code to Fiddle for reference:

The gif shows what I see when I'm building and previewing the app.

Once saved, it looks like this image and nothing I do will make it work again in the editor or once it's saved. I have to delete the card and completely re-create the app to even get it to work in the editor preview.

Any insight is appreciated!

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    That’s what I’m referring to. You see there’s an error where the mapbox token variable is undefined. Have you defined it yet?

    Also there appears to be an issue with a forEach loop. If you click on the error file name it should show you where the issue is occurring. I’d start looking into both of those errors

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  • If you inspect network traffic are there any errors that are being thrown in the console?

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  • sam-n-cinci
    sam-n-cinci Member
    edited March 2024

    Found quite a few errors, as seen here. I'm relatively new to this kind of development, is this what you were referencing?

  • What's odd is that I have another card very similar to this one, using the same dataset, same libraries, and showing the same errors, but it does work after I save it and can be used and navigated within.

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    That’s what I’m referring to. You see there’s an error where the mapbox token variable is undefined. Have you defined it yet?

    Also there appears to be an issue with a forEach loop. If you click on the error file name it should show you where the issue is occurring. I’d start looking into both of those errors

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  • I had the mapbox token in plain text vs a variable to load the map element. I left that, but added a variable for it at the top and it worked! Thank you for your help! I will definitely be checking for console errors in the future