Formatting Summary Number For A Calculation
Hello All, I'm struggling here as I feel like I'm so close. I'm trying to show a summary number that is a calculation (Cost/Leads) and while I've been able to figure out the font size and color, I am still struggling to control the format to be a currency without decimals instead of the number its at now Right now, I've…
Custom Symbol Shape for Waffle Charts
Hello! I was wondering if there was a way to create a custom symbol or if I could request a couple of symbols to be added. I'm sure there is a way by using the custom chart upload feature, so if anyone has any suggestions or resources on how to build one out, I'd really appreciate any insight! Symbol Requests: Dollar Sign…
Compare two tables and find the difference
Im trying to move some of our reporting we do onto Domo. One of the things we do is build scenarios and need to compare them to what's happening currently. In excel we have this so the top table shows current data with locations by hour with a number filled in for the value. we then have a scenario table underneath this…
Modify hover text color
This issue is very apparent with stacked bar charts with dark backgrounds. Since the backgrounds are dark, the default text color is white. When you hover over a bar, the other categories are grayed out. These colors are too similar and become difficult to read. I would like an option to change at least the hover color so…
How to stop a dashboard's background change from impacting charts
Our end users strongly prefer a dark mode layout on their desktops and mobile apps. We're running into a issue that sounds minor, but it makes the cards unreadable on the dash if we use any dark colors for a background. Here's the standard dash, white background, default backgrounds for the chart. When they hover their…
Default to 0 decimal for numeric/currency
I change this default literally every time I add a field to a table and elsewhere in Domo. It's extra clicks each time (per field added to a table). Additionally, when other users create their own reports they rarely change the default behavior and it remains at two decimals, which reduces data comprehension. For example,…
Re-order Colour Rules
Hi, Colour rules are applied from Top to Bottom, which is great until you realise you want to add something that shouldn't override your other colour rules, and so needs to be added to the top of the list as you cannot reorder the colour rules. It would be great if there was functionality to drag the order of colour rules…
Faceted Bar Chart Labels
I'm using a Faceted Bar Chart to show a conversion metric for sales. It's probably my favorite chart I've used so far and really scratches an itch my end users have had. It's pretty basic, it has a sum of opportunities, a sum of sales, and the resulting conversion. My issue that I'm having is the label on the right side of…
Customising the Colour of Variable Selectors in the same way you can for filters.
I've recently been using Variables as a great way to control the content on a few of our dashboards. The functionality has led to some incredibly well-layered graphics allowing hierarchical drilling on all visuals simultaneously - GREAT! I have found only two drawbacks: Firstly, variable options are not easily dynamic.…
Defaults for Card Types
To keep consistency with how data is presented across multiple dashboards, you'll either need to have a template of each card you want to use with the customization you want to use by default, or be sure to manually recall what you want each one to look like. Would be great if by card type, we could customize some of the…
MS Office365 Add-In
I was glad to see Mac OS included in the new MS Office365 Add-in, and more integration. After tinkering with the Powerpoint and Word add-in for a few hours, I've found a few things that are key but missing compared to the legacy Powerpoint plugin: Tile layout - the ability to completely customize the way tiles populated a…
Column created with Beast mode with numeric and porcentage format
.Dear community, this month I have receipt separately two cases with the same concern: The users have shown to me functions created with beast mode, inside a pivot table card. The goal is set in the same column figure with number format and percentage, including the symbol “%”. I have attempted so many ways, but I don´t…
Numerical Dimensions/Attributes
Add a column property to allow numbers to be defined as dimensions/attributes rather than forcing them to be measures. Common examples are ID, Order Number, Employee Number, etc. Sort, display, justify them as numbers, but do not aggregate them to a meaningless value. In other tools I have seen this as a simple checkbox.…
Pivot tables in emailed dashboards (scheduled reports)
I have a dashboard that uses both tables and pivot tables that is designed to be emailed daily. The cards with tables render well in the scheduled reports, but the text in the pivot table doesn't wrap and is almost illegible. Is there a setting to fix this, please?
