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Hi community, What is best practice for reporting financials in Domo? Currently, we have raw financials, account by account, fed in through a simple CSV. There are no summaries in this CSV, so I have to aggregate them with Beastmodes to get to summary numbers. For example, EBITDA is calculated as such (see code below) This…
I’m working on a running total Beast Mode that tracks ticket sales by event. My current formula works fine: SUM(SUM(tickets sold)) OVER (PARTITION BY EVENT ORDER BY DATE ASC) However, these events reoccur yearly, and I want to compare ticket sales pacing to previous years while maintaining drill-down and filtering…
Hi, I have a dataset that joins spends from our Facebook account by date with leads that came in that day. Since we have multiple leads per day the "Facebook Spend By Day" will be in the data set multiple times. In a beast mode I want to get a look at the total Facebook spend all time. I am using this right now:…
Is there a way that I can ensure the curdate function always uses EST time zome to return the correct date? For instance, at 8:50 pm, the cur date function is displaying 2/4 when I want it to display 2/3.
Hi the following code I am using as a filter on my card and have it set to "on list" its called skus to be purged "CASE WHEN On Order = 0 AND (Future Demand = '' OR Future Demand IS NULL) AND (Future Books = '' OR Future Books IS NULL) AND (Reserved + WMAVAIL <= 10 AND WMAVAIL > 0) AND WAREHOUSE_CODE = 11 THEN 'On List'…
I’m trying to create a row which shows the “Prior Year” value against a field for comparison, simply a 12 month offset of the data as shown below with the "Value" field. This would later enable me to create YoY differences. I will also note that I'm looking for a solution that should be able to transcend filters i.e. you…
Hi, could smb help me on the issue below please: the below CASE model for 'Royalty add on' is splitting my ORGANIZER 'Live Nation Italia' into 3 columns creating splits also for Autorization and Shipping exp. The idea is to have a sum of all these values and see only 1 column for Live Nation Italia. I know for sure that…
Hi Everyone, I created a card that uses a date_time_start dimension along with a ticket count on a metric table. This card shows the number of tickets that have a scheduled dispatch showing date and time. What we want to do is turn past tickets to red except for today's and we used the Last 7 days by hour but the date…
I want to subtract Amount from Test1 by using a beast mode. For example; week ending date 1/5/2025 I want to have a column for the difference of $514,953 - $154,400. In my test1 column I am using the SUM(Distinct) best mode. Will this cause me not to be able to subtract? I am not able to get a column that shows a…
Hi I've only been using Domo for about 9 days so still very new to this but I am trying to use the SUBSTRING function to return the values in my ID column to ignore everything before and including and underscore as this value varies in character size (example EN_, ENR_, ENO_) How do I get the ID column to return the values…
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