Convert string to number


We have one column name "Count", in this column, we have majorly two values zero and one.

but DOMO treated this column as a string.

Could anyone know how do we convert it to an integer using the "Add Formula" method?




Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    One easy way in the Add Formula tile is to multiply the column by 1 like this:


    I have used this multiple time to get a number to integer that didn't start out that way.

    If you aren't doing any data cleansing along the way, you can also click on the input dataset and change the data type for that column. (This assumes there are no non-numeric values in that column). Here is a screenshot from the configuration tab of an input dataset in Magic ETL.

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    One easy way in the Add Formula tile is to multiply the column by 1 like this:


    I have used this multiple time to get a number to integer that didn't start out that way.

    If you aren't doing any data cleansing along the way, you can also click on the input dataset and change the data type for that column. (This assumes there are no non-numeric values in that column). Here is a screenshot from the configuration tab of an input dataset in Magic ETL.

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  • you can't really enforce data types using add Formula.

    well no that's a lie, you could use the CAST() function. If it were me though, I would use the ALTER COLUMNS tile. This way you have more granular control AND are not mixing and matching tasks. use Formulas to define formulas. use ALTER COLUMNS to set schema properties.

    Jae Wilson
    Check out my 🎥 Domo Training YouTube Channel 👨‍💻

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