Domo Developer Ideas

Domo Developer Ideas

Domo Variables postMessage Enhancement

Similar to the current jsonRPC postMessages events sent from an embedded dashboard to the parent, that are listed below:

  • "/v1/onDrill"
  • "/v1/onFrameSizeChange"
  • "/v1/onFiltersChange"

Example from Domo repo

I'd like to request that events be sent for variable updates in the embed.

We're currently using onFiltersChange to store the user's filter settings to be reused again during another session and/or platform. We'd like to be able to save the user's selected variable as well.

And if possible, a similar option postMessage filters, could there be support to sending a postMessage for variables?

Example of current postMessage for filters used in domo example repo

  1. postMessage({
  2. id: 'setFilters123',
  3. jsonrpc: '2.0',
  4. method: '/v1/filters/apply',
  5. params: {
  6. filters: filterPayload,
  7. },
  8. }),

Thank you.

6 votes


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