Hi all, I have a table that has these columns: loan number other loan number first principle balance hi type description 2nd mortgage amount is the field we are trying to create The logic is such: when hi type description = '1st mortgage' and other loan number is > 1 then i want to look up the first principle balance of…
Hi guys, I hope you are able to help me with the following situation. Example: Customer ID1 — Customer ID2 — Status — .. ABC — DEF — ACTIVE ABC — GHI — ACTIVE LMN — OPQ — ACTIVE LMN — RST — INACTIVE Basically I have two IDs per customer, I now want to get a COUNT of "active per customer" but ONLY when Status = ACTIVE. My…
Hi Domo, I have two columns: a date column (date datatype) and an hour column (0-23 integer type). What formula could I use to combine the two columns into a timestamp, assuming the minutes, and seconds are zero? Thanks,
Hi. I have data with Plants and Tasks and whether the tasks are complete are not. I need a formula so I can have a percent completed for each plant based on the number of Yes tasks they have compared to total tasks. Then I need to group by plant and bring that percent into a table. Could someone help with this? The…
I am using pfilters to drilldown on multiple columns. But the set date range isn't carrying when the link is clicked. How can I open an anchor link so the new page has the date range the first page had? CONCAT('<a href="https://domain.domo.com/page/1234567898?pfilters=' etc
I am having a problem with a formula. I am trying to display Yes for a facility if they have a task event status in Completed or CompleteLate status. If they have a task in any other task event status I want to Display No. In my pivot table in domo I am getting an error of multiple results encountered for same location. If…
I have data with plants and tasks. Each plant has a few daily tasks assigned to them. If the status of a task is complete or completelate the task complete column needs to be yes. If it is any other status I need No displayed. I need to aggregate at Plant level so unless all of the tasks meet Yes criteria I want No…
I need to modify a formula. CASE WHEN taskEventStatus = 'Completed' OR taskEventStatus = 'CompleteLate' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END I have plants with event status. Each plant can have 1-4 tasks to complete a day. I need formula so if not all tasks are' complete' or 'completedlate' status (yes) then No. If all tasks are…
I have a Beast Mode that is grouping transactions based on their date: CASE WHEN OrderHeaderLocalDate >= '02/27/2024' THEN 'Since Changes CY' WHEN OrderHeaderLocalDate >= '08/01/2023' AND OrderHeaderLocalDate <= '02/26/2024' THEN 'Prior YTD CY' WHEN OrderHeaderLocalDate >= '02/27/2023' AND OrderHeaderLocalDate <=…
I have a calculation based on date that is only half working. CASE WHEN (DATE(Date)<'03/01/2024') THEN SS Revenue ELSE (SS Impressions*eCPM/1000) end In the formula, it is pulling in the correct amount when it is BEFORE 3/1/2024, but for some reason, it is returning 0 for anything after that date. When I look at the SS…
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