Requests Older than 6 Days
Hi Guys! I am trying to capture dates that are older than 6 days, but this Beast Mode is showing me zero although I know I have some. SUM(case when DATEDIFF(`Effective Time`,CURRENT_DATE()) >=6 then 1 else 0 end) Thank you!!
Unique Count based on Revenue Amount
Hi All, I am working on a beast mode to count the number of contacts that have generated greater than $100k in revenue. I've tried the beast mode below, but it's only pulling null values. I kind of expected this to not work, but had to give it a try. (CASE when `Revenue Amount (Global)` > 100000 then COUNT(DISTINCT…
Are Averaged Aggregated Percentages % Straight Averages or Weighted Averages?
I’m a new user to Domo but experienced with Tableau, QlikSense, and PowerBI. I’m excited to keep learning with this new platform! Aggregating Percentages Does Domo calculate weighted average percentages on “Beast Mode” calculated fields when aggregating by averaging to a higher dimension? For example, my data is row by Zip…
Heatmap Percentage of X-Axis Beast Mode
Hi all, We're new to using Domo and trying to work through how to setup the beast mode calculation we'd like to see for this. We have a dataset of feedback from individuals about things they enjoy about out company by location, but this is skewed towards our larger offices that will always have a greater n-value. We'd like…
Beast mode help - a count of users who transact once a month in each of the last three months
Hi, Any Beast Mode gurus able to help me with how they think it would be possible to return a distinct count of users (customerid) who have transacted (transactiontime) at least once a month in each of the last three months? The table has every transaction made as a single row with a time and date stamp if that helps.
Beast Mode Date issue
I'm trying to build a beast mode field that does the following... When the date_created is great than 131 and the last payment date is between 55 and 86 days, then we are in month 3
Extracting the Date Based on a pattern
Hi All, I am trying to extract the date from one column based on a pattern..For example in the table below if the column orderstatus has a * in the beginning and then there is a date of the format mm/dd/yyyy then I need to extract that date as the soldorstockdate otherwise I need to extract the date from orddate as the…
Looking for Pattern in Data
Hi All, One of the fields (orderstatus) in my report has values like 37141 SLD BAM , SOLD BRANDON BOX 36790...I need to look for values SLD and SOLD ..If these are present then I need to flag that row as Sold otherwise it is stock...Can you please let me know how to achieve this using Beast mode
Writing Beast mode with Data label of Measures
Hi All, I have three measures - Open qty, onhandunits and openpoqty... When they are brought into the table in visualizer they are brought in as sum(Open qty) , sum(onhandunits ) and sum(openpoqty) and then given different data label names Now I am trying to create a filter using the condition case when sum(open qty)>…
12k beast modes and counting...
Hi Domo Users! Wondering if other folks can weigh in on how y'all manage your beast modes being created. I'm the Major Domo for my organization and am finding many cases where the SAME beast mode calculation is being duplicated across datasets with the same name. While clean on the dataset side, this becomes a nightmare in…
Date_Format Fiscal week number and Year
Hi All, I am using the Graph by capability in DOMO Visualize and I want to get a filter to display WEEK 24 -2020 , WEEK 25- 2020 ......WEEK 17 -2022 in descending order I tried this DATE_FORMAT(`SHIP_DATE`,'%Y-%w') ....But its not correct..Can you please let me know how to go about this.. Thanks, ozarkram
Beast Mode to remove values based on card selection?
Good afternoon, Is there a Beast Mode that can be written to exclude certain values from the broader data set based upon the option an end user selects on a page? Example: users can either choose AM or PM on my dashboard., which then alters the data on the rest of the page based on which they selected (the default is no…
Beast mode for count distinct by concatenating two columns
Hi All, I am trying to do the following beast mode operation: COUNT(DISTINCT (CASE when `ord_date` < CURDATE()-1 then CONCAT(`sales_no`,`part_no`) end )) The expectation is the distinct combination of sales_no and part_no ..But I am not getting that..Can you please help me here.. Thanks, Arun
Day of week Beast Mode Code
Hi All, I am trying to do the following calculation in Beast mode but I am getting some errors.. Can you please help me with this.. Case when Plant ='Celes' and dayofweek(orderdate) in (2,3,4,5) then '50' when Plant ='menes' and dayofweek(orderdate) in (2,3,4,5) then '90' end Would appreciate your input! Thanks, Arun
Help with Formula/ Beast mode to concat values based on unique key
Hi All, I am trying to write a beast mode formula from the input table below: to the output table Basically I am trying to group by pickno and then group the code R into the column Reason and the code S into the column shipinstruction (combining the names and the reason or shipping instruction).. Can you please help me…
Color Code a Beast mode column in the table
Hi All, I have a beast mode column by the name ( % Aloc on 3yr sale) which I have renamed in the table as (%3yrsale) and I have to highlight the values in the table to be orange or mild red...Can you please let me know how to go about the beast mode for the same..
