Unable to send message from Iframe to parent

I am using window.postMessage() to do a communication between iframe and my custom parent app where I have embedded domo dashboard.

Sending from DOMO DDX Brick:

const message = "Message from child DOMO Brick";   

window.parent.postMessage(message, "*");

And in my app I am getting it like this(where my dashbiard is embedded),

window.addEventListener('message', function (event) { 

console.log("Message received from the child: " + event.data);

// Message received from child       


But this event is not firing. I am firing this event on the domo.onFiltersUpdate((e) => {}) function to fire this everytime. But its not even firing once.


  • MattTheGuru
    MattTheGuru Contributor

    Your issue is with the: window.parent.postMessage(message, "*");

    Domo won't approve of the "*" you need to do the following:

    // Replace "https://clearsquare-co-partner.domo.com" with the origin of the parent
    window.parent.postMessage(message, "https://clearsquare-co-partner.domo.com");

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  • @MattTheGuru Thanks for this.

    I actually resolved this by just changing parent to top.

    so it became, window.top.postMessage(), I think the issue was with parent and child iframe window.