More than one identical variable toggle on the same dashboard.
Hi I often use variables going down my dashboard to aid in the functionality of my cards. I have found that I can only have one of each variable card on each dashboard. It would be great to have the ability to have the same variables on the dashboard as many times as needed, all of which update when any are updated. Best,…
Dashboard Duplication not working as intended
Hi, It's pretty common for our team to duplicate a live dashboard to start developing it further without affecting our live dashboards. However, we have tried to duplicate a dashboard with our standard process, "Duplicate Cards" is ticked, with a Dashboard that has variables at the top. For some reason, the dashboard…
Variables - where can I manage/view all in my instance?
Starting to use some variables in our instance, and I want to make sure I have a good way to review/manage them as they are created/changed. I checked in the Beast Mode Manager thinking that would be the most logical place to find them, but unless I'm missing it I don't see a way to filter to them (tried searching by name…
Filter Chart Type
I am creating a dashboard page and we prefer using filter chart types so we can move the filters anywhere in the dashboard that we see fit. My cards have variables that contain options for different data points so users can choose how they want to see the same report (eg. by year, by quarter, by month). Is there a way to…
Filter using Slicer Card and Variable as the Input
I have a dashboard that I would like to display that has multiple dimensions (Var1) that I would like to see such as Region, state, and department. I would like to then use the populated list of items from Var1 as a filter card in the page. The filter card would be, a list of regions, states, or departments that populate…
Global date range filter in dashboard, have it compare to exactly a year ago in guage card type.
I have a dashboard that displays metrics from social media platforms, and I would like to apply global filters so the client can filter specific dates, but then also show what those values were exactly a year ago. Example: Say the client wants to see total impressions for April 12-17, 2023. I would like the card to filter…
Variable Selectors Update to Reflect variable options
Hi, I love the functionality of variables on dashboards, but I often start editing the options throughout building dashboards. It would be brilliant if the variables selectors, both in-card controls and on the page level, would update with any adjusted changes. They only seem to inherit updates of the default value, they…
Domo Cards using Variables - Are they bugged right now?
I have a few cards that use Variables in them. Yesterday it seemed that they weren't properly loading filters on the side of the card. This morning they have fully broken. I have tried re-building two of the cards from scratch but whenever a Variable is used the card and/or filters will no longer render properly.…
Variables as Checkbox - Unimplemented Error
Hi All, Love these forums! Anyways. I created a beast mode calculation that takes into consideration my Campaign Metrics variable values. CASE WHEN Campaign Metrics = 'A' THEN (…) WHEN Campaign Metrics = B THEN (…) ETC… If I try to change the variable's control type [from a dropdown] into a checkbox selector [which allows…
Change value formatting based on KPI selected in variable
I have a card that allows the user to select which metric (Sales, Units, Margin %, etc) they want to graph by, using a variable control. Is there a way to force data formatting to be 'currency' when 'sales' is selected for example? Then when a user selects 'units', we'd want the formatting to now be shown as 'number'. With…
Customising the Colour of Variable Selectors in the same way you can for filters.
I've recently been using Variables as a great way to control the content on a few of our dashboards. The functionality has led to some incredibly well-layered graphics allowing hierarchical drilling on all visuals simultaneously - GREAT! I have found only two drawbacks: Firstly, variable options are not easily dynamic.…
Variables in Smart Text
I have two variables Items Description Is there a way I can add "Description" to a card using Smart Text so that it shows the description of the "Item" selected in the title? Example: User selects Sku: 123456 Title reads "Total Soup Spend"
Stacked bar Legend not visible when hovering over bar value
Hi, I am using a stack bar chart to show the development for different segments over time. Because there are more than 20 segments, they are not visible all at first look. When hovering over one segment, I was wondering if there is a feature that would bring the segment in the legend a bit up in the ranking? Right now if…
Variables - Dates - Min or Max Today
It'd be great to be able to set the min or max values for a date variable to today so that it restricts users to not select a future date or past date when required to allow dashboards to work correctly and protect against outlier dates.
Make the text style the same for card and variable control titles
Please make the titles for Variable Controls and cards have the same text style, since it causes the cards to be aligned differently. Here is an example of vertical misalignment with a variable control and filter card next to each other on a dashboard layout:
How to simply assign a value from one variable to another?
Hey all, Looking to execute actions for a list of cards (around 700). l have already built a query that returns a list variable with the object IDs I need. I am now trying to get the length of the list in a variable to set up a loop. I know there are several functions availabe in workflows, but I have not found one that…
Is it possible to retrieve Variables when using Bricks?
Brand new to Bricks here. If we add a variable to a dashboard that should change the behavior of all cards including a brick, can we check the value for that variable in the Javascript section to so we can adjust our query or logic accordingly? I saw in this video that you can add controls to the brick itself, but was…
Variables Use Cases & Feature Walkthrough
Domo's Education and Product teams have provided this video diving into Domo Variables use cases. What can be found in this video: What is a Variable in Domo? Two use cases that illustrate some of the solutions that Variables provide. How to implement Variables in your own cards and dashboards. How Variables can replace…
Disable Variable Control under certain condition?
Hi, I have a dataset that contains Final data and Preliminary data. Final data contains both 1st party and 3rd party delivery, but Prelim only has 1st party. We have a dashboard that visualizes this data with a single select slicer that filters by either Final or Prelim. I have a variable control on our dashboard that lets…
Fixed to Flex Date selection
Hiya, does anyone out there know best practice (if possible?) to set more dynamic date ranges? Say I want to display “campaign to date” e.g. launch was on 2/4/2023 and I want my dashboard/cards to display data from that fixed point through [today] (variable) — how is this achieved? The only options I can see are either…
Apply color rules to variable values
Hi, I have set up a variable which I use in the series of a line chart to toggle between different categories like brand, product line, country, etc. I would like to apply specific colors to each value within the category, for instance: For Brand: -Mercedes: Red -Audi: Blue -BMW: Green For Product Line: -SUV: Yellow…
Can we set the default value of date type Variable to current date or today's date?
Hi all, I created a date-type variable and I wanted the default value of that variable to be currdate() or today's date. Is there a way to get this done?