API POST PDP Creation - Managed Attribute

Hey Everyone,

I am having a hard time creating a PDP policy on a managed attribute.

Expected Result:
I create a managed attribute PDP policy where a user's department' must match the department listed in a dataset.

Actual Result:

I create a simple file PDP policy that is filtering the column for the string, "domo.policy.managed_user_department".

I am using R for this, so the syntax looks like the following on the body of my POST. What am I doing wrong?



  • brycec
    brycec Contributor

    Not exactly sure, because I ever use R. But the object keys are almost identical to using the Product API endpoint https://<your_instance>.domo.com/api/query/v1/data-control/<dataset_id>/filter-groups. For that, a "type" key is used with a value of "DYNAMIC" to achieve the result you are looking for. I'd trying adding and messing around with that, as it seems the missing declaration of Access Type is what is causing the API call to default to the default of Simple Filter.

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  • DK2
    DK2 Member

    @brycec I had a feeling something like that was needed, but I couldn't find any documentation on it. My first few tries haven't worked (they still make the PDP policy, but remain a simple filter).

    Any chance you could screenshot or paste the code to what one of your dynamic PDP filters looks like?

  • brycec
    brycec Contributor

    Probably won't be much help, since it is not the SDK and you already tried just adding "type", but here it is as cURL generated from my HTTP Postman request:

    curl --location 'https://<instance>.domo.com/api/query/v1/data-control/<datasetIid>/filter-groups' \
    --data '{
    "name": "Pod Owners",
    "dataSourceId": "<datasetIid>",
    "userIds": [],
    "virtualUserIds": [],
    "groupIds": [
    "dataSourcePermissions": false,
    "parameters": [
    "type": "DYNAMIC",
    "name": "Pod Owner ID",
    "values": [
    "operator": "EQUALS",
    "ignoreCase": false

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  • brycec
    brycec Contributor

    This might be helpful though. The R SDK has the file pdp_create.Rd:

    \title{Create a new PDP policy}
    pdp_create(ds, policy_def)
    \item{ds}{Data set id from Domo.}

    \item{policy_def}{List object with parameters as given in documentation.}
    List with all policy properties plus the id assigned by Domo.
    This function creates a new PDP policy on the given data set. The PDP policy is constructed as a list object and the function will convert that list to a JSON string before creating the policy.
    API Documentation: \url{https://developer.domo.com/docs/dataset-api-reference/dataset#Create\%20a\%20Personalized\%20Data\%20Permission\%20(PDP)\%20policy}

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