Issue with form brick data flowing to app db
I have a form brick and the data flowing from form to app db. I have deployed the brick and have been using it across different locations. Now I don't see my app db running. I dont see my form input data flowing to app db. This is critical as we are not seeing the data that is recently collected. Can someone please assist?
Microsoft Powerpoint Ad-In Template and/or Card Title format customization
In the Legacy Domo Powerpoint Plugin, there were template options that allowed you to set rules for the position, size, and colors of card titles, descriptions, and summary numbers when they were imported/refreshed. With the the Microsoft Powerpoint Ad-In, I don't see these same options available. Am I missing something,…
Editable Data: Powering Work Lists, Annotations, Approvals hands-on question
Hello, Today's Domo Hands-On webinar, "Editable Data: Powering Work Lists, Annotations, Approvals, and More," was fantastic (https://www.youtube.com/live/B5AA03yUlr4?si=wyB2ZMRmu1-f1760)! I immediately applied it to one of my projects but I have a question for anyone experienced with JavaScript. I've created the "Manager…
Is there a method to upload files directly to a Domo Brick?
I’m working with bricks and trying to upload files directly to a brick on my dashboard to use in my ETL. I want to understand the correct process for uploading files and if there are any specific configurations or APIs involved. Currently, when I drag a file into my brick, the 'file-name' section in the HTML updates to…
Confirmation Dialog for Convert to App button
As a Domo Editor I'd like to receive a dialog that explains what the "Convert to App" button does and that it cannot be Undone In order to prevent myself from converting a Domo Brick to an app inadvertently, or without understanding the consequences of clicking the button.
Unable to send message from Iframe to parent
I am using window.postMessage() to do a communication between iframe and my custom parent app where I have embedded domo dashboard. Sending from DOMO DDX Brick: const message = "Message from child DOMO Brick"; window.parent.postMessage(message, "*"); And in my app I am getting it like this(where my dashbiard is embedded),…
Add a analytics tracker in the head of page
Hi, The dashboard I am embedding, I need to use analytics tracker to see user's behavior on the dashboards. For that I am using FullStory, and they have a script which we need to put inside the <head> tags both in the main page and inside the iframe/dashboard page. I can add that script inside the brick in iframe but…
Load Domo Bricks Form with values from Existing Dataset
Hello, I'd like to load a domo bricks form with data from an existing domo data set. I see I can use the domo.get method: domo .get('data/v1/sales') I expected the string value to be a domo data set id, but from reading it seems I need to set up a manifest.json file to map each dataset to a convenient name. Where do I set…
Blank Brick Dataset Schema
I created a blank brick to track office locations in the path of hurricane Beryl. My ETL produces a dataset with latitude and longitude in decimal. Now my blank brick is showing these values as integers. They are not integer. How do I force the blank brick to re-evaluate the schema. I tried reloading and reassigning. I…
form brick not available on app studio.
Hi, I have custom coded a form brick and saved it. the form brick had a default form. I have made the changes in HTML and customized it. However when trying to upload it to App studio it displays the default form instead of the customized form.
How to change the owner of a App in Domo
I am trying to change the owner of the app that was used in multiple cards, I was able to change the owner of the cards and dashboards but not the app itself. The reason I want to change the app is to learn what kind of app is it and how it was designed and configured so that I can make further changes to it and to…
Blank Brick
When I create a blank brick in Domo, it builds out a card with area for javascript, html, and css code. It also adds three datasets to the domain. I replace dataset[0] with my own dataset and get the card working. Terrific so far. But I never needed that example set in the first place. Now I want to delete those example…
Color blindness & creative solutions
After the recent Domo XCanva Challenge, I am a bit more aware of when I am coloring outside the lines in producing a result. I just created a blank brick for a large table (simulated here in smaller version screenshots) that includes rankings on several columns. The request includes heat mapping on the columns. Since this…
access page embed applied filters in brick to pre-select filters
Hi, We have an invisible brick inside a page embed. It's only job so far is to notify the host through a postMessage when a filter has been applied ( using domo.onFiltersUpdate() ). The host then listens for this postMessage and stores the chosen filters in session storage. This is all working well. When the modal is…
domo.onFiltersUpdate to include Variables with DDX Brick
Please add the ability to update bricks on variable updates just as the bricks update with page filters changes.
