Adding custom font colors for a transposed row in a table
I want to label the positive numbers in green and negatives in red but only for the second row. How can this be achieved? Current chart settings is as shown below
Period over Period with Non-Time X Axis
First time poster!! Thanks for all the help you've contributed thus far Domo Community. I'm trying to create a year over year comparison graph with our locations on the X Axis, instead of the required time period on the x axis. The period over period comparisons are only available when Time is used on the x axis, so I…
I want to show % of year...how do I do that?
The options I have are % of total and % of category, neither which work for this. How do I show % of year?
Custom Date & Timestamp Formatting in Analyzer View of Cards
Hello Domo users! As a relative newcomer to this fantastic platform, I am thrilled to share my first discussion post with the greater Domo Community. I've been working with Domo for nearly a year at this point, and it has been a wonderful experience and I truly admire the insightful analytics and operational abilities this…
Table formatting
I have a table with a header that is made of up 2-3 rows and some of the cells are merged (see sample screenshot). Is this custom header possible to create in DOMO?
Number format in Indian numbering system
Hello, How can I have the numbers presented in Indian numbering system like Crores, Lakhs, Thousands? I understand we can do the formatting using the custom format and comma separator, but I would like to print Crores, Lakhs instead of K (thousand), M (mill) on a card (graph chart, single value) TIA.
Conditional formatting based on multiple columns
I want to compare two columns and their values in a card. I have column A and B. I want to apply color rules on the lower value cell between the two cells. I know you can set the color rules based on individual columns. I know you can create a beast mode and set a flag for the conditions. I currently have the color rules…
Dynamic Currency Symbol Formatting
Currently in Analyzer, number columns can be formatted as currency, allowing you to append one of 4 currency symbols to the beginning of the number in the chart. It would be incredibly useful to add a dynamic currency column option. Rather than having to select 1 currency symbol for the whole column, you could select…
Dynamic (Contextual) Annotations
Annotations are extremely useful as a visual cue on cards to explain why calculations may differ on or following an event. Currently these annotations are generalized to the dataset/date. Annotations could be further expanded to be row-level contextual, only visible when filter conditions are met. Suppose Store A is…
Issues with Average Function
I have detailed biweekly pay data where I am looking for the average hours worked in every region per week (using a basic calculated field). This functioned well for 6 months but became an issue at the start of the year. Rather than finding my typical averages, suddenly the data is showing me trillions of hours in every…
Date Type capabilities
I'm trying to do something again, but I forgot how I did it. Coming from a PowerBI background when you choose the Date type it allows you for some dynamic presentation. Below I did it once, now it doesn't work any more where my columns are showing it by date. Compared to this How do I get it in the format to show…
Date Formatting in Tables/Charts
Hello, I am new to domo so hoping this is pretty basic to update. My date columns come in the following format "Jan 23, 2024" in my raw data. When I pick my date fields in any cards it only shows the year 2024. In some cases I will want columns or rows to be months or possibly days or weeks. How am I able to pull other…
Card Title and Description Text Formatting Options
Currently there are no options to format Cart Title and Description text. Potential use-cases for text formatting include: (1) to call attention to Smart Text values (2) to use title text as chart color legends (ex. see the "1. integrated text" example on this page:) Desired formatting options are to be able to use Bold,…
Smart Text format changes in iOS Domo app
Hi Everyone, I recently added the "date last updated" smart text onto all of my dashboards. There are inconsistencies in the way this is displayed. In most cases, it appears as the length of time since the last update: However, anyone using the iOS app sees this: Does anyone know if there's a way to make this consistent?
Custom Color Range
Would love to be able to create custom color ranges. Some cards have too many series to manually define a color for each. It would be great to be able to define a custom color range (i.e. pick a color on the left and a color on the right and it automatically fills-in the middle with gradients between them). This would also…
How to change smart text in the card title to show current date/ last updated date?
