Magic ETL

Magic ETL

Only show unique values of a column in table

Is there a way, in analyzer or ETL, where we can only display one row for each unique value of a column corresponding to a key column? For example, I would want this:

  1. ID Num
  2. 1 4
  3. 1 4
  4. 1 5
  5. 2 4
  6. 2 5
  7. 2 6
  8. 3 6
  9. 3 7
  10. 3 7

to become this:

  1. ID Num
  2. 1 4
  3. 1 5
  4. 2 4
  5. 2 5
  6. 2 6
  7. 3 6
  8. 3 7


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