Help with Beast code to do color coding on the data..
Hi All, I am trying to do a color coding on two columns in my card (1 yr change % and 3 year change %) like below as in excel...Higher the percentage towards 100 and greater than 100 the brighter the red color and the lesser it is the lower the red shade and it should do it across two columns ...Can you please help me…
Help with Magic ETL to find the status of SKU items manufactured
I have a delay table (as below) where a SKU is identified by the combination of mmodel and srno and the snapdate.. A SKU present on a specific snapdate indicates the SKU was delayed on that date Delay Table mmodel Srno Snapdate MX201 C12341 3/21/2021 NM213 L1234 3/21/2021 JK1231 K1561 3/21/2021 KL1234 MJ1234 3/21/2021…
Dynamic Target Based on Current Date
Hello all, I am currently utilizing a gauge card with a target metric. What I would like to do is have the target be dynamic based on a date. For example, we have a different target for each quarter in our fiscal calendar. Depending on which quarter we are currently in, I would like the target to reflect the correct data.…
Beastmode Cleanup
Hello Beautiful People - Good Day! I am doing some Beastmode cleanup and I have a few questions. If I delete a Beastmode, will it be deleted in all cards it is in, regardless if it is being used or not? Also, What is the best way to find duplicate Beastmodes? Lastly, which is better? deleting an unused Beastmode or…
Beastmodes getting turned to Text
Hi, So I have been having this problem lately, all of the inputs of my beastmode formula are numbers, but it keeps classifying the beastmode output as Text. All of my columns are classified as floating decimals, there is no text in it, all the nulls are classified as zeros, yet it still keeps it as text even though the…
Is it possible to calculate 6 months of data for a metric?
I am trying to collect Customer data Month over Month data for a metric that uses data from the past 6 months. For example - January 2022 would include customer data from July 2021 to January 2022 February 2022 would include customer data from August 2021 to February 2022 and so on.. Any help is appreciated! Thanks! Vik
Drill Path Filter to show Specific Apt's without a Specific Procedure
Hey guys, I'm worried that the answer to my question is that it has to be done in ETL, but I'm hoping it can be done as a beast mode. So the data in question looks similar to what I have below: Doctor | Procedure | Date | Apt # | Patient Dr. B | D0330 | 4/1/22 | 80136 | I. M. Madeup Dr. B | D0126 | 4/1/22 | 80136 | I. M.…
Dividing two integer columns that contain 0 values causing incorrect percentage value display (CTR)
Hi all, I've run into an "issue" where I can't seem to get Average/AVG values to calculate correctly when using a custom beast mode. My issue sounds similar to this issue here, where some rows contain a "0" or Null value that messes with the aggregation. When I try to replicate that solution I get another confusing /…
Beast mode formula: Case When with distribution points
Hi, I have a question about my beast mode formula concerning a distribution calculation. Currently, I am calculating the distribution points based on the volume. If one product of brand x has been sold in period y, then one customer gets 1 distribution point. It is max 1 distribution point per customer per brand. I have…
BeastMode calculation - specifying "previous month"
I am using this formula to calculate terminated employees: COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN `WD Event Type`= 'Termination' AND `WD Record Type`= 'Activity' THEN `WD Employee ID` END) I need to modify it so it will include a number for the PREVIOUS MONTH each time that I use it. End goal: I plan to use this count in a drill path…
Drill down card with display certain columns when clicked.
I have a bar chart with different events such as cta_clicked, navigation_clicked, media_interaction. I have to create a drill down card but I want to display certain parameters and not the whole table For example, if I click on cta_clicked it should only display columns (cta_title,cta_link_text,component name) . When I…
ETL or beast mode for Dynamic assignment of month based on current date
Hi All, Hope you are doing well..I am trying to convert a plan table as below into the table below based on the current date and the reference table Reference table: So I need to basically map the column names (FC1,FC2,FC3...input table) to fiscal month based on the current date and looking up the reference table for the…
How can i write this sql statement in domo?
where a.Customer NOT IN(select distinct Customer from CustomerSalesData where InvoiceDate < '2020-07-01') Statement below is a column I use for an sql query.. ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by a.Customer order by MIN(a.InvoiceDate)) as OrderNum I am getting an error while trying to convert this statement. I am not sure how to…