Hi All, In one of my dashboards I have various cards that update daily, ideally I would like the last updated date to update in the title when refreshed so it would read "PM AuM & Flows (Mth) by Service Type (£000's) as at 23rd February 2024". I've tried using smart text in the title to use the last updated date but this…
Pivot table conditional formatting for text and column totals to the left
Hi, I have a card where I need to show a % total of an opening number and would like the text to be green if 100% or greater and red if less than 100% - in the chart properties I can set colour rules but this only seems to apply to the fill colour, is there any way to have the fill colour remain the same but have the text…
Avg Time Formulas
I am having lots of trouble trying to figure this conversion out.. I have an excel file that I am bringing into domo.. within the card (table format) I am trying to get the average (as the average column already existing cannot be properly summed within domo). I am trying to take the 'talk time' divided by 'call id count'…
Lock size of cards in a dashboard when using autowidth layout.
Currently the size of cards dynamically change based on the viewer's screen settings, and when a user has zoomed in quite a lot, the cards reduce or can sometimes not show at all. It would be great if there is a way to lock the size of cards in a dashboard when using auto-width layout.
Card Format "Painter"
When editing multiple cards and finalising formatting, it would be great to be able to Copy formatting properties between cards on a Dashboard as opposed to having to individually edit card properties, as each card requires at least 3 clicks to edit attributes; some of our more complex Dashboards have over 100 cards, and…
Column borders
The suggestion has already been made, but I want to mock-up how easy it would be to add border styles via the Domo interface. This could be on mega tables, html tables, or simple table. We need some way to darken and thicken borders. Telling us to use bricks or something is like suggesting we go to some other application.…
Can I show positive (instead of negative) numbers in red?
I have a table that shows YoY comps as a percentage for four different metrics. For three of the metrics, negative is bad and positive is good. For the fourth metric, negative is good and positive is bad. I found the option to "Show Negative Numbers in Red", which works correctly for three of the rows but not the fourth.…
Bullet Chart - removing labels of Ranges
Hi all, I've been trying to find a way to show the RAG ranges of acceptability on a graphic I'm currently working on; the bullet chart has been an excellent find, however, I want to display the "actual value" as a data label, but I really want to avoid having the data labels of my Ranges present. Is there a way to do this…
Group by N Weeks option to graphs
Hi all, Recently, we have been building a lot of graphics for Agile Sprint Planning. One thing that has been quite frustrating is the lack of customisation when grouping by date objects. It would be brilliant if the option to group by "N" weeks, instead of grouping by weeks or grouping by months as our Scrum Teams work in…
Specific Customisation options for 0 in Multi-Value Column
Hi all, On value cards that have a change value - it is difficult to control how the change value interprets the value when it is 0. It would be great to have specific colour/formatting options when a change value is 0 (including the ability to remove the directional indicator). Ref to post highlighting issue in more…
Horizontal Alignment of Multi-Value Cards
Hi all, I've wanted to align some of my multi-value cards to the centre of my card when using the Single Line Number format - I've found the vertical Alignment options under General settings. Still, I cannot find the ability to align this horizontally. Does this option exist somewhere less obvious? Best, Sam
How can I flip the legend items and the category items in a grouped bar chart?
I am trying to use a grouped bar chart to compare different brands across several % Change Metrics. I would like the "category" listings to be the different metrics (dollars % change, units % change, etc…) while the legend shows the different brands. However, the chart is defaulting the the opposite layout and I can't…
Copy/Paste Formatting
I want a feature where you can copy and paste formatting from one card to another similar chart. Example: header row coloring, sizing on single value card.
Allow 'Rotate Labels' on the category X axis of a TRELLIS chart
Currently, this function does not work on a bar trellis chart which makes it so tough to read the labels:
In-Dashboard Navigation Options.
We have developed a pretty long dashboard that encompasses a large number of different components. As a result, our dashboard length is exhausting from a UX lens - especially if your area is closer to the bottom of the page. A card interaction or contents style card would be a fantastic addition to enable page navigation…