Getting grammatical error/invalid error on domo query filters(where clause)
Hi, I am calling a query on my ddx brick using domo query functions. Now when i try to pass filters which actually are the where clauses in which my where conditons are defined as comma separated. all are with IN operand. but getting the following error: "DA0012: A filter was provided to filter the data but it contains a…
Capture filters on a page
I have a use case in which I need to Capture filters on a dashboard using a ddx brick, that ddx brick can be a invisible one at the bottom of page. What it will do is to capture any filters applied on the page by applying filters at the top or by choosing any card section to filter the dashboard and other cards. I will…
Custom App Brick with JavaScript, HTML, CSS
When I download a brick out of the App Store and edit it, it opens with the ability to map the dataset and customize the JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. If I create a custom app and publish it to my instance, when I edit the custom app brick, I can only map the dataset. The JavaScript, HTML, and CSS windows are not present.…
Target a specific card value using ID or something.
On my embedded domo dashboard, I have a card which is showing unique participants calculated on domo. But on my platform, I need to apply a check on this specific count, if the count becomes less then 10 then I need some event to occur. How can I target this value, is there a way I can pass any data-value in canvas with…
Having trouble running a workflow from a Domo Brick
There's a brick called Workflow Start Form that I'm basing my implementation on, primarily the function const startWorkflowWithParams = (alias, params) => { var startURL = '/domo/workflow/v1/models/' + alias + '/start'; domo.post(startURL, params).then(data => { console.log(data);…
Dataset on Workflow Start Form
Hi, I'm using the brick "Workflow Start Form" available on app store to start a workflow using a custom form and parameters. That part works greate, but i alse need to query a dataset from there and the card have no option to link one (only allows to link a workflow). Can anyone tell me please how can I link a dataset or…
Is it possible to color code map points based on a column in the dataset?
I'm using the Google Detailed Map Brick, and I'm curious to know if there is a way to color code certain map points using a column in the dataset that is powering the brick. For example, using the US Airports dataset, all the points are blue airplanes. I'm wondering if I could have some blue and some red, depending on the…
Configuring Card for Last Time Federated Dataset Refreshed Based on Browser Time Zone
Hello, I am trying to visualize in a card when the last time a federated dataset has been refreshed based on the timezone that a person's browser is set to. For example, if I see that this dataset last updated at 2 PM and I am in the Eastern Timezone, I would want that a person in LA time see that the dataset last updated…
Mapbox Pick List Brick Works in Preview but Not When Saved
Hello! I installed the Mapbox Pick List Brick app and adapted the code with a custom dataset. When I use this code in the editor, it runs and works in the preview without issue. Once I save it, the map and list elements fail to load. I copied my code to Fiddle for reference: The gif shows what I see when I'm building and…
Is there a way to add more dataset slots to a DDX brick?
I need to add more dataset alias slots to my DDX Brick, but I can't seem to find where to do this. Does anyone know where and how this is done?
HTML Easy Brick Refreshes Unexpectedly on Interaction
HTML Easy Brick Refreshes Unexpectedly when Function to Reveal/Hide Text is Executed from Area Link We're working on developing a custom landing page where team members can click a section of our logo to reveal additional links related to that category of dashboard. In the HTML Easy Brick I was able to create area links so…
Query code or Documentation for Domo Brick connection to Domo Magic Dataset
Can anyone share the piece of code you need or a document where I can find how to connect my domo data set to a domo brick? It's kinda frustrating as heck to see this documentation on how awesome the Domo bricks are, but nowhere does it tell you how to actually connect a dataset to it.
Form and Dataset Brick Allow Users to Edit
I have installed Form and Dataset Brick from Appstore, and it appears that only the individual who installed the brick has the authority to access the "Save and Finish" options. Even if the owner of the installed brick grants ownership or access to other users, they are still unable to make changes. It's unclear whether…
Can I take out columns such as "__created__," "__modified__," etc., from my collections?
I am creating a ddx brick in DOMO. My ddx brick has collections support in that when a user makes changes to the brick, the changes are written to collections. However, in addition to user changes, columns like "__created__," "__modified__," etc., are also written to collections. Here is a visual demonstrating what I am…
CSP Error
I am building a ddx brick in DOMO. When I am editing the card, and I click "Run," everything functions fine and works correctly. However, when I click "Save and Finish," the brick/table loads all of the Column Headers but none of the table cells, and regardless of whether or not I refresh the page, the table cells do not…