Add Distinct Count to Summary Number
It would be nice if Count Distinct was an option in the Summary Number aggregation options to quickly show a distinct count. Right now, I have to create a beast mode for this number to show up in the Summary Number choices. It would be a nice timesaver if it was a built in aggregation choice.
Drill Path Indicator
Displaying an icon or some sort of indicator next to a card title to indicate that a user can click on something on the card to drill for further detail would greatly improve the user experience on a dashboard. Currently, a user has no idea what will happen when clicking on a card in a dashboard as there are at least 4…
Undo button in Magic ETL
The addition of the undo button in the Analzyer has been extremely helpful. I would ask that an undo button be added to Magic ETL as well. This would help people who accidentally delete a tile that had a lot of configuration in it. Or if you made a number of changes that don't work and you want to step backwards to get…
Get MySQL on latest version
Currently, Domo's MySQL is on version 5.6, which is approaching end of support. There are also a number of commonly used features that people want to use in MySQL, but can't because it is still on version 5.6. Please upgrade to the latest version.
Data Center Accounts Page Enhancements
When you go to the Data Center and then to the Accounts page, it does not have the same functionality as the datasets and dataflows pages. Here a few enhancement requests. Add the ability to filter by owner and type. Right now, there is just a basic search that only lets you search by account name. Filtering by owner would…
Additional Options for Multi-Factor Authentication
It would be a good enhancement if the multi-factor authentication option could allow the option to use something other than SMS, such as Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator. This would allow the Domo MFA option to be in line with the latest security best practices.
Fix HTTP 413 Errors when logging into multiple instances
For those of us that need to log into multiple Domo instances during our day, we will often get greeted with this error. The fix is to close your browser completely and then you can log back into your Domo instance. This is a very frustrating issue, particularly when you have multiple tabs open comparing things in multiple…
Add Formula Rule to Join Tile in ETL
It has been extremely useful in Magic ETL 2.0 to have the Add Formula Rule available in certain tiles such as the Filter tile or Group By tile. I would like to see it be available in the Join tile as well. This would make it operate more like a SQL join. For example, if I need to use a BETWEEN statement for my join key, I…
Mark Snodgrass - NLC Mutual
Hi everyone! I'm Mark Snodgrass and I am the Director, Member Data Strategy for NLC Mutual. I have been in the IT and insurance industry for over 20 years and enjoy finding new ways to look at data and provide new insights for users. When I am not helping answer questions in the Domo Community or creating Domo videos on my…
Domo Governance - Add Chart Type to Card Dataset
It would be very useful to have the actual chart type that is being used on a card as an additional field in the Domo Governance/Domo Stats cards dataset. It would allow users to see which chart types are being used the most, or be able to easily locate a card of a particular chart type when they are wanting to recreate a…
Creating rolling averages in Magic ETL and de-emphasizing recent dates
At the most recent Domo Community Virtual Meetup, Michael Christensen demonstrated how to build out 90 day rolling averages using MySQL while also de-emphasizing the most recent dates in a multi-line chart. I was inspired the demonstration and wanted to create the same thing, but using Magic ETL. In this video, I walk you…
Understanding the Date Range Filter in Domo
The date range filter is a very powerful and useful feature in Domo. It allows you to view your data by day, month, quarter, or year and over different time periods. Understanding how it works, and how to get the most out of it, is very important when building your cards. Watch this video on how to use it and how to build…
Pivot Table - More control over subtotal rows
It would be a useful enhancement if you could select which rows showed subtotals in a pivot table. Right now, it is all or nothing. This can make for a busy, and not very helpful look, if there are several fields in the rows section. Would be nice if you could select if you just want to show subtotals for the first row and…
Beast Mode Editor Formula List Consistency
The list of formulas displayed in the beast mode editor in the different areas of Domo (Formula tile in Magic ETL, Analyzer, Views) display a different list of functions. The Formula tile contains the most comprehensive list and 99% of the functions listed work in Analyzer and Views even though they aren't listed when…
Dashboard Layout - Show pixel dimensions of each item when designing
Currently, when designing a dashboard, there is no way to tell if your cards are the same size. For example, if I have a 9 cards in a 3x3 format, I have no way to tell if the row 1 cards are the same height as the row 2 or row 3 cards. I have to eyeball it and potentially put a tape measure to my monitor to measure a…
Dashboard Layouts - Control Padding Between Cards
Currently, there is no way to adjust the padding between cards. This can often result in information being spaced out and very aesthetically pleasing. As an example, these gauges end up having a lot of space between them. It would be nice to be able to have a way to control how much padding is being applied.
