New Card Builder and Beast Mode
It is great to see them finally here! Bravo
Dynamic date range (last two quarters)
HI All, I am looking to create a dynamic date filter on my card. The objective is to get last two financial year quarters data. I am aware that there is an option in DOMO to get last two quarters data but this gives me incorrect results i.e if we are in May then this gives me nov - april data but what I need is oct 1st -…
More traceability with variables
Knowing that this was just launched and probably has a lot more coming, I think it is key to increase traceability of variables. Let me elaborate: once you set a variable, you need to create a BeastMode Calculated field to actionize this variable through a CASE WHEN. However, this first CASE WHEN is then used as input in…
Beast Mode Manager Switch to New Beast Mode
It would be helpful if we were able to switch all cards and reports that use a beast mode to a new beast mode. There are several instances where a beast mode was not saved to the dataset but rather to a card and then it was saved as numerous times so when we go to the beast mode manager we have "Days Late to RD" 15 -20 on…
Duplicate Beast Mode Warning
It'd be cool if when making a beast mode Domo could warn you that a similar/exact beast mode already exists. If I'm doing a new one that's Count(Distinct SalesOrders) it could suggest that a duplicate beast mode already exists. Or possibly a Beast Mode manager feature.
FIXED Function - Static Filters
FILTER ALLOW/DENY is the most useful piece of FIXED for me. What would juice up its usefulness to the next level is an ability to use static filters in the function. For example - SUM(SUM(`totalSales`) FIXED (FILTER `Client`='ABC Company')) Beyond simply allowing or denying field filters to affect the calculation, you…
Allow Graph By in window functions
I'm trying to create a dynamic Beast Mode that uses a window function to select the first value of a column (based on date) that is part of a function that sums other columns. In excel parlance I want to be able to vlookup start_date and grab the value for the associated column, then add that to a sum of another column…
How To show sum after nested calculation using beast mode
Hi I have a dataset where values are like below: SessionId ActivityType ActivityTimeStamp Company 1001 Play 2022-04-18T04:28:12 ABC 1001 Play 2022-04-18T04:28:13 ABC 1001 Read 2022-04-18T04:28:14 ABC 1002 Play 2022-04-18T04:30:10 ABC 1002 Play 2022-04-18T04:30:15 ABC 1003 Play 2022-04-18T04:40:15 XYZ 1003 Play…
relating beastmode IDs between datasets
relating beastmode IDs between datasets Hello! I am having trouble relating beast mode ID between two datasets: the user logs and a Beast mode dataset available via the Domo governance dataset connector (https://domohelp.domo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056318074-Domo-Governance-Datasets-Connector). In the "beast modes with…
Dynamic date range (last two quarters)
HI All, I am looking to create a dynamic date filter on my card. The objective is to get last two financial year quarters data. I am aware that there is an option in DOMO to get last two quarters data but this gives me incorrect results i.e if we are in May then this gives me nov - april data but what I need is oct 1st -…
Period-Over-Period % Change in Multi-Value / Single Value Gauge
Hi all, Still new to DOMO (4~ months) so just learning the ropes. Please point me in the right direction if this is posted incorrectly or if im possibly not understanding something! I'm trying to accomplish a simple Period-over-Period % Change calculation and it looks like this is an ongoing question/problem and I…
Beast Mode returning greater than 100% for Performance KPI
To keep it as short as possible, I have an On-Time delivery KPI. However, I have to measure on-time/late from two different columns depending on the type of delivery it was. I'm using this beast mode formula to capture those criteria, and then just simply divide it by the total number of deliveries: (sum(case when…
Show value on row option
Please add an option to show value on row for pivot tables. I've seen a couple other posts about this but I'm not sure if this will become a feature. I don't think construction yet another dataset is the right way to deal with this. It is standard functionality in Excel and PowerBI.
Allow Beast mode formulas via Webform to be Accepted
Id would be great if domo beast mode was able to accept formulas that were written in a webform. example below this does not work but this does
Common Beast Mode & ETL Questions
Once you are logged into the Help Center, you can move seamlessly between Domo University Training, Knowledge Base, Community and Support (using the head navigation menu) . Knowledge Base articles are a great resource to answer many general questions. KB articles answering the most common Beast Mode/ETL questions: * Beast…
Case Statement Using Beast Mode Calculations
I need to create a card with one out of two solutions: * one chart that allows me to stack other beast mode calucations on top of one another, resembling a table; or * two very elaborate CASE statements that group together a dimension and measure of 17 categories. The former does not seem to exist, so it seems I'll have to…
Disappearing Beast modes
Hello Everyone, There appears to be some confusion on this subject. I want to make sure the issue is clearly explained. In addition to what causes this to happen. What The Issue Is: You have created a beast mode (or multiple) on a card. Saved that beast mode(s) and all looks great. Later, when you come back to the same…