Dataset Direct Impact Reporting
In Data under the Overview tab, there is a section called Direct Impact. This data is very useful when doing Dataset maintenance as it will give you an idea of how that data is used. We would like to see this data reported in Domostats | Datasets so it could easily be pulled into any reporting that might be highlighting…
Custom Date & Timestamp Formatting in Analyzer View of Cards
Hello Domo users! As a relative newcomer to this fantastic platform, I am thrilled to share my first discussion post with the greater Domo Community. I've been working with Domo for nearly a year at this point, and it has been a wonderful experience and I truly admire the insightful analytics and operational abilities this…
Search Bar
Add a Search Tool in App Studio so users can search for dashboards that they have access.
Pivot/unpivot help Magic ETL
I have a dataset which looks like this before i pivot it: But I would like for it to look like this. Please ignore the fact there are duplicates, for example 2 IHS rows, I can fix that in the etl. I just want to pivot it and I'm struggling on something which seems to be easy. Thank you
How can I have the data (text type) distinct counted in Analyzer?
I want distinct count for Y axis rather than count, How can I do it ? Thanks in advance.
How can I limit the data based on user?
Hi, I have two Executives who work for two difference regions (Asia, Europe). I have dashboards with all of the data. But I want to limit the data visibility for the executive based on the region. Person 1 should see only Asia data on that dashboard. Person 2 should see only Europe data on the same dashboard.
More query params for ListDatasets
Endpoint: https://api.domo.com/v1/datasets (GET) As a data engineer, I am trying to programmatically list multiple datasets using specific parameters. When I use the UI, I have multiple filters such as Last Run, Type, Owned by, etc. However, the datasets API only supports 'namelike.' It would be awesome if we can use the…
Concatenating amount and number fields WHILE also formatting them?
I am trying to create this as output in a cell: $50,000/ 2.0 year(s) This is my code: CONCAT(request_amount_recommended,'/',' ',Duration in Years,' ','year(s)') However, when I concatenate, I'd like for amount to be in US currency format and the number to be with 1 decimal. I get this "50000/2.014646 year(s)" Any help will…
Table formatting
I have a table with a header that is made of up 2-3 rows and some of the cells are merged (see sample screenshot). Is this custom header possible to create in DOMO?
Help with editing code that uses Filter allow
Hi there: BACKGROUND: I have data is a list of grants with organization name, grant amount, status of grant. I have Beast Mode code: SUM(SUM(requests_amount_recommended) FIXED (BY organizations_id FILTER ALLOW requests_granted)) I think it works - the issue is that it is summing TOO much. Ideally, I want to edit this code…
sec_to_time() Is adding an unnecessary period to durations
I'm using sec_to_time(`SessionTime`) to convert an integer of seconds into a duration however when a SessionTime should end in a single digit amount of seconds say, 5 seconds "12:45:05" the beastmode field is displayed as "12:45:5." This creates an unnecessary period and shows an inconsistent format. The result should show…
Drill within same card
Hello Folks, I understand the feature of Drill path. As of now, Drill path opens a new pop up window and displays the drill cards. But doing this, assume I have 10 cards on my dashboard, when I drill through, I lost the visibility of other cards. Is there any option to drill within the same card without opening a new…
Custom Filters - YoY, MoM, Last Year
Hello Folks, I understand we can do comparison in terms of YoY, MoM, Last year etc on a graph chart. But can I have those calc as Filters on the dashboard? Please guide me, Also can we add any other customer filters specific to scenario? TIA.
CSV separator but not
Ok so I have a string of data that has approximately 60 digits in it. There is no obvious delimiter - we just have to know the spot where to seperate. I am working in ETL and am essentially trying to do the SQL function where I start at a certain digit and end at another. I need to do this 7 times over so just using the…
Datediff in Redshift vs Magic ETL
Hi there! Im trying to recreate a calculation from Redshift to Magic ETL. Im running into some trouble with a specific formula. In Redshift: DATEDIFF('week',"start_date__c","end_date__c") In Magic: v1 - DATEDIFF(`end_date__c`,`start_date__c`)/7 In Magic: v2 - WEEKOFYEAR(`end_date__c`) - WEEKOFYEAR(`start_date__c`) Showing…
Can some provide a sample workflow i can try to build ?