Join with Between Clause in Magic ETL
I am working on converting some Redshift dataflows to Magic ETL 2.0 dataflows. I have a join statement in Redshift that looks like this: SELECT d."province_state" , c."Category" as SeverityRelativityCategory , n."Category" as SeverityRelativityCategoryMinusNY FROM "ihme_covid_19_population_death_shares" d JOIN…
Replacing single quote/apostrophe with nothing
I am trying to replace a single quote with nothing using the formula tile in Magic ETL, but it is giving me a syntax error. According to MySQL, you should be able to use a backslash as an escape character so that it will process correctly, but Domo is giving me an error. Any ideas?
Allow changing of post type in Dojo
It would be very useful if the creator of a post was able to change the type of post it was after it was created. It seems as though some people choose the wrong post type when posting to the Dojo, but they can't change it later. For instance, they choose New Topic, but they really are asking a question. When someone…
Status of Ideas in Idea Exchange
It would be great to see if an idea submitted in the Idea Exchange is scheduled to be included in the product roadmap and what the general timing might be. In the old Dojo, I used to see statuses such as "under review" and "implemented". I haven't seen any of that in the new Dojo. I've also noticed that ideas that were…
Improved Error Handling in Analyzer
If the column names of a dataset change, the Analyzer does not show you where the problem is if the column name change affected a beast mode calc. Instead, you receive this generic message. This requires you to go through every beast mode that is being used on the card and click validate within the beast mode editor each…
Flex Table Number Formatting
I have a flex table where I am showing the first values and last values as columns. Domo wants to abbreviate some of the larger numbers, but I don't want it to do that. I can't seem to find a chart property that lets me control that. See screenshot. Does anyone know if this can be controlled? Or is this a feature request?
Get the number of weeks and days between two dates
I am needing to find the number of weeks and then the number of leftover days between two dates. I am open to doing this in our on-premise MS SQL, or in Magic ETL or in Redshift or MySQL, whichever is easiest. If I have dates of 8/1/2020 and 8/9/2020, for example, my expected result would be 1 week and 1 day. When I am…
Unable to select apply to selected cards in card interaction settings
I have built a dashboard with about 8 cards on it. I have a filter card that I just want to have it affect only 2 cards. However, when I go to Interaction Settings and try and change it to only apply to selected cards, the option is greyed out. See screenshot below. I have been able to do this before, so I'm unsure as to…
Dynamic textbox hide unless filtered
I have created a dashboard that has a US map with about 20 single values cards and dynamic textboxes surrounding it. The value cards all show the sum total when no state is selected, which is great. However, the dynamic textbox that shows the first state in the dataset when no state has been selected on the US map, which…
Cool Coronavirus Tracker
Domo put this out and is very cool use case of Domo Embed and Stories. Also has code to embed on your own website. https://www.domo.com/coronavirus-tracking
Story Dashboard Export to PDF
We have created a story dasbhoard with some filters applied. When we choose to Export to PDF, the filtering criteria is listed at the bottom as well as page numbering information. Is there a way to remove that? It really takes away from the look of the dashboard when that is showing. Here is a screenshot of the bottom of…
Adding Tags to posts in the Dojo
I was reading the Help & FAQ section in the Dojo and had a question about tagging. It says here https://dojo.domo.com/t5/help/faqpage/title/tagging that I can tag interesting posts or comments so that I can easily find them later and I would do so by doing the following: To add a tag: * Navigate to an interesting post or…
Card showing selected and not selected
Our marketing department is wanting to create a card that shows which coverages we offer and have it be one color if the customer selected is purchasing that coverage from us and another color if they don't purchase it from us. They currently have a manual process that results in something like this. They like the look,…