Make the text style the same for card and variable control titles
Please make the titles for Variable Controls and cards have the same text style, since it causes the cards to be aligned differently. Here is an example of vertical misalignment with a variable control and filter card next to each other on a dashboard layout:
Ability to Suppress Duplicate Value Headings
In the pivot table card type, there should be a way to surpress the value column heading if there is only one value being presented in the table. This can appear very messy.
Dynamic Columns Brick - Aggregation Question
Hey everyone! I'm trying to use the Dynamic Columns Brick: I know nothing about Javascript. It seems for all the different Metrics that you can select, the "Default" aggregation is SUM( ). Is it possible to change that somewhere in the Javascript (or elsewhere) a different aggregation like AVG( ) or MIN( )? I can somewhat…
Text Box Display Options: Remove Scroll Bar
I would like the ability to not display the vertical scroll bar on a text box. Often times this appears even when all text is in view, even when deleting excess rows beneath the paragraph. When editing a dashboard it will disappear, but still re-appear after a refresh. I often spend a lot of time re-sizing tables and…
Allow Inverse Scale Marker Ranges in Line Charts
Currently the “Range” scale markers available in line chart types allow users to choose a fill color for Y-axis values within a selected range. It would be helpful to choose upper and lower range colors as well. For example if a metric has an acceptible value range, I'd like to shade anything above the upper limit as red…
"Jump" button that scrolls to section of dashboard
Hello, I have a dashboard that has a hefty amount of cards that are organized into sections marked by headers/borders. Is there a feature in Domo that allows me to add a button that users can click to automatically scroll down to a section? And in the same vein, perhaps a "back to top of page" button? This would make…
How can I color the bar based on a beasmode not directly shown in the chart?
I am trying to color the 2nd (Appointments) bar based on the ratio (Appointments/Target) However, it does not seem possible via the Color under Chart Properties - Is there any other way?
Add Word Cloud Formatting Options
We are trying to break-out of the habit of using list reports and Word Cloud is a great option for some of the reports we want to produce. However, I'm really surprised that basic formatting options are not available. Are there any plans to change this? Provide formatting options to: 1) Set the number of items to designate…
Is there a way to force a column header to be blank?
When formatting a column "Data Label" in a table chart from the formatting drop down where you would format justification etc. - you are able to override the column name with more plain english. However, in some instances, I've wanted to override the column name with nothing, i.e. have a blank column header, especially if…
Correcting date format in Magic ETL
Hi all, First time posting here. I need to know how to correct date formatting within a dataset. The dataset was pulled from Google sheets. As you can see, in ETL the formatting is wrong and inconsistent. How can I correct the format in ETL and make everything streamlined and compatible in the analyzer? Thanks
Attempting to create unique rows for each possible value in a chosen column
Our business model currently offers multiple product options. I'd like to create brand new rows for each customer, 1 for each product, whether they own that product or not. My thought is to use new columns and then use a dynamic unpivot. Need help creating the new columns first though.. Currently have this: Account Product…
Is it possible to add context to legend entries
Is it possible to add context to legend entries? For example if my legend breaks things down as: pending, in-transit, out for delivery I want to be able to add hover text that says something like: pending: at the warehouse, pending shipping label creation in-transit: with delivery partner, moving between shipping…
How do I change the data from being horizontal to vertical using a calculated field?
My data is currently horizontal so each column has a different month with the totals below (example below). I would like the data to be vertical so that it is easier to display the data visually within domo. I have placed an example below. I am not sure how to make a calculated field to display the date and totals…
ZIP code leading zeros being removed in dataset
I have a dataset and one of the columns is ZIP codes. The leading zeros are being removed when uploaded to DOMO. Any way to change the column's formatting or to prevent the zeros from being truncated?
New Descrition format
Hello all, We use to format our descriptions with some information and was formated in a easy to read format, but in this new version was all tranformed in a 1 row, no spaces, bunch of data. we went from this.- to this.- is there any way to apply formating to this new feature?