Brand Kit - Analyzer
If someone has purchased Domo's Brand Kit. Are they able to add the custom color pallets in Analyzer to use and access?
How to calculate against row values, instead of a summation, when using a beast mode within a pivot
I'm currently using a simple beast mode within a pivot the table. The beast mode calculates the percentage change in the values from two columns. The issue is that, for subtotal and total, the beast mode is summing up all the percentage change values above it, therefore returning inaccurate values. Is there a way to…
Stacked Waterfall Graph
Please could a stacked waterfall chart be added as a standard card type within Domo? Here's an example from the web. Thanks!
Card not reflecting updated Dataset/Dataflow updates
I manually run the input dataset that feeds into the datasets of 3 other dataflows. And all 3 dataflows reflect the inclusion of new data, but this is not reflected in the cards' visualization, as in the cards are reflecting data from the previous update despite the dataflows reflecting data from the new update. Any ideas…
Change value formatting based on KPI selected in variable
I have a card that allows the user to select which metric (Sales, Units, Margin %, etc) they want to graph by, using a variable control. Is there a way to force data formatting to be 'currency' when 'sales' is selected for example? Then when a user selects 'units', we'd want the formatting to now be shown as 'number'. With…
Calculating a final value from two selected values that exist in the same column?
I have two columns—one column has revenue, the other column states which quarter the revenue was collected in. Is there a way that allows a user to select a quarter to calculate the difference in revenue between the selected quarter and another selected quarter. So, I am basically looking for a solution that would enable…
Graph by Feature not visible
Does anyone know why the graph by feature appears in analyzer but not on full view of the card? I am noticing this is preventing the ability to change graph by at the dashboard level as well.
Aggregate counts over time that keep a running total
I have an area chart where time is the x axis, and count of instances are the y axis. I want the count to be a running sum over time, but I am not sure how to do that in domo. See my image for details. (I don't care about the trend line.)
I want to add the Min, Max and average lines to a stacked graph ...how do I do that?
At the moment Min/Max/Avg is only available when you don't add series. Once you have series on a stacked bar for example you automatically lose your Min/Max/Avgs. Is it possible to add it?
Being Able to Change Default Colors
In the visualization features either in the analyzer or in the dashboards themselves many companies use branded colors that match their business models. When initially creating a rule, yeah you can share it on the dataset, but in certain circumstances the color rules may get changed in different dashboards. Currently to…
Disable Auto-Preview for Cards (Federated Connections / System Wide)
We currently have a mix of Domo datasets plus federated datasets in our instance. When new cards are created, Domo often picks columns that are pretty irrelevant most of the time. While this isn't much of a big deal for Domo datasets since there is a speed advantage there, it creates a negative user experience for…
Colour change depending if beating last years amounts
I have a bar graph with a comparison line showing the previous year. I want the bar to show a different colour depending on if were beating the previous year or not. e.g. red if under and green if over.
Save / Export dataset containing the projections in Domo Analyzer Cards
Let's say we create a Domo Analyzer Card using "Multi-Period Projection" from the chart properties. It uses Linear Regression Recent Weighted and shows the projection in the UI. We need a dataset where all these projected datapoints will be saved.
How to select which Metric should go on Line in a Line + Bar Graph?
I have a chart where one Metric is $ and rest all is Numbers. How do I graph it in a way where the $ shows as Line and other show on Bar graph. (Like how in Excel we do a secondary axis) In the picture below, its taking the 1st one(USB requests) as Line while I want to show the Red Bar as Line with $
Unable to Display Stacked Bar Due to Partition Beast Mode
At the base, my dataset is broken up by employeeID, months, and planID. For each of the employees, month and plan; the employee receives a $ value based on performance, called "Earned" and they also have a column "Funded" that indicates what they were funded for the plan and month. I am trying to create a card that…
Showing some values based on SUM, other values based on the most recent date available for the week?
I am working with a dataset that pulls in sales and inventory data for items on a daily basis. In data analyzer, I created a table with the data grouped by week. After grouping by week, most of the fields in my card (i.e. Revenue, Units Sold, etc.) are aggregated by SUM because I would like to know the sum of all of the…
Pivot table field total and sub total options
I created a pivot table and I noticed that the fileds now have options to hide totals and sub totals. But when I check the options, it doesn't seem to do anything. I have columns "division", "category", and "subcategory". I have sub totals enabled and I want to add the item number and the item description. However, now I…
Best Way to compare Events
Hello! im trying to make a flexible card that is able to compare two points of time based of events that might have happend. For example this current period vs the school holidays fortnight. Or Event A vs Event B where the events are easily changed to different periods
Ability to get to card view from analyzer
As a power user of Domo who creates many cards I can have a quick way to get to the normal card view after creating a new card So I can lock the card, share, export, etc. without having to search for the card I just created Here is a common scenario for me today: I create a new card using the “+” ⇒ Card button After…
Allow Inverse Scale Marker Ranges in Line Charts
Currently the “Range” scale markers available in line chart types allow users to choose a fill color for Y-axis values within a selected range. It would be helpful to choose upper and lower range colors as well. For example if a metric has an acceptible value range, I'd like to shade anything above the upper limit as red…
Can we save / export the projection data as a dataset in Domo Analyzer Cards?
We have created a Domo Analyzer Card using "Multi-Period Projection" from the chart properties. It uses Linear Regression Recent Weighted and shows the projection in the UI. We need a dataset where all these projected datapoints will be saved. Any idea how to create this dataset or export it from the card?
Analyzer: Don't Automatically Choose Chart Type and Columns
When opening a dataset in the Analyzer, often the Chart Type and Columns that are selected are not the ones that we want to use. It would be nice if it didn't automatically select these and did not turn on auto-preview until we have selected these options ourselves and are ready to run the first preview.