Hi, I've created a carbon offset infographic using the blank custom brick which is embedded into our customer portal. I wish to allow our customer select the desired month and download the infographic as PDF in proper format (i.e., without month picker). I used html2pdf module from cdnjs.cloudflare.com but encountered the…
Cards are loading on the dashboard builder but not on the Embed Dashboard
I have an excel dataset in the parent instance that I've published to a subscriber instance that shows up in the subscriber's instance as federated data which prevents the subscriber from doing anything but creating cards from that dataset. There is one PDP policy set up on the excel dataset in the parent instance so that…
i was given this email, does anyone know what this means? im assuming its an admin task but i'm not sure. if you can provide me steps that would be nice. thanks
Hi, We have an invisible brick inside a page embed. It's only job so far is to notify the host through a postMessage when a filter has been applied ( using domo.onFiltersUpdate() ). The host then listens for this postMessage and stores the chosen filters in session storage. This is all working well. When the modal is…
I am using window.postMessage() to do a communication between iframe and my custom parent app where I have embedded domo dashboard. Sending from DOMO DDX Brick: const message = "Message from child DOMO Brick"; window.parent.postMessage(message, "*"); And in my app I am getting it like this(where my dashbiard is embedded),…
Hello! I am trying to embed a DOMO dashboard in a website. I have a student account. Is this functionality available for student accounts? If so, how can I use it?
Hi, I am calling a query on my ddx brick using domo query functions. Now when i try to pass filters which actually are the where clauses in which my where conditons are defined as comma separated. all are with IN operand. but getting the following error: "DA0012: A filter was provided to filter the data but it contains a…
I have a use case in which I need to Capture filters on a dashboard using a ddx brick, that ddx brick can be a invisible one at the bottom of page. What it will do is to capture any filters applied on the page by applying filters at the top or by choosing any card section to filter the dashboard and other cards. I will…
Hello Gurus, I am trying to get a value of canvas which is coming as a aria-label using JS after the iframe is fully loaded. I have highligted the value which I need to get after iframe is fully loaded. For that I am using the following code snippet, in this code I am able to get the document part of the iframe, but when I…
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