Is possible to made a "not in" condition in PDPs?
Usually I use PDP giving access to some areas, but for exceptions I can not just give access to everything, like Employees of Area A but not access to a specific employee out of 300 is posible to use a not in for a PDP?
Removing or anonymizing PII data?
Is there a best practice approach customers are using to remove or anonymize PII data for former clients? (tools, other clients who may have done this, etc.)
Unable to delete PDP policy in a dataset using API
Hi, I'm new to using APIs to interact with DOMO PDP policies, so I've follow instructions 1/ Create a client in 2/ Install pydomo Python package 3/ Run Python code from pydomo import Domo from pydomo.datasets import Policy, PolicyFilter, FilterOperator, PolicyType, Sorting domo =…
Improve PDP on Domo Everywhere publishing
I have a suggestion for a product enhancement. The suggestion has to do with one of the steps in the Domo Everywhere publishing process. Specifically about the 5th step in the create or edit process of a publication job, the one where you choose the PDP policies to include. Once you have more than a handful of DataSets…
Save PDP configurations to use on other datasets
It is an extremely tedious task for developers to add PDP configurations manually to multiple datasets which share identical PDP configurations. Creating a feature to save a PDP configuration for re-use would add a lot of value.
PDP Automation and Ignoring Case Sensitivity?
Hi All - I have been working on automating PDP for my company but have run into a bit of a snag. By default PDP is case sensitive and if I were manually creating policies using the Domo UI, it's easy enough to just tick the "Ignore case" checkbox. However, when generating policies in an automated fasion, it seems like the…
Dynamic Filtering based on user permissions
I am trying to write some PDP policies. An example use case of my problem is that, all the users in my application have access to school names. Some users have access to multiple schools, while others have access to 1-2 schools. The schools these users have access to are defined on my backend. My DOMO dashbaord has a…
Domo Everywhere Embed Editor
Hi, As there are a few ways of embedding this question refers to this way Currently we pass something like this in the JWT token { "sub": "alex.lee@modocorp.co", "name": "Alex Lee", "customer_id": 1000, “groups”: [“a”,”b”,”c”], "exp": 1716239022} but we would like to be able to pass something like this { "sub":…
Dynamic beast mode for "how does my brand compare to the other brands" without showing brand names?
Goal: To allow 40 external brand partners to individually log in to their own dashboard and view not only their own sales metrics, but also how the other 39 brand partners sales trends compare to their own, without showing the individual brand names or $ amounts just % comparisons in trends for each month. Questions: Can…
PDP shield
I have several cards where the data is blocked by both the filter funnel and the pdp shield. Is there a way either remove or hide these two icons? and if there isn't is there a way to left justify the data in the data table where the viewing of the number is blocked
PDP Automation for multiple domains
We have two domains that we need to run automated PDPs for. Currently, the PDP Utility .jar file points to and authenticates for one and only one domain. That means that every time we attempt to run the utility it authenticates for the last domain manually referenced. We can get around this by creating two folders with two…
PDP - Effect of adding 'Everyone with DataSet access' to a policy
Is someone able to help describe the effect of adding 'Everyone with DataSet access' to a PDP policy? It appears the 'add everyone' option is only available when adding a new PDP policy to a dataset. For example, the 'Add groups & people' dialog for the new policy indicates: 'No one is in this policy. Add specific people…
Sharing Dashboard with viewers of another dashboard
Hi All, I have a dashboard by the name (Dashboard 6) which is currently shared with 165 users ..I need to share another dashboard (Dashboard 7) with the same set of 165 users...Can you please let me know how to go about the same..Any shortcuts for the same... Thanks, Arun
PDP Settings - Is there a limit to the number of columns associated with one policy?
I'm working with a weird dataset/conditions, and wanted to associate 18 different columns and their values to one pdp policy. I made these policies using the standalone GUI utility https://domohelp.domo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043439353-PDP-Policy-Autocreation. However, I'm getting weird errors. The PDP policy just isn't…
shield and funnel icons
I have several cards where the filter funnel and the PDP shield block the bottom left cell on a chart's associated data table. I read something out here from early 2021 about not being able to hide those. I was hoping that had changed. If it hasn't is there a way to left justify the numbers in the data table to avoid the…
PDP on Columns?
I saw in the idea section this post: https://dojo.domo.com/discussion/41767/dataset-pdp-for-columns But comments are turned off. I have a dataset that is powering tons of cards. Users have access to different cards depending on the Dashboard I gave them access to. Are you telling me I have to create a different dataset if…
PDP Policy Simple Filter - don't see value in dropdown list
I am trying to filter by store number (Store No) for a particular PDP policy and I'm searching "8". The value is definitely in the dataset, but it does not appear in the dropdown list and I'm assuming this is due to some sort of limit on how many values can be displayed in it. Is there a keyword or phrase I can add to the…