Account Ledger Running Balance Beast Mode
Hi All, I am having trouble coming up with. beast mode to create a running balance for an accoutn ledger. I have all of my charges and reciepts but i cannot create a running balance to show the correct totals. Any help with this would be much appreciated. I have atached a picture showing the card i am working with. As you…
Beast Mode "Share Calculation on DataSet" vs. Calculating in Data Flow
Hi all, Are there performance advantages to using the Beast Mode "Share Calculation on DataSet" to create a metric for a DataSet compared to putting logic/formula in a DataFlow to have the metric added as a physical column on the DataSet? Curious to learn others thoughts/approachs as to balancing when logic should be part…
MAX of SUM in Beast Mode Windowing Functions
Hello! Our org just had our windowing functions for Beast Mode turned on, and we're hoping to utilize it to calculate our MAX messages per second. Below is the logic I've gotten so far, but it does not work unless the table has all of the fields in it. We want to display the value dynamically, so we need to stay within…
Domo Governance Datasets Connector Beast Mode not stored on Drill Levels
Hello I have been working with our Governance Datasets to do clean up and review on our beast modes. I am finding that I cannot locate any beast modes on the drill levels of cards that are not saved to the dataset. I have reviewed the data in the 3 different datasets that contain beast mode data and I am not able to locate…
OFFSET function in a table view
Hey Dojo! I'm looking to create a table that will dynamically show change between the row and the row above it. We need the table to automatically update the formula when one of the rows is filtered out (which makes doing this in ETL impossible). My idea was to do this with an LAG function or an OFFSET function, but since…
Case Statement Help - Condition not being passed
Hi All, I've been struggling with this absurd problem when creating a beast mode calculation using case statement. Basically I'm trying to pass 2 conditions into my case statement but for some reason, even after validating the formula, only 1 condition is passing. My calculation is: (CASE WHEN YEAR(`transaction_date`) =…
How to create a Beast Mode calculation for fiscal year using a date field?
Hi All, I have a unique dilemma. I need to create a beast mode calculation to calculate our revenue for the latest fiscal year. I know I can just manually add the date filter criteria into the calculation or add a filter but the thing is the data is updated every day and we need the date filter criteria to be dynamic &…
Aggregating a column in Beast Mode
Is it possible to aggregate an entire column in a beast mode calculation within analyzer? (I have found videos explaining this within a SQL ETL, but not as a calculated field in analyzer). For example: In the table below I want to divide the value in the "efficiency" column by the averge of all values in the column. Right…
Ignore Filter in Beast Mode
I am building a report in a table in Domo. I am trying to compare a calculation result to a calculation result from the same day a year prior. I am currently filtering on a specific date, so that our employees can view the report for the date that they select. The first calculation…
Applying calculations to hundreds of columns in a dataset - best practice?
I have a dataset that has ~1,200 columns and I need to perform calculations on 495 of those columns (simple multiplication and division) and create a new column for each with the calculated value... Trying to do this in ETL will take forever to setup (would need 3 calculators, 2 of which will have all of the the 495…
Multiply Values from each Series - Manufacturing Yield by Station
Hello! I am trying to determine the overall yield of a manufacturing line. The data columns include the date, the station, which is a column of row labels representing each station in the manufacturing line, the number produced, and the number of defects. I am able to find the yield by station, by creating a yield function…
Find Count Distinct w. Multiple Factors
Hello! I need to find ‘new initial customers’ by sales agent at the campaign level. For the purpose of this report, we define a ‘new initial customer’ as a customer (Customer_ID) who entered into a campaign (Campaign_ID) within a specified time range (by calendar month). I need to only count Customer_IDs the first time…
Partition By Beast Mode as a Filter
I created this Max('Value') that is grouped by a certain NamingKey using the Partition By. I followed the syntax recommended by DOMO in the attached image. I was able to get Max and Min values and use them within a Case statement, but I could not filter from that Case Statement. The Partition By Beast Modes just don't…
How do I replace text with unicode
