Allow PDP's to perpetuate down data flows
When I create a PDP on a source dataset (ex. SSN) I should have the option to have it perpetuate through dataflows to all output datasets which use that source table. It doesn't make sense that someone who has a column (like SSN) masked in a source table can see that column on an output dataset unless the same rule is…
Perpetuate PDP's Downstream
I should have the option to place a PDP on a source data set and have it automatically apply to all downstream datasets. If I mask SSN in a people data set, SSN should be masked the same way from a dataset that comes out of a flow using that people table.
PDP question
Sorry for the vague title. My brain just couldn't think of anything else. I have a commission report and I just can't seem to come up with a path to get the PDP setup correctly. I have 3 distinct levels of access: Role level: Salesperson can see only their personal rows. Supervisor can see the rows of everyone that reports…
API POST PDP Creation - Managed Attribute
Hey Everyone, I am having a hard time creating a PDP policy on a managed attribute. Expected Result: I create a managed attribute PDP policy where a user's department' must match the department listed in a dataset. Actual Result: I create a simple file PDP policy that is filtering the column for the string,…
PDP issues
In domo, I have two different datasets, we have PDP policies on both of the datasets. I have created two views on both of the datasets and then joined the views in a new view. I have not enabled PDP on this new view neither on other views. It should inherit the pdp from base datasets, however users are still facing issue.…
Problem with Personalized Data Permissions (PDP)
Hello! I use many dataset views for working, but lately, there's been a few of those that give me the warning "This DataSet now utilizes Personalized Data Permissions (PDP)". I didn't activate anything related to PDP. I'm the admin and owner of the dataset and the related views. What can I do about it?. Thank you.
Is it possible to use PDP to send a card only to people that are part of the card dataset?
For example, if I have a card that is designed to show past due sales opportunities, I want that card to be sent to any sales person on that list. If it runs today, it would be sent to people 1,2, and 3. If it ran tomorrow after data is updated, it would then send to people 1, 2, and 6 because they now appear in the…
PDP Shield Not Appearing on Dashboard
I have a dashboard with one dataset and PDP enabled. All of the cards on the dashboard show the PDP shield, however, the shield is missing next to the dashboard name at the top of the page. Any ideas what is causing this?
PDP based on multi-select field
For my company the primary data point for PDP is division. In all but 1 system this is a single select required field and is seamless. In one system location is multi-select which is understandably problematic for PDP. This is how it is set on one of the "good" datasets Compared to the "bad" dataset I have to add a rule…
Domo: 📈📈📈📈📈
Team, Domo started as my little playground where I could explore data and visualizations. Fast forward to now - and it's blowing up. Leaders, directors, owners (oh my!) are all wanting access and are trying to answer business questions with Domo. This is a good problem to have as it puts me in a strong position to lead our…
Mega Table Rank interactions with PDP
Hi all, I am trying to build out a dashboard that lets vendors compete with each other in a mostly anonymous way. One example would be a section that shows the logged in vendor their 7 Day Sales Rank, compared to their 28 and 91 Day Sales Rank. Key requirements: Vendors should be able to see their rank only; not any of the…
APP PDP Policy View
I am trying to figure out if there is a way to be able to view an app from different PDP policies, I am the admin and I am trying to build out apps for people but want to be able to test and see what others are seeing based on their PDP
PDP Help
I am trying to set up PDPs for my sales team, we have instances where we want the PDP to be based on multiple criteria. For example, I have one sales rep that I want him to be able to see all the data for rows that have him as either the primary or the secondary sales rep. Primary and secondary sales rep are both…
PDP issue on Dashboard with more than one dataset
I have a dashboard with 6 cards. 4 cards are on General Ledger Data Mart, 1 on Accounts Receivable Data Mart and 1 on SO Document Detail. All 3 datasets have identical PDP using the value of the 'Division' column. When looking at dashboards where only 1 of the above datasets are used, PDP works without issue. But when I am…
Miscellaneous Q&A from Domopalooza
The product team enjoyed answering questions from the audience during the final session at Domopalooza. Below you will find the answers to all questions related to Sandbox, Beast Modes, Consumption, Learn Domo and more (including those that weren't mentioned on stage). Q: Are all the new updates available to those NOT on…
Is there a way to have special Brands based off the group or email people have?
Hi all, I work with a larger company that currently have 8-10 smaller companies using DOMO for reporting. My colleagues and I typically create a copy of Dashboards and now some App Studios for when we bring get a new company onto DOMO. Basically, is there a way to make an entire App/ Dashboard PDP, not just based on the…
Hiding of filter funnel and pdp shield
is there a way to hide the filter funnel and the pdp shield? i have several cards where these icons block the bottom left cell in a data table. If there is not is there a way to justify the data in the data table to the left?
Identify Column vs Row PDP policies
PDP icons appear on cards, but they don't indicate if row level or column level PDP has been applied. If the help text could be updated to display which has been applied that would be helpful for end users.
How do I change PDP policies in an app like I can on a dashboard
I love the ability to select and view dashboards from any PDP policy that applies - I don't think this functionality exists within apps, is this correct? If so, it makes it hard to test that apps look and function the way they need to when certain users view them (this, coupled with not being able to log in as users)
Alerts using PDP
I have a dataset which adds column(s) when certain criterias meet. Currently this dataset has no data. Is it possible to add PDP on this based on a certain column? I tried but it wasnt working. I dont want to create another alert for this specific PDP condition! Thanks !
Toggle between PDP policies
On a normal dashboard there is a way to toggle between PDP policies (see screenshot). Can we have the same functionality in an app? As an admin, it's useful when reviewing dashboards live with employees to automatically apply the filters they have access to.
PDP Policies
On a normal dashboard there is a way to toggle between PDP policies (see screenshot). Does anyone know if there is a way to do the same thing in an app?
App Studio PDPs
Is there a way to apply app specific PDPs that apply across all reports within an App? For example I want each user to only see their own data whenever entering the app, is there a way to apply this at the app level or do I need PDP datasets for every report?
Scheduled reports, permissions + PDP
Hi, When sending a board to another user via the Send Now option the other user must have permission to view the dataset. Do they also need permission to the board you are sending? Thanks
Enhancement to User List Attributes and Custom Attributes for Dynamic PDP
Hi, In a PDP policy you can now filter the data based on a trusted attribute. Now that trusted attributes can be lists it would be great if domo could perform an IN on the column instead of just always matching exactly. For example. We pass through a list of site ids that a user is allowed to see in the data. Ideally in…
Trusted Attribute PDP Filters That Allow "Contains" Logic
It is a manual and time consuming process to manage personalized data permissions (PDPs) today, especially if you have multiple data sets and a large organization. That doesn't have to be the case. The end-to-end process of adding data permissions could be almost 100% automated with one small change to the current setup of…
Can I restrict the datasets that are available to end users accessing Domo via API?
Good evening, I have end users looking to access our data in Domo via API. At the same time, I want to restrict which datasets they have access to. I thought I'd solved this by creating DataSet Views, restricted to the user's particular slice of data (for example, there's a column called "user name" and I filter the…
How can I copy PDP policies from one dataset to another?
I have a dataset I needed to recreate for various reasons from an existing dataset with pdp. i want to be able to copy the pdp policies from the orig dataset to the new dataset. How can I do that?
Combine Dynamic by OrgID and Simple Filters in Domo Publish
Pretty sure I know the answer to this one, but I thought I'd put this use-case out there in case someone has a workaround. We have a dashboard with multiple line charts that is designed to show comparisons between data in a specific Publish subscriber instance and some state data for comparison. One or more lines show the…