Interactive Calendar Filter
I need help to create an interactive calendar filter. I have 4 filters: Fiscal year, Fiscal quarter, Fiscal month and wanted to add a calendar for the custom range which is interactive with other filters: The problem is that when I select the fiscals, the calendar is not changing base on the selection: Based on above…
Hi all About to through my Mac through the window if I can't sort this. How do I write a Beast Mode that sums data whilst ignoring ALL filters? Many thanks
App Studio: Ability to remove filter icons from cards
Same functionality that exists in classic dashboard cards. These icons obscure the view of the card by putting a small blue 'filter' icon over the bottom left of the card when a filter is selected.
access page embed applied filters in brick to pre-select filters
Hi, We have an invisible brick inside a page embed. It's only job so far is to notify the host through a postMessage when a filter has been applied ( using domo.onFiltersUpdate() ). The host then listens for this postMessage and stores the chosen filters in session storage. This is all working well. When the modal is…
I want to show % of year...how do I do that?
The options I have are % of total and % of category, neither which work for this. How do I show % of year?
Assign date range field on a per column basis
I have a single table that some columns or calculations use one date field and other columns use another date field. However domo only allows you to associate a single date field to the entire chart/table. This is extremely frustrating. For example the red columns use TransactionDate but the green columns use…
IN vs Not IN two different cards
Is there a way to create a filter in a dashboard includes only the selected value in a card and includes everything else but this filtered value in another card? for example, if I have 10 ids, one card should have the sales amount for the specific ID I'm filtering on and another card should have average sales of the 9…
Custom Filters - YoY, MoM, Last Year
Hello Folks, I understand we can do comparison in terms of YoY, MoM, Last year etc on a graph chart. But can I have those calc as Filters on the dashboard? Please guide me, Also can we add any other customer filters specific to scenario? TIA.
Option to Remove Participant Filter
In DOMO, there is an option to remove "Allow adding of new filters" for a Dashboard, but this removal only removes the ability for the Participant to save filters for all who access the card. I was interested in not allowing the Participant to save a filter at all and that is currently not an option. I am proposing to have…
Ability to sort Filter Views
Filter views are a very powerful way to quickly filter data down to what you want to view on a page without having to set the filter each time. Problem: These views are currently stuck being in the order in which they were created. If they are needed in a specific order, they have to be remade to be in the desired order.…
How to apply filter to card that is always showing the most recent dataset update?
I have a dataset that is aggregated by a calendar week number. How could I ensure that when a user goes to view a respective card, that they see the most recent week (even if the dataset hasn't updated in 2 or 3 weeks?) i.e. the user views the card in week 15 but the dataset hasn't updated since week 13. So I would want…
Filtering data with 2 columns with beast mode?
Now I have a dataset something as below; ID Cat Name Cond01 0001 1 A 3 0002 2 B 4 0002 1 A 3 0001 1 D 1 0003 2 B 7 0003 1 C 5 0004 1 A 9 … … … … Now I want to make two filter cards to select data by Name , conditioned with a Cat value, where one card is for filtering data by Name when Cat = 1, another one by Name when Cat…
Filtering strings that contain letters
I want to filter out strings that contain letters in my ETL. e.g. Serial 112233 445566PN In the ETL Add Formula Column Name: IsInt CASE WHEN serialLIKE ('%[A-Z]%') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END EDIT CASE WHEN SERIAL~* ([a-z]) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END This is working for A-Z and is case insensitive. Next question, is how do I filter out other…
Passing filter from Parent Page to Child page - Global Filter
In domo we need to an option to pass our Parent page filter to child page.
App Studio: Integer Filters need RANGE
Please let us see the min/max/avg range for numerical filters on the App Studio control panel, like we do in Analyzer and on regular card filters: Needs to show this VERY important column-level metadata: The lack of range could cause a user to misinterpret how the data is aggregated.