Notification are key to engaging with users in the Community. Some of you have missed important conversations, idea updates, or answered questions because of your default notifications. Please read through this article and update your preferences how you would like so you never miss a beat 😄 At the bottom of this page, I…
Image Not Displaying on Mobile App
Hello, We've connected images out of our private (Salesforce) instance to an HTML table and we're able to see the images (headshots) within our Desktop instance of App Studio and Domo - as well as in the mobile view on desktop in App Studio. However, the images are not populating within the actual mobile version of Domo /…
Random Number
What is the best way to try and generate a random number in a Beast Mode? I am doing a presentation and want to remove names from my column and just make a beast mode to assign a random number. I tried doing rand() but that was not unique. I also tried doing length of name * rand() but that was also somehow not unique.
Is it possible to upload many google sheets at the same time?
I have 30 sheets under a google sheet workbook. Can I upload them(30 sheets) in one time? Now via Google Sheets Connector, I can select only 1 sheet each time. I have the whole year data waiting to be uploaded, It is really too many manual workload. Is it possible to upload many google sheets at the same time?
What's the best practice way to remove data from a partitioned dataset?
We have an ETL set up to a partitioned output. Now that we are far enough into 2024 I'm being told that we can reduce the size of this dataset by removing all 2022 data from it. What would be the best way to go about doing this?
How to create DoD variance formula
My data set has 'Total Actions' by advertiser, by goal name, by day. I would like to be able to create an alert when 'Total Actions' drop to 0 on a particular day (where it previously had >= 1). Of if there is a variance of 90% or more. As I understand it, we can create alerts on a card but only based on the Summary…
How to aggregate a case statement that uses a fixed function
Hello, I was hoping somebody could help me understand how to sum the following case statement. case when `Date` = max(max(`Date`)) fixed () then `On Hand by Day - DO NOT SUM` else 0 end I need the calculation to be dynamic and reference the date selected on the card. All attempts to aggregate the case statement fail and…
Stream API - DataSet stack in Storing....
Hello All, I'm very new to DOMO. I took over the project written in C# using Streams API. I'm trying to add extra column to the existing dataset. I have done necessary changes on in the code part and my payload (csv) contains extra column, I also updated the Schema of the dataSet so when I look in DOMO the column is there.…
Approvals in-progress tracking
I love that each approval flow spins up its own dataset to track completions, but approvals only seem to show up after they've been completed with an approved, canceled, or denied status. It would be lovely if the dataset included any submission even if it's still in progress to better identify at which stage an approval…
Creating Sub folders
I am new in domo and want to know if it's possible to create sub folders to organize dimensions or measures fields as done in Power BI
Building User-Generated Card
I've had a request from a stakeholder to build a dynamic card that updates a chart based on their selection of metrics. For example, the dimension may always be DATE but the user wants to be able to select from Digital Impressions, Link Clicks, and Web Visits as the metrics. And the user wants to be able to toggle between…
Capture filters on a page
I have a use case in which I need to Capture filters on a dashboard using a ddx brick, that ddx brick can be a invisible one at the bottom of page. What it will do is to capture any filters applied on the page by applying filters at the top or by choosing any card section to filter the dashboard and other cards. I will…
Number format in Indian numbering system
Hello, How can I have the numbers presented in Indian numbering system like Crores, Lakhs, Thousands? I understand we can do the formatting using the custom format and comma separator, but I would like to print Crores, Lakhs instead of K (thousand), M (mill) on a card (graph chart, single value) TIA.
Target line
Hi I would like to show a target line for fy 24 (April 2023 to March 2024) and then start a new line starting for fy 25 (April 2024 then onwards) Can I use one target line which moves from target - 20 up until March 2024 the target 11 - from April 2024 onwards.