I need to make a table with two date fields (report_date and report_sent_date). Domo used to allow you to choose a date field that you used in the Date Range, but now it longer lets me do that. If I just have report_date, that is the date field used on the card. But whenever I have both, it changes the date field to…
I'm trying to make some companion comparison cards so that I can display, for example, on one card the top 10 PDFs downloaded last month this year versus another card with the same month last year. I have the data by month already, and I need to have this for each month, moving forward. Is there an easy way to set some…
I need to measure sales at the Year To Date and compare sales to Last Year To Date. What is the date formula to get Last Year To Date?
I have detailed biweekly pay data where I am looking for the average hours worked in every region per week (using a basic calculated field). This functioned well for 6 months but became an issue at the start of the year. Rather than finding my typical averages, suddenly the data is showing me trillions of hours in every…
Say I have a column "Masked PhoneNo" that shows ***7890. Is it possible to hover over this text (usually a column in a table) and display the full PhoneNo (123-456-7890) which is a different column in my dataset?
Hi, I am using a beast mode calculation that results in a ratio for forward to manager : hire CONCAT(Sum(CASE WHEN To Step = 'Forward to HM'THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/(COUNT(DISTINCT Requisition Number)) , ':', Sum(CASE WHEN To Step = 'Hire'THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/(COUNT(DISTINCT Requisition Number)) ) The result is this: How do I get…
Hello! I have the date filters as presets in a dashboard, and I have already chosen 'Monday' as the first day of the week. However when I choose 'last week' in the date filters, the data are shown from Sunday to Saturday throughout the whole dashboard. Is there a way that I can have the daily data from Monday to Sunday…
Hi everyone, I am facing a problem of presenting averages as the 'Subtotal' instead of the sum as subtotal in pivot table. The following picture is the context of this issue: The columns are working days and the rows are monthly data for shop 1,2,3…. The source data is daily data. However, for this table, each cell is…
Hi All, I have created a pivot table from a data flow. The current setup is "Months" in the columns and "SUM of Sales", "SUM of LBs", and "SUM of Cases" in the Values. The output gives me columns of January Sales, January LBs, January Cases, February Sales, February LBs, February Cases, and so on. Is there a way to switch…
Hi, I have a card that identifies days since last activity date: Days Since Last Activity Date: DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),Enrollment Initiative: Last Activity Date) And I made a bar chart with a custom range using this beast mode: CASE WHEN Days Since Last Activity<7 then '<7' WHEN Days Since Last Activity<30 THEN '7-30' WHEN…
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