Dynamic Conditional Formatting

Current conditional formatting is very useful, however still quite limited in functionality especially with numeric and date values as these are static. A current workaround for this is to utilise HTML tables, or create additional columns for above/below the required targets, which gets quite messy.

It would be hugely beneficial to have the ability to select a column or beast mode as the comparison value. Date values also should have the ability to be compared to the current date rather than a predetermined set date (which would also be able to be catered for by using a column/beast mode). In the case of the "between", this should enable the selection of 2 different columns/beast modes.

Enabling this functionality would provide a huge leap forward in control over the formatting with each row being able to have it's own formatting value/s set within the ETL/beast mode.

22 votes

In Review · Last Updated

Thanks for sharing your idea! We're currently reviewing it for future enhancements. Stay tuned for updates! 👍


  • Agreed! This would be of great benefit and reduce the number of steps to inform users.