App Studio PDPs


Is there a way to apply app specific PDPs that apply across all reports within an App? For example I want each user to only see their own data whenever entering the app, is there a way to apply this at the app level or do I need PDP datasets for every report?


Best Answer

  • JerryZ
    JerryZ Member
    Answer ✓

    Although App Studio is a fancy/improved version of Dashboard (frontend), the only way to set PDP Policies is through DataSets (backend). Or you could create multiple Apps per user group and filter, but it might not be airtight depending on the user role.


  • JerryZ
    JerryZ Member
    Answer ✓

    Although App Studio is a fancy/improved version of Dashboard (frontend), the only way to set PDP Policies is through DataSets (backend). Or you could create multiple Apps per user group and filter, but it might not be airtight depending on the user role.