Date Reference Exclusion/Inclusion
I'm attempting to write a beast mode that checks a static date with a dynamic minimum date. If the static date is greater than the dynamic minimum date it would be classified as 'No' and vise versa. The beast mode formula: CASE WHEN Onboarding Date <= (MIN(MIN(Report_Date)) OVER()) THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END When I use the…
A filter based on weekday or wknd
I have a column with tasks and there are certain tasks I want to see if the current day is a weekday and if the current day is a weekend day id like to see other tasks. Could someone help me with this?
range filter card should function the same as quick filter
I would like to see this filter card: Have the same kind of display as the quick filter for a range: The dropdown allows for more control, and the ability to type your number in the box rather than move a sensitive slider is really ideal.
Card switching using a filter/control in a dashboard
It would be great if there's a way to swap different cards using a filter/control (If I choose category 'A', I want a certain card to be visible and if I choose a category 'B' I want a different card to be visible. (Essentially looking for Domo equivalent of sheet swapping with a parameter in Tableau)
Early noob questions and frustrations around filters in analyzer
I'm experimenting with Domo and I'm trying to recreate some powerBi reports. I have successfully connected to our Jira instance for issues and I'm now trying to create some visuals and reports based on the "issues" database. One of the charts I'm trying to build requires me to filter based on a date field containing a…
Filter behavior on dashboard/app vs Details View
I wish the default behavior for filtering via-the-legend at the dashboard/app level would mimic what happens when viewing a card in full screen/via the details view. When I click a colored block in a legend, I'm intending to remove that color from my view and allow the chart to re-scale. I think it's confusing that this…
Date Selector Filter - settings
I would love to see an enhancement to chart properties on Date Selector, specifically for the PRESETS menu. Our data is not live, it runs nightly. So any filter for "TODAY" will always yield no results. The Chart Properties > Presets View has options to exclude Week, Month, and Year options - please add the option to hide…
Date filter
I have data that has reporting data for every day. I need help creating a quick filter on dashboard when i select it and see last 7 days
Discrepancy in Filter Responsiveness Across Charts in DOMO Dashboard
Hello everyone, In our DOMO dashboard, which comprises seven charts, we observe that five of these charts appropriately respond to the global 'Businessunit' filter. However, there are two charts that, despite containing the 'Businessunit' field, do not align with the dashboard's overall 'Businessunit' filter settings. This…
Date Filter in Embedded Dashboards
The date filter in DOMO's native site is very powerful. I can group date variables by day, week, month, filter on Between dates, a single date, last month, year…etc. However, when I embed a dashboard, all of that capability goes away and I have to create filter cards which are cumbersome and not nearly as dynamic. Please…
Bring Null Values to the top of filter lists
A recent changed moved the 'blank' (null or empty string) values in filter drop downs to the bottom of the list instead of the top. This is now makes it quite difficult to find to exclude those values in cards. I would like to either have that moved back to the top or to have a secret keyword to be able to search for null…
Bring Null Values to the top of filter lists
A recent changed moved the 'blank' (null or empty string) values in filter drop downs to the bottom of the list instead of the top. This is now makes it quite difficult to find to exclude those values in cards. I would like to either have that moved back to the top or to have a secret keyword to be able to search for null…
How can use Domos filter to remove response rates less than 15%?
Hello, I have a data set containing all response ever recorded for several different surveys. I would like to build a dashboard that allows the user to select a question and see the response rates for that question (accomplished this by creating a variable and using case statements). The backend > grouped rows by survey to…
Does anybody mind sharing what their marketing campaign dashboard looks like?
Can you show quick filters and also maintain their state on embedded cards?
Is it possible to utilize quick filters/controls from a card when embedding? We're doing private embedding with SSO. I found a similar post and it looks like they ended up using a programmatic option for filters.
DOMO Card Variable access via API
I created a DOMO Variable to filter metrics by period-to-date values across several Cards. These Cards are embedded and displayed together within our product's UI on the landing page (no filters shown). The variable functions as expected within DOMO. How am I able to call this variable through the API as I would a regular…
Beast Mode: Syntax issues on filtering out a Sum Total
Hi - I am trying to remove certain IDs from a column then sum their values but can't get the syntax correct. Here is what I've gotten to but doesn't work. I can't add a filter on the card since the removed values need to be in another part on the chart. CASE SUM('values') - SUM(WHEN id='LIABILITY' THEN 'values') END
Beast mode to filter out certain ID field then sum the remaining IDs 'value'
Hi - I am trying to remove certain IDs from a column then sum their values but can't get the syntax correct. Here is what I've gotten to but doesn't work. Problem with adding a filter is the removed values need to be in another line on the chart. Case When sum('value') - (when ID='Liability' Then sum('value')) End or Case…
One of the filter is working in unidirectional way.
In the dashboard one of the filter is working in a unidirectional way and not bidirectional. I have checked the interaction settings and it is set to "Apply to all Cards". What could be the possible reason & how to rectify it? Thanks
Creating drilldown with implicit filter
Please don't read too much into the question title… This is a probably a pretty basic thing that I'm just overlooking. I have a very simple table dealing with helpdesk tickets. The columns are Group, Status, and Count. Group is simply the name of the group that handles the ticket, Status is things like Open, Closed, etc.…
Export Data Option - Exports WITH Selected Filters
Currently if you are filtering on a dataset and want to export the dataset based on the filters, I don't believe this is not possible unless you create a card with filters or an ETL. I would like the option to export the data with the filters applied on the dataset view.
Card switching based on a filter/control
Is there a way for me to switch between two different cards in a dashboard? If I choose category 'A', I want a certain card to be visible and if I choose a category 'B' I want a different card to be visible. (I am essentially looking for Domo equivalent of sheet swapping with a parameter in Tableau)
Interaction between controls
Have the controls to behave similar to the filters in their interaction. A control should be impacted by another control. For example, a control of countries and a control of products. If I select a country on the first control, the second one should only show the products that exists in the country selected.
Enable pfilters for Variables
While it's possible to use pfilters to pass parameters to cards and pages via URL, this does not seem to work with the Variables recently introduced, although visually they appear in the filter var when you apply them at the page level. This would allow a higher degree of control when creating links to navigate between…
Add Drill or Filter option to chart interaction
Hi, It would be useful for our users to be able to drill into a card or filter the board depending on what they decide. At the moment it is one or the other. A new option could be added to the interaction settings so when you click on a bar for example you get a popup where you can decide to drill in place or filter.
Not Allowing Addition or Subtraction of Page Filters in All Cases
Hello, the team I'm working with noticed that if you filter on an element in the chart, the default Domo behavior is to create a page filter. This would not be be so bad accept we are trying to control the page filters. Users are adding filters and users are even able to remove the default page filters we add by…
Selective filters on drillpaths
It would be helpful to be able to prevent specific filters when utilizing drillpaths on cards. Let's say you have a card with financial information, including actual, budget, and prior year, as a bar chart for each month of the year. If a user selects a specific column in a month, they really aren't trying to see just…
Unable to use "AND" filtering
I have a column named "response_value" which is to be used as a global filter in the dashboard. I would like to filter distinct users who have all of the selected values under column "response_value". Currently, it works like an OR condition and counts users who were part of any of the response_value selected
Filter Cards List by Dataset
As admin, I would like to be able to manage large groups of cards by dataset. Currently the cards view can be filtered by owner and/or page but not the dataset, which would help me manage the content of a particular dataset more easily.