Tab Functionality in Beastmode Editors Broken
For years when pressing tab on the keyboard when in a DOMO code editor it has functioned like an auto complete or a tab space entry, however recently this functionality has broken. Tab no longer autocompletes nor does it allow to add quick spacing for code readability. Instead, it moves to the next element in the beastmode…
Can I show positive (instead of negative) numbers in red?
I have a table that shows YoY comps as a percentage for four different metrics. For three of the metrics, negative is bad and positive is good. For the fourth metric, negative is good and positive is bad. I found the option to "Show Negative Numbers in Red", which works correctly for three of the rows but not the fourth.…
Remove Inherited Color Rules from Drill
Currently any color rules applied to a card are also applied to its drill views. This can be helpful when the drill view uses a similar chart type to the original card, but can be confusing to data consumers if the same field is used in a different way in the drill. It would be nice to be able to remove inherited color…
Ability to color code the "Other" Category for Pie and Donut Charts
Somewhere in the settings for pie and donut charts it would be great to be able to hard-code a color for the "Other" category that gets created when there are many items in the series. We have a lot of color rules setup for various fields and it is annoying/hard to read pie charts when the "Other" category's color keeps…
Reuse Beast Mode field in another calcuation
Requesting to allow Beast Mode field created in a card to be used in another calculation. This feature is currently available in the "Add Formula" function in Magic ETL but not for beast mode calculations done in Analyzer.
Beast mode to generate Batch Date?
Is there a Beast mode that can generate Batch dates? A colleague of mine has a dataset that updates monthly, but does not include a date column. The internal clients who view the report would now like to see a breakdown by date. Is there a way to use a beast mode, or some other tool, to create a batch date calculated…
Add a condition on line plot to toggle between AVG and SUM conditions
Hi, I have a column in my data 'Volumes' and I am using that as Y-axis of line chart which is currently set to aggregate as SUM(Volumes). I have a problem with it where I want it to perform AVG(Volumes) when one condition is met and perform SUM rest of the times. I am trying to perform this logic using calculated field,…
Add Table Design Param to Allow Setting of Table Borders Color/Weight
I get a number of requests for sprucing up our tables/visualizations so that they align with our company style guide/colors; including questions on whether Table borders can customized a bit [or removed in some edge cases—to me that woiuld just mean, set them to #FFFFFF if I had that as an option]. Effectively what this…
Organize values on X-Axis
Hi All, I am trying to sort my x-axis values on roles (see screenshot attached) not on the default sort options available in Analyzer. I read a previous note from 2017 that told me to use CASE to sort, so I did: CASE split_detail WHEN 'CEO'THEN 1 WHEN 'Head of Business' THEN 2 WHEN 'key management personnel(KMP)' THEN 3…
Bullet Chart Additions: Trellis, Choose which Data-labels
I would like to be able to trellis a bullet chart. Bullet charts were designed to show progress towards a large number of goals at a glance, but without the trellis, it functionally limits the number of goals that can be practically displayed in a single card. Also, the labeling on a bullet chart gets very busy when trying…
Average Length of Stay in Beastmode
I am trying to get the average length of stay using our admission date till our discharge date. I tried using the datediff function and got an error when validating, "Calculation error: whoops! something went wrong." I have flipped the discharge date and the admission date and the same error comes up. I feel like I am…
Issues with Hovering for Plots Once It is Embedded
Hello, I created a hovering feature for one of the plots with linebreaks via a beastmode. The hovering works fine within the Analyzer feature but once I try to embed the card, the linebreaks are removed and I see the '\n' that indicates where I placed the linebreaks. Is this a common embed problem and if so, how can I move…
How do I get percent of total on pie chart?
How do I get the percent of total on a pie chart? I added pie name and pie value, then change the pie value format to a percent. Rather than giving me a percent of a total, it is giving me the percent. For example, one of my numbers is 799. When I change the format to a percent, I get 79,900%. What am I doing wrong?
HeatMap Chart Colored by Columns
Please add the ability to color the heatmap by columns, instead of just all cells. Thanks!
In App Editable Data and Real-Time Visualizations
Hi Everyone, If users wanted to be able to edit the data that goes into a visualization, and then see how that edit impacted a visualization (and all of it's great metrics), what would be the idea way to do this in Domo? I was thinking that you could use a Domo Webform to let users plug in new data/edit data, and then use…
Smart Text - Add "Limit Rows"
It'd be cool if the "Limit Rows" value was available as a smart text - so you could have a card that's "Top 10 Customers" but if someone changes the "Limit Rows" it could update the title or description of the card.
Remedying Data Recording Issues on the Front End in Domo
I have a dataset with item names. These item names have a preassigned "price" to them that is not in the source data (although I know what they should be). What has happened is that some people (not all people) record their transactions all at once, combining what should be multiple revenue values into a single one.…
Can I omit certain values on line graph from being calculated in avg line?
I have an interesting case here, I have a cost per lead value being graphed by week for the past 9 weeks. Only problem is that when there are no leads the value is blank and the line breaks. I can fix the problem by using a beast mode to say when there are no leads to just zero out the Cost per Lead value. When I do that,…
Rounding Data within card
Has anyone ever had the issue where the card data table shows duplicate values, which are being rounded, but these values ARE NOT in the actual dataset. Is there a filter or something I can do in analyzer to prevent this?
Brand Kit - Analyzer
If someone has purchased Domo's Brand Kit. Are they able to add the custom color pallets in Analyzer to use and access?
How to calculate against row values, instead of a summation, when using a beast mode within a pivot
I'm currently using a simple beast mode within a pivot the table. The beast mode calculates the percentage change in the values from two columns. The issue is that, for subtotal and total, the beast mode is summing up all the percentage change values above it, therefore returning inaccurate values. Is there a way to…
Stacked Waterfall Graph
Please could a stacked waterfall chart be added as a standard card type within Domo? Here's an example from the web. Thanks!
Card not reflecting updated Dataset/Dataflow updates
I manually run the input dataset that feeds into the datasets of 3 other dataflows. And all 3 dataflows reflect the inclusion of new data, but this is not reflected in the cards' visualization, as in the cards are reflecting data from the previous update despite the dataflows reflecting data from the new update. Any ideas…
Change value formatting based on KPI selected in variable
I have a card that allows the user to select which metric (Sales, Units, Margin %, etc) they want to graph by, using a variable control. Is there a way to force data formatting to be 'currency' when 'sales' is selected for example? Then when a user selects 'units', we'd want the formatting to now be shown as 'number'. With…
Calculating a final value from two selected values that exist in the same column?
I have two columns—one column has revenue, the other column states which quarter the revenue was collected in. Is there a way that allows a user to select a quarter to calculate the difference in revenue between the selected quarter and another selected quarter. So, I am basically looking for a solution that would enable…
Graph by Feature not visible
Does anyone know why the graph by feature appears in analyzer but not on full view of the card? I am noticing this is preventing the ability to change graph by at the dashboard level as well.
Aggregate counts over time that keep a running total
I have an area chart where time is the x axis, and count of instances are the y axis. I want the count to be a running sum over time, but I am not sure how to do that in domo. See my image for details. (I don't care about the trend line.)