Load Domo Bricks Form with values from Existing Dataset


I'd like to load a domo bricks form with data from an existing domo data set.

I see I can use the domo.get method:

domo .get('data/v1/sales')

I expected the string value to be a domo data set id, but from reading it seems I need to set up a manifest.json file to map each dataset to a convenient name.

Where do I set up this manifest file, and is this something that requires a special developer environment?

Otherwise, is there a way to get data into a domo form?

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    A Domo Brick is a simplified custom app. You can see in the upper left portion of the bottom data mapping tab the name of the dataset that's been mapped and which dataset it's mapped to.

    The manifest file is already created and deployed with a DDX brick. If you need additional control over the manifest file then you'll need to develop a custom app which you can read up more here: https://developer.domo.com/portal/af407395c766b-the-manifest-file

    This would require a separate development environment / IDE to create a custom app.

    Short answer, typically with a Domo Brick you can just use dataset0 instead of sales as that's typically what the first dataset is mapped to.

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    A Domo Brick is a simplified custom app. You can see in the upper left portion of the bottom data mapping tab the name of the dataset that's been mapped and which dataset it's mapped to.

    The manifest file is already created and deployed with a DDX brick. If you need additional control over the manifest file then you'll need to develop a custom app which you can read up more here: https://developer.domo.com/portal/af407395c766b-the-manifest-file

    This would require a separate development environment / IDE to create a custom app.

    Short answer, typically with a Domo Brick you can just use dataset0 instead of sales as that's typically what the first dataset is mapped to.

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  • @GrantSmith In case if I am modifying the form and dataset brick with more form fields to input, does that mean I cannot have the data inputs stored for the customized form in brick as I cannot modify the manifest.json file in the domobrick?