Beast Mode FIXED functions multi-field question

G_Grey Contributor
edited November 2022 in Beast Mode

So we're all aware of FIXED Functions and how neat they are as outlined in domohelp.

But one example that I have not seen yet and I'm not entirely sure how to do is a multi-field FIXED function.

In this example I have a simple dataset that's Halloween themed

The question is: "Everybody always yells 'wherewolf' but nobody every asks 'How wolf?'.

So while everybody is writing beastmodes that describe:

AVG(AVG(`Score`) FIXED (FILTER ALLOW `Where Monster`))

How does one write a beastmode that essentially describes:

AVG(AVG(`Score`) FIXED (FILTER ALLOW `Where Monster` /*and also*/ `How Monster`))



  • G_Grey
    G_Grey Contributor
    edited November 2022

    bonk Figured out the answer right after posting. Add multiple fields using a comma. 🧐

    AVG(AVG(`Score`) FIXED (FILTER ALLOW `Where Monster`,`How Monster`))

    Might be helpful to add an example like this to the domohelp article.