Beast Mode Validated but not working
Hi all! My beastmode here is validated but it shows a message "An issue has occurred during processing. We are unable to complete the request at this time. " This is my beastmode: SUM(`Real Produksi TBS Tanaman Produktif (ton)`) / (SUM((`RKAP Luas TM (ha)`) / (COUNT(DISTINCT `Date`)))) So basically the context is: "Real…
Simple Addition and Subtraction
Hi There, I am having trouble in returning correct values with a simple addition and subtraction beast mode. It appears that any column with a blank value will not return a end value. And any row with values in all columns calculates properly. Any suggestions on how to calculate to consider blank values as zero value?…
Rolling 3 Mo Avg - Breaks Card
I want to calculate rolling average of the previous 3 months. I was going to do this using windowed lag functions ( (LAG(SUM(`Sales Amount`),1) OVER (ORDER BY `YEARMONTH`)) + (LAG(SUM(`Sales Amount`),2) OVER (ORDER BY `YEARMONTH`)) + (LAG(SUM(`Sales Amount`),3) OVER (ORDER BY `YEARMONTH`)) )/ 3 Each Lag works individually…
Nested Beast mode
Hi everyone, I have some data like companyid, journeytype, ratingid and npsRating. With ratingid and npsRating, I usually calculate NPS (net promoting score) in beast mode like this: (((Count(DISTINCT (CASE WHEN ((`npsrating` >= 9) AND (`npsrating` < 11)) THEN `ratingid` END )) - Count(DISTINCT (CASE WHEN (`npsrating` <=…
Is there a way to check if a field has more characters than a specific amount?
Hi! I am trying to set up a beast mode function that checks if fields are correctly filled out in our asset tracking software, and lists out any asset that does not meet all requirements (ie fields not filled out or have been auto-generated by the software itself). One thing I am curious about is, I'd like to be able to…
Beast Mode Calculation in Summary Number
My beast mode formula goes something like this:- SUM (x) / SUM (y) I am not able to use the above beast mode for my summary number. I am looking to get the average percentages, but the aggregation field is greyed out and I get the message "using aggregation in beast mode formula". Any help will be appreciated. Thank you
Question related to case when formula in beast mode
Hi, I would like to ask about the beast mode formula related to this situation. I would like to get the data like this: If rating 'Superb' and 'Outstanding' are below 10 % then it's 'Below' If rating 'Superb' and 'Outstanding' are above 35% then it's 'Over' However, 'Superb' shouldn't be more than 5% What is the suitable…
CountIf function in Domo
Hello I have a data that contains all the cases submitted and their submission date and in another column it has the approval date which can be in another date/year. I am trying to get the conversion rate (approvals/submissions) for each month, because of the timing they might not happen in the same month. A pivot table…
Aggregation by month with segmentation
Hi there. I am breaking my head about something that just feels so easy to get. Is there somebody who can help me out with this please? I want to show a bar chart grouped by month (please see example below). The bars then should be segmented into categories. The data is coming from the user activity in a tool. The idea is…
Beast Mode Editor - Comment Out Lines
Most modern IDEs have the ability to highlight several lines of code and then press a key combination (CMD + /) to automatically comment out the highlighted rows. It'd be great to get this feature within the Beast Mode editor to diagnose beast mode issues easier instead of having to manually comment out each individual…
How to SUM working days correctly?
Hi everyone, I have a strange problem. Probably more of a SQL question than a Domo question, but here we go. I have a typical date column (yyyy-mm-dd) and a column called "total working days in month" where it returns a aggregate value of the # of working days for each month. Below is an example (just assume every date is…
use fields from different tables group by date to calculate percentage
Hi, I am trying to calculate a percentage using two fields from two different tables in SQL Magic Transformation. Table a looks like this: Date All Revenue 09/01/21 100 09/02/21 200 Table b looks like this: Date HDM Revenue 09/01/21 90 09/02/21 170 I need to build a table that would calculate the percentage of HDM Revenue,…
Beast mode calculation for aggregating data
Hi, I have a numeric field called "days until due" which contains negative numbers for outstanding items from -1 to -100. I am trying to group these using a beast mode calc. but keep getting syntax errors. For example, when "days until due" is from -1 to -9 days I want it to be grouped as "1-9 days", -10 to -19 days would…
Multiple conditions using case statements but not getting correct results
Hi Domo Community, In Beast mode, I've been trying to parse out some data for visualization but cannot get domo to display the right numbers. For example, with the data below, domo only returns the entries for one of the lines for Marketing and LeadIQ for SDR - it won't give me the sum of Display, Direct, Event or the sum…
Can you create a beastmode CASE when for values between two numbers?
I'm looking at influencers and their number of followers and want to group the data: number of follower: 1-50000, 50000-100000, 100000-200000 and so on. I was going to use the case when beastmode but cant find a between function to select the relevant numbers. Any help?
