Fiscal calendar - select like other date-related filters, bulk enable on cards, apply to beast modes
We want to use custom fiscal calendars in our subscriber instances, so our customers can have their fiscal calendars. However, a few limitations of the fiscal calendar in its current form will prevent this from being useful for our published content. We want users to be able to choose if they want to view a visualization…
How specific can I get with dynamic scale markers?
Hi all, I'm working on a year-over-year card where I want to add a goal line that represents a 10% reduction from the previous year. However, this is a card that I have a slicer for, so I want that line to be dynamic as the data changes. Is that possible? The furthest I was able to get was to create a percentage scale…
Period over Period - Specific Date Field instead of Current Date
We want to use the Period over Period charts since they make comparisons between different periods very quickly. As you know there are some requisites to build a PoP chart and one of them is the "Date Range". We noticed that this field takes into account the current date so, for instance, "This Year" today it will give the…
Analyzer - Filters get rearranged alphabetized after saving.
Hello, I noticed recently that after I save a card and go back in the analyzer all the filters used to filter my data to build the card are getting rearranged alphabetized. I rearrange them and hit save..BOOM! rearranged again. This is not how it always has been and is becoming very annoying. Is there a new option that I…
Report to show how many cards use the same specific dimension
Hi Dojo - Good Day! Just wondering how I can create a report in DOMO to show how many cards use the same specific dimension in one dataset. for example, I have a Employee Information Dataset and I want to know how many cards use the dimension employee ID Thanks In Advance!
Beastmodes getting turned to Text
Hi, So I have been having this problem lately, all of the inputs of my beastmode formula are numbers, but it keeps classifying the beastmode output as Text. All of my columns are classified as floating decimals, there is no text in it, all the nulls are classified as zeros, yet it still keeps it as text even though the…
Take large text input as field for filtering?
I have a slicer card to filter zip codes for a large data set. There is a search bar field for finding zip codes to filter by, but say I had a large list/string of zip codes and I wanted to select all of them for filtering. Is there a way to paste this list into a search field to filter them all, instead of selecting each…
How can i write this sql statement in domo?
where a.Customer NOT IN(select distinct Customer from CustomerSalesData where InvoiceDate < '2020-07-01') Statement below is a column I use for an sql query.. ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by a.Customer order by MIN(a.InvoiceDate)) as OrderNum I am getting an error while trying to convert this statement. I am not sure how to…
Conditional LIKE Statements, Does not Contain, NOT LIKE: Beastmode Only
Hey guys, To organize my blox_section column I created a beastmode formula under the Data tab in the Analyzer tool to create a new column called "Content Topic": My Case Statement is the following: (Case WHEN `blox_section` LIKE '%crime%' THEN 'CRIME & COURTS' WHEN `blox_section` LIKE '%sports/high-school%' THEN 'HIGH…
Beast Mode to add two values from the same column
I have a column that is showing different periods. the column breaks them out in 0-10,11-30, 31-60. Then there is a column called 'values' with the correlating value for those periods. What I am wanting to do is just add together the 0-10 and 11-30 periods together using a beast mode.
Best option for YOY comparison showing where we are now to that same period last year?
I am trying to show a comparison for total revenue for where we are now compared to where we were end of February 2021. toying around with different graph options isn't allowing me to slice and dice the way I want. It either is a line graph YOY by month or a progress bar that is using all of Last year and comparing it to…
Adjusting a decimal to be used as a summary number
I have a column that calculates a %. in the dataset it reflects like 94.965, 97.245, etc. which works great in any card. Now that I am trying to use it as a summary number I am running in to this issue: I can't seem to be able to get it to reflect 94.39%. it just shows this big ugly number. This field is a calculated using…
Hide Legend on Funnel Cards
On the funnel card, there is currently no option to hide the legend completely. This would be a useful feature.
Anything like Difference matrix, Difference between two pivots, difference within the value field?