Allow sorting of quick filters
Currently, we have many academic years in some reports but usually need to sort by the newest. However, all the order academic years are at the top of the filter and we need to scroll down the filter to get the current year. Having the ability to sort this so the data currently on the bottom would be on the top would be…
Applying Filter Tile to Remove Nulls Not Working
Any ideas as to why this isn't happening?
Waterfall Chart that allows for intermediate results
Hi, we are currently not able to built a waterfall with intermediate results using the waterfall chart in domo. It is somehow possible with a workaround using the bar chart to create bars that reflect an intermediate result step. This would be super useful, since for now we are opting out for other solution that are more…
Remove character limit on filters
We have many dashboards displaying survey data, which include a lot of open-ended responses/long text comments. Our sales staff need to be able to filter to a specific partner's survey responses, and select specific comments for inclusion in an exported report for the partner. Currently, I have these text responses set up…
Accounts with Profit Sharing Formula and Filter
Hello, We've got some customers that have profit sharing rules in place. As my data comes over it doesn't take this into account so it shows full profit attributed to us. I'd like to have a filter to toggle profit sharing on or off to show either full profit or the profit taking into account the sharing. If, for example, I…
Freeze top cards (Filter Cards) on a dashboard
I have multiple dashboards where I have filter cards at the top. When I scroll down the filters disappear. I'd like to be able to move down to different sections of a Dashboard and be able to still see the filter cards and be able to change the filters and still stay at the current position (card) in the dashboard.
AND filters in dashbaords
When we use a filter to select multiple values in a dashboard it uses an OR statement. For example : If I want to see all orders containing SKU A and SKU B, how can I achieve that with a filter on a Domo dashboard? Typically, it only provides orders containing SKU A or SKU B. Hence, I'm curious if there's any method to…
Duplicate filtering status to top right of card
Currently the filtering status appears at the bottom right of cards. When you have cards that are quite tall it would be good to have the filtering duplicated to the top right of the card as well so it is obvious to the user that the card has finished filtering.
Have a row displayed with 0/NULL when filtering by date when there's no data
Tried my best to summarize in the question... I have a data set of Google Adwords Data. I'm putting the data into a Pivot table and have campaigns as a Row. I'd like to have every campaign show in the table even when it has no data to report for the selected time frame. It essentially would the the row for the campaign and…
How do I filter by most recent date?
We have a dataset that get multiple 'loan_id' entries recorded (shown below) However, when I go to remove duplicates on any of the columns, I generally get the wrong loan amounts. The correct loan amounts are always the ones with the latest 'time_stamp' I am hoping to remove any duplicate 'loan_id' based off the latest…
Drill down to zip code map not filtering to rest of dash
Hi All, I've successfully created a drill down U.S. map card that takes you to zip code level. However, when zip code is clicked the rest of the dash is not updating. But when I click other cards on dash the drill down U.S. map is being filtered. What am I doing wrong?
What is the best way to filter open-ended comments on a dashboard displaying survey results?
We have several dashboards that we've built to review customer survey data. We always have several open-ended questions/comment boxes on these surveys, with thousands of responses. Currently, I have these text responses set up as drop-down selector filter cards, which then populate table cards that are used in dashboard…
Dashboard Filters - Way to only show the 'Choose Date' filter?
Hi all, Is there anyway to show only the "Choose Date" filter on a dashboard, while keeping all other page filters hidden? I am creating a dashboard with some DDX customizations, I have a custom set of filter dropdowns to streamline and speed up dashboard use within one of these bricks. I want to hide the non-date filters…
I am trying embed a dashboard and apply filters using the pfilter param and it is not working
Currently I am having issues getting the pfilter query param with the embed working in an iframe. I have followed many of the examples out there and have replaced every special character in the value with their ascii counter parts but nothing has seemed to work Here is an example of what I have been trying:…
Domo Embed - reporting with a date range issue
I have an embedded dashboard that has programmatic filtering which includes a date range. This functions fine although i am now hitting a challenge in testing for the following reasons. I have records in the db table for when a product is available and another date for when its not available. I want a count of records that…