Is it possible to make beast mode follow the colour rules on a different column?

I have a bar chart that has colour rules set up based on dataset column values. Now I need to use beast mode for the series, instead of using original dataset columns, because the beast mode allows us to convert the column value to different languages. In this case, the bar chart failed to follow the existing colour rules, unless I create new colour rules based on the beast mode values.

Is there a way to make the series in beast mode follow the colour rules on a different column?


Best Answer

  • ggenovese
    ggenovese Coach
    Answer ✓

    I don't think that it's possible, however a work-around might be to place your translated value column in the tool-tips so that when one hovers over the bar they can see the value in their home language.


  • ggenovese
    ggenovese Coach
    Answer ✓

    I don't think that it's possible, however a work-around might be to place your translated value column in the tool-tips so that when one hovers over the bar they can see the value in their home language.