I've searched around but haven't had any luck finding what I need, but I am not sure if I've searched the best way either so please refer me if this is a duplicate. I'll use dummy data to ask my question, but effectively I need the difference between two values across a couple of dimensions. The goal is different from our…
Beast mode difference shows blank even when using coalesce
@MarkSnodgrass and @GrantSmith, you both helped me with my last question and for the most part, it gets me in the right direction. The problem seems to be that a null value completely nulls the whole result (like in sql), even when using ifnull() or coalesce(), whereas excel does evaluate it correctly, albeit with its own…
Recommendation for best way to create this visualization
I have 2 columns 'years old when moved in' and 'Length of stay in Days' What I am looking to do is create a card (histogram?) that will take the ages and put them in buckets then show an average length of stay in days for each of those buckets. I already used the histogram to show the distribution of ages as a count, and…
Improved Error Handling in Analyzer
If the column names of a dataset change, the Analyzer does not show you where the problem is if the column name change affected a beast mode calc. Instead, you receive this generic message. This requires you to go through every beast mode that is being used on the card and click validate within the beast mode editor each…
Weird/Random Question about the date filter.
I have a card that is a POP trendline and is comparing current year to the previous 2 years aggregating by month You can see that in the current month (September) there is a drop off from August because it is an incomplete month. Is there a way to show the card in this same view but just not display an incomplete current…
Formatting Numeric Values within CONCAT functions to Currency
Hi there! In one of my graphs, I have created a few beast modes involving nested CONCAT functions so I can capture many fields in a hover text. Some of the fields in the CONCAT are numeric but I would like them displayed as currency. After running the beast modes, the numbers are displayed as a long integer with no…
Chart Types Search in Analyzer
We keep getting more and more charts to utilize within Domo which is great but it's also more difficult to find the exact chart I'm looking for. It'd be great if there was a search bar for the different chart types within Analyzer.
YOY & Net diff Beatmode calc
I have kind of a unique YOY period that I am trying to create a report around. I am taking counts of leads that come through different marketing 'Marketing Sources', and only looking at the past 15 day window for each. This is straight forward. Take the counts for each source in the `Marketing Source` columns and use the…
How to find the difference between 2 dates?
My dataset aggregate value totals on a monthly basis. Each row represents an individual site and value for numerous metrics. What I am trying to do would be how to find the change between 2 months like between Oct 1 , and Nov 1, as shown above for the values in the column to the right. But I am not sure how to write the…
Beastmode suggestion for a filter
I have a report that provides details on individual units it has a column that lets you know if that unit is rental or unrentable. it uses binary to illustrate this: bRentable 0 = “Unrentable” or “Offline” 1 = Rentable How can I write something in the analyzer that I can use as a filter that will replace 0 with Unrentable…
Change the value when hovering over a bar?
Good afternoon, Is there a way to change what's being displayed as the bar values in the image below? Ideally, I'd like there to be the current hover over Percentage of Category (94%, in the example below) to display above the hovered bar instead of the 8,105,205 value. Is that possible? Thanks, Joe
Doing a moving average using window functions in Analyzer
I have this salesforce lead historical dataset (which tracks Lead stage changes) and I want to show a month-on-month moving average of the number of days it takes a lead to convert to the next stage (e.g. 30 days from Stage 1 to Stage 2) with Stage as series/dimension in my card. The dashboard/cards that I'm creating is…
Page Analyzer Links (or Deep Linking with Filters)
I am trying to create this BM calc but instead of the example shown in DOMO where you create a column with the link (Deep Link Col3) and also display the value (Owner Name Col1) I am trying to do it as one column but I am getting an error on the card. The link takes you to the page and you can see the filter is added to…
Problem with Flex Table input columns
I was looking into Flex tables for some of my work which includes dates, numbers and label columns. I don't why my Flex tables has only two input columns while I found on the documentation on Flex tables has three columns. Is there some configuration or anything I am missing on my organisation domo. Any help would really…
Calculation for days between 2 dates
I have a dataset that has 2 dates auction date and last payment date, both are in the same format "2021-06-03 05:00:00 AM" I am trying to write a beast mode that will count the number of days between the last payment date and the auction date. I struggle with any date statements, any help would be great!
Avg Per Hour
I'm trying to use the analyzer tool to get the average number of posts per hour. avg(COUNT(DISTINCT `Permalink URL`) over(partition by HOUR(`Created Time`))) I want to be able to use the following graph where the series is the average. For some reason, when I run the query, nothing comes up on the graph and it turns blank…