Hello, I'm trying to replace some characters in my table using Unicode Characters such as :white_heavy_check_mark: and with :cross_mark: This is the code I typed into the Beast Mode but it's not displaying it and instead only showed the literal '✅', could anyone please help? Case when `Last Week Actual` - `Last Week…
Card and Beast Mode to Isolate Best Performing Stores
Hi all, I need some ideas and help in trying to isolate best and worst performing stores based on say a monthly or YTD YoY ratio. I don't know yet where to start but I would like to have an option to look at YoY differences for the month or for the year and then develop a ranking type chart of best and worst performing…
Adding background image to embedded cards
Hey all, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to add a background image to a card that is powered primarily by beast mode calcuations. I've endlessly searched the forums and have not yet been able to come up with a solution. What I have is a matrix with 4 quadrants that need to be color-coded and labeled.…
Replacing nulls when adding across columns
I have a table which contains null values, and I want to get a dynamic (i.e. it responds to filters - therefore has to be done in beast mode, as I understand) total of values across three columns, keeping null values in the orignal columns but treating them as '0's for the purpose of the calculation. I have tried several…
Break Line based on character for use in Mail Merge
Greetings All, I am seeking advice on how to add a break line to a string based on a specific character. I was able to get the table to look semi correct using ETL + Beast Mode. REPLACE(`String`,';','<br>') But I am unable to use my mail merge doc because the data doesn't doesn't export to excel correctly. I am a bit…
Dashboard not displaying Zero Sum results
I've built a dashboard for a variety of Adwords and Bing Ad results, and everything is working smoothly besides when I filter specific timeframes and the summation is zero, wherein it doesn't display anything in the Single Value field. I've created the following piece of code to try to mediate the issue and it doesn't seem…
Adding year value to MM/DD date field.
I have a free text note field that we preface each note with a MM/DD format date. I am trying to add the year to this field so that Domo can chronologize this field and compare this free text date with things like system driven dates. I am currently using the following beast mode to extract the date from our text field,…
How can I calculate the percentage that a beast mode result is of a column set to 'count'?
Hi, this might be simple for some of you but i'm really struggling! Below is a table I have created. Columns 1 and 2 are using the 'count' functionality whilst column 3 is a beast mode that subtracts column 2 from column1. What I need to do is create a beast mode calculation that will indicate what percentage the…
Beast Mode - Parent of Parent type join
I have a data set of project items at multiple levels of a project hierarchy: project > task > sub task. I'm trying to build a sort of rollup card that shows the items based on parent link relationships. i.e.: * Project Parent = Self * Task Parent = Project * Sub Task Parent = Task I'd like to be able to have a column that…
How to only show the amount of monthly value only once instead of the sum over the whole period?
Hi, so I have a dataset that looks like this (fictive dataset): Employee Name Date Sales Monthly Quota Sally 11/3/2018 5,000 10,000 Andrew 11/3/2018 4,500 15,000 Michelle 11/4/2018 3,500 9,000 Sally 11/6/2018 1,000 10,000 Sally 11/7/2018 700 10,000 Andrew 11/8/2018 2,500 15,000 Andrew 11/9/2018 3,000 15,000 Sally 12/4/2018…
User defined functions for Beast Mode?
Is it possible to create user defined functions that can be called in Beast Mode? I'm creating Beast Modes for summaries in the top left of a visual, and it's getting ridiculous & unwieldy pretty quickly. In order for it to look reasonable, I need to format and abbreviate the numbers, similar to how it's described in this…
How to have a static number in beast mode
I have a table of categories with corresponding category path and visitors. Like the table below: IDCategory NameCategory PathVisitors% Seg123A AirlinesTravel and Tourism -> In-Market -> Airlines1000100/10000124B AirlinesTravel and Tourism -> In-Market -> Airlines15001500/10000125C AirlinesTravel and Tourism -> In-Market…
Same Day Closure %
Hello, I am working on a way to figure out what the same-day closure rate % is for customer support cases created within X time frame. As well as compare that to a previous time frame. Example: Feb 2017 = 73% Feb 2018 = 90% March 2017 = 85% March 2018 = 88% I would like to see if there is a visual way of doing this as well…
Ignore filter on a calculated field
Hello, I'm wondering if it's possible to create a BeastMode that ignores date filtering... I have a dataset that contains the following information ID# CUSTOMERNAME STATE FullDate Logins Errors % The card I'm building should only display the data from yesterday BUT, I want to add a field that calculates how many times the…