How to aggregate CASE Statement values?
In my dataset, I have three different tests that aggregate the field Forecast differently. Here's a beast mode I made that works pretty well, except when I'm trying to add them all together: CASE WHEN Test = 1 THEN SUM (Forecast) WHEN Test = 2 THEN SUM (DISTINCT Forecast) WHEN Test = 3 THEN SUM (DISTINCT Forecast) END when…
Please I need help with setting up a retention chart
Hi Domo gurus. I'm trying to create a "line + grouped bar chart" similar to the ones attached below. My goal is to create a chart that shows monthly cohorts of users who have made '100 api calls" and showing x% who returned to make other 100 api calls at the interval: 31 - 60 days, 61 - 90days, 91 - 120days, 121 - 150days.…
Calculate average time to accumulate to a value.
Consider a dataset like this: Person | Topic | Points | Date --------- | ------- | -------- | ------ John | Foo | 80 | 2020-09-10 John | Foo | 40 | 2020-09-12 John | Bar | 63 | 2020-09-14 Sally | Bar | 60 | 2020-09-16 Sally | Foo | 90 | 2020-09-16 Sally | Foo | 110 | 2020-09-18 Assuming the dataset is much larger with more…
Convert string to number
Hi, We have one column name "Count", in this column, we have majorly two values zero and one. but DOMO treated this column as a string. Could anyone know how do we convert it to an integer using the "Add Formula" method? Thanks, Yuvraj
How exactly does the rand() function work
Based on my testing it seems like the rand() function returns a guaranteed set of pseudo-random numbers seeded by the optional 'value' parameter. For example, if a create a card with a beastmode, the first time a beastmode, calls the rand() function (with no parameters) it will return a value of ~0.69. The second time the…
How to display multiple summary number?
I have data based on quarter 1 and quarter 2. Can someone help me with the beast mode formula to display q1 and q2 values in summary number? Thank you
Find the difference in forecast and revenue in first quarter and distribute the difference amount
Find the difference in forecast and revenue in first quarter and distribute the difference amount to rest of the quarter's forecast For eg: forecast for Q1,2,3,4 is 1M each and sales bring up revenue of 800k in first quarter then the difference 200k should be distributed to rest of the quarter's for cast so Q2,3,4 forcast…
Doing a moving average using window functions in Analyzer
I have this salesforce lead historical dataset (which tracks Lead stage changes) and I want to show a month-on-month moving average of the number of days it takes a lead to convert to the next stage (e.g. 30 days from Stage 1 to Stage 2) with Stage as series/dimension in my card. The dashboard/cards that I'm creating is…
Exclude first Value - Rank & Window
I am currently calculating the contribution for my dataset and have already sorted my values in descending order using the rank tile with date and group for my partitions. What I'm hoping to do is sum the previous value + the following value until my last value would be the grand total. In theory, I thought using the rank…
How can I compare YOY data with an offset of a couple of days?
Hello, I'm 100% new to DOMO and I'm looking for some assistance. I'm trying to compare data from 2021 against data from 2020 using DOMO with a dataset connected combining data from multiple Adobe Analytics sources, and other accounts. Specifically I need to compare promotional revenue data for a Memorial Day promotion. I…
Summing up filtred values based on criteria
Hey guys, I will try to explain my issue, I'm really loosing hair on this one, hope wil get feedback from you
Conditional formatting
Hello Members, I have this unique situation where I need to show both Actuals and Plan bars ( preferred). But if my Actuals are less than 25 % of the Plan ( which is true in this screenshot ) , I want to show Actuals bar as red color.. I am open to switch to different chart but at the end I want Actuals to be shown in red…
I am trying to get the timecards created this quarter for last quarter
I am trying to get the timecards created this quarter (Q2) but for last quarter (Q1) the reference dates are created date(current quarter) and end date(previous quarter) so, I have this created in beastmode>>> (case When `TC: Created Date` >= '4/1/2021' and `TC: End Date`< '3/31/2021' then 1 else 0 end) how can I make the…
Hide row in html table if column data is empty
Hi all, We have a business rule where we only show data if the number of rows is >=7 because of privacy/pii concerns, and we do that with a beast mode calculation, and apply it as filter CountRespondents: SUM(COUNT(DISTINCT `ratingid`)) OVER () But when I want to filter/hide the rows where the Comment is empty, the…
Sum One Check Amount with multiple rows of the same data by using DISTINCT ?
I am looking to ONE "CHECK AMOUNT" per distinct "first name" AND "check date". the data source has multiple lines for the same check amount, but i only want to count one "check amount" per "first name" and "Check date" this data is in DOMO but i just downloaded it to understand the layout of the data better. Any Ideas ?