Fiscal calendar - select like other date-related filters, bulk enable on cards, apply to beast modes
We want to use custom fiscal calendars in our subscriber instances, so our customers can have their fiscal calendars. However, a few limitations of the fiscal calendar in its current form will prevent this from being useful for our published content. We want users to be able to choose if they want to view a visualization…
Dynamic Segments
Looking to create a segment calculation that essentially becomes the leftover rows of what is filtered. So lets say you have 5 zones and someone filters the page on Zone 1. I want the other zones to show up for comparison. The filtered zone will be highlighted. This is a workaround attempt at highlighting page filtered…
How do beastmodes handle filter context?
Please can someone explain what happens under the hood when we slice beast modes (BMs) by dataset fields and/or when a filter is applied to BMs (categorical field filters/date filters) BMs using SUM() or COUNT( DISTINCT() ) when sliced or filtered don't behave as expected. (expectations being the issue). In one case, I had…
Filtering table -- cells can have multiple values
I have a dataset table with filters. Some cells have multiple values. Say I have a column called "Device." Row 1 can have "Desktop, mobile" and Row 2 can have "Desktop." I want to have a filter called "Desktop" that shows all rows containing any instance of "Desktop." When I do the beast mode formula: case when `Device`…
Calculated Fields - Pipedrive ID's
Hi, I am pulling in data from Pipedrive and need to use Calculated Fields to convert Pipedrive Field ID's into text. Is there a way that I can do this once instead of doing calculated fields for each metric?
group by and sorting by date
I have daily data (years of it) that will be grouped by category (columns summed by group), but also need it to happen within different date ranges. Last week, MTD, QTD, YTD etc. The only way I can think to do this is maybe in the ETL creating a new column with case statements for each category/date possibility, but this…
How to show a specific date with an aggregate (max)
Hey guys, So I'm creating a card that looks at the sales of our employees each day and then lists the day with the max sales. Our Data is structured by transaction, so I had to create a Magic ETL to Group the sales by date and employee in order to find the max by day. The problem I'm having is when I try and display the…
Domo beastmode and pivot question
Hello, I'm trying to automate a file to run calculation in DOMO on a card. In the attached I added a sample data and a pivot table to show what I'm trying to get to. I was able to get the pivot completed in DOMO, but the additional column Collection Total, I cannot figure out how to create a beast mode for this, I'm trying…
How to remove empty columns from a dataset?
I am using a DOMO connector to import Salesforce data. The imported data has 30+ columns with no value. Can a query be written to remove all the columns with no values? I know I can write a script using Python/R but we don't have a scripting tile in our package.
How can I prevent a running backlog total beastmode from hitting zero?
I'm working on building a labor model for my department to track where our projected backlog will be over the next several weeks. One problem I'm running into is when the incoming backlog is less that what we're projected to process, the backlog goes into the negative instead of hitting zero which then throws off all…
Beast Mode for Getting the order status of the vehicles on order
I am trying to determine the status of the vehicle on order -Whether it is stock or Sold , whether it is part of the BAM campaign or not and the sold or stock date based on the following set of rules If the data column orderstatus has *SLD ,SLD or SOLD then the comment column is sold ; if the orderstatus column has STOCK…
Beast Mode Manager - Cards using this Beast Mode
I'm working on some consolidation and updates to some frequently used Beast Modes. On the Beast Mode Manager page, one of the formulas in question is used on 103 cards. But the summary only shows 20. Seems the list has a hard cap of 20. How do I see all cards using this formula? Is there a setting to show all somewhere? Or…
How to convert Milliseconds into Date
I have a data set with timestamp represented in milliseconds and I want to convert it into date . Data sample: "1656076776827" Expected after conversion: "24 June 2022 09:19:36" I looked at the beastmode and could not find anything that would help me to convert it, any suggestions?
% Change Columns in Pivot Table
Hi Dojo Community! My team is trying to create a card for a customer that allows them to select a range of years and/or months to compare (they will most likely view one month at a time), apply additional filters as needed, and drill into the table. The card should be structured like the screenshot below. There should be a…
Beast Mode Help Avg Order Value PoP
I'm trying to calculate the average order value and make a percentage to compare to it last year. Below is the beast mode, I've been trying to use. I have the Domo dimensions calendar hooked up to this flow. (SUM(`Current Gross Sales`) / COUNT(`Current Orders`) - SUM(`Last Year Gross Sales`) / COUNT(`Last Year Orders`)) /…
Duplicate data points for Weekly Reporting. I need the most recent day for weekly reporting.
