Separate Date from the text


I want to separate the Date from the text and put it in a new filed called "launch Date"

For eg: Suppose the text is "Email 2021-03-01 best practices in Email Marketing"

I want to separate out the "2021-03-01" text and put it in new filed called "launch Date". then I will update that filed datatype as a "Date"

Please suggest the code.



  • If you know that your text is always going to start with "Email somedate" then you can use the substring function to extract the date. In this example, you would do SUBSTRING(textfield,7,10) to get the date. You could also wrap the STR_TO_DATE function around the substring function to format it in a particular way if you would like.

    If the location of the date is going to vary in the text field, this will be much more difficult.

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  • @user041053

    use regex to identify if a set of characters are formatted as a date.

    then use INSTR or SUBSTRING to try to extract the set of characters

    then use STR_TO_DATE to convert the extracted values to date.

    Jae Wilson
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