Our subscription data is collected on multiple days throughout the week and creates a snapshot of that point in time. I want to see what that week's total was based on the most recent day. I don't mind removing the row with an earlier start date.
Sum Count(Distinct) Sales vs Budget
Hello All! I'm trying to do Total Sales divided by Total Monthly Budget in beast mode. The correct output should be $150/$500 but DOMO sum all lines under Budget column that gives out $150/$1300. I tried Sum(count(distinct 'Store'), 'Monthly Budget') but no luck. Any solution?
Comparing two datasets for missing sites
Hi, I'm looking to compare two datasets from Smartsheet to identify which sites are missing from one dataset. For example, show me all sites that are in 'Master Schedule' but aren't on 'Secondary Schedule', both sheets have identifying numbers in column 'URN'. What would be the best way for me to do this? Would I join…
Requests Older than 6 Days
Hi Guys! I am trying to capture dates that are older than 6 days, but this Beast Mode is showing me zero although I know I have some. SUM(case when DATEDIFF(`Effective Time`,CURRENT_DATE()) >=6 then 1 else 0 end) Thank you!!
Unique Count based on Revenue Amount
Hi All, I am working on a beast mode to count the number of contacts that have generated greater than $100k in revenue. I've tried the beast mode below, but it's only pulling null values. I kind of expected this to not work, but had to give it a try. (CASE when `Revenue Amount (Global)` > 100000 then COUNT(DISTINCT…
Are Averaged Aggregated Percentages % Straight Averages or Weighted Averages?
I’m a new user to Domo but experienced with Tableau, QlikSense, and PowerBI. I’m excited to keep learning with this new platform! Aggregating Percentages Does Domo calculate weighted average percentages on “Beast Mode” calculated fields when aggregating by averaging to a higher dimension? For example, my data is row by Zip…
Heatmap Percentage of X-Axis Beast Mode
Hi all, We're new to using Domo and trying to work through how to setup the beast mode calculation we'd like to see for this. We have a dataset of feedback from individuals about things they enjoy about out company by location, but this is skewed towards our larger offices that will always have a greater n-value. We'd like…
Beast mode help - a count of users who transact once a month in each of the last three months
Hi, Any Beast Mode gurus able to help me with how they think it would be possible to return a distinct count of users (customerid) who have transacted (transactiontime) at least once a month in each of the last three months? The table has every transaction made as a single row with a time and date stamp if that helps.
Beast Mode Date issue
I'm trying to build a beast mode field that does the following... When the date_created is great than 131 and the last payment date is between 55 and 86 days, then we are in month 3
Extracting the Date Based on a pattern
Hi All, I am trying to extract the date from one column based on a pattern..For example in the table below if the column orderstatus has a * in the beginning and then there is a date of the format mm/dd/yyyy then I need to extract that date as the soldorstockdate otherwise I need to extract the date from orddate as the…
Looking for Pattern in Data
Hi All, One of the fields (orderstatus) in my report has values like 37141 SLD BAM , SOLD BRANDON BOX 36790...I need to look for values SLD and SOLD ..If these are present then I need to flag that row as Sold otherwise it is stock...Can you please let me know how to achieve this using Beast mode
Writing Beast mode with Data label of Measures
Hi All, I have three measures - Open qty, onhandunits and openpoqty... When they are brought into the table in visualizer they are brought in as sum(Open qty) , sum(onhandunits ) and sum(openpoqty) and then given different data label names Now I am trying to create a filter using the condition case when sum(open qty)>…
12k beast modes and counting...
Hi Domo Users! Wondering if other folks can weigh in on how y'all manage your beast modes being created. I'm the Major Domo for my organization and am finding many cases where the SAME beast mode calculation is being duplicated across datasets with the same name. While clean on the dataset side, this becomes a nightmare in…
Date_Format Fiscal week number and Year
Hi All, I am using the Graph by capability in DOMO Visualize and I want to get a filter to display WEEK 24 -2020 , WEEK 25- 2020 ......WEEK 17 -2022 in descending order I tried this DATE_FORMAT(`SHIP_DATE`,'%Y-%w') ....But its not correct..Can you please let me know how to go about this.. Thanks, ozarkram