Drilldown tables on cards displaying info from multiple dates
I have a card that uses variables to display info from different date ranges - some columns show metrics for a custom date range (defined by the variables) and other columns show metrics for the current month. When I add drilldown tables the date filters seem to get confused - it keeps picking the current day, even though…
Variable Combination Suggestions via Color Enhancement
We have used text based variables to allow users to select from multiple metrics to see in a single card. This can be very powerful when combined with the recent beast mode within a beast mode feature but one downside is that consolidating cards into one removes one of the benefits of a higher number of cards which is that…
Custom date range in a App Control
Hello, I'm working on a App with multiple cards, all with the same date column in the data. I would like to take the custom date range that's available in the filter options: And add this to a Control at the top of the App: Thegoal being the users can filter all the cards by any date range they want. I figured out how to…
domo.onFiltersUpdate to include Variables with DDX Brick
Please add the ability to update bricks on variable updates just as the bricks update with page filters changes.
Using Variables to Pick "Closest Date"
Hey! I wasn't sure if this went in Variables or Beast Mode questions. I have data that is currently structured: Opp Name - Value - Date Updated A - 100 - 3/15 A - 80 - 3/30 A - 120 - 4/5 B - 50 - 4/1 B - 75 - 4/7 The outcome I'm looking for is for a User to be able to input a Date (say 4/1) as a Variable and then have the…
How do you create multi-select controls?
As far as I know Variables can only have Controls that are single selection, is there a way to create mult-select variables and by extension multi-select controls?
Compare values in a series against overall average
Hi Domo community, I'm looking to create a card that shows which segments are bringing our Net Promoter Score (NPS) up or down. My idea for a visualization is below. The centre line is the monthly overall NPS and then the 4 bars (International, United States, Canada, and regional) are the series that show the different…
Dynamic Column Names in Tables
The introduction of variables allows you to create much more dynamic table cards where the user can pick and choose which columns he/she wants to see inside the Table/Pivot Card. However, Variables only changes the data that shows up inside the table, it currently can not affect the Column Name so i have to end up naming…
How to make the math right with variables as filter
I'm using variable as the filter for a dashboard. Basically I created variables named "timeframe" with values of Month, Quarter & Year On the breakdown, it works perfectly with timeframe as dimension. However, for the summary card, i used timeframe as the filter with the below SQL Funny thing is if I pull out sum('Budget')…
Apply color rules to variable values
When working with variables, it would be a great feature to allow to set color rules for all the values in the fields within the variable. This way, when the variable is applied in more than one chart in a dashboard, we can easily spot trends or make comparisons within the categories. For example: For a variable that…
Multi Select Variables?
I am building a dashboard that analyzes what the specific categories of items in any given transaction. For this example, let's assume there are 4 potential categories [Milk, Eggs, Bread, Fruit] on any given order. The end goal is to allow the user to select one or more of these categories in a slicer card (or similar),…
Array Function in Beast Mode
Hello, I created a card where users can filter multiple IDs at once. This is useful to quickly filter the card based on the account IDs that we got from another card. Users can simply highlight all the Account IDs, copy and paste them in the Input Text Box The variable is called enter_account_ids. Is there a better…
Change chart sort order based on variable value.
Hi, I have created a variable that I am using on the y-axis of a bar chart. With the toggle letting switch between categorical and date values. I would like to be able to alternate how the y-axis is sorted based on which variable value is currently on the chart: Date values: The date values are calculated by year and I…
Please allow more display options for Variable controls
Designing a new Domo App, and I have a radio button variable. The only way for this to display is a single vertical list. I have so much horizontal real estate, and want to avoid laying this out in a way that the user has to vertically scroll over the module in order to see all the variables. I will probably shift to a…
How to get Variable textbox to work correctly
I am trying to create a lookup using a variable where the user can type in the ID of a record and then the information for that record will display in a textbox card. Everything seems to work as expected other than pickheaderId will only search on the first record and not the whole dataset. Here's my variable calc: When i…
Why doesn't my line + bar chart show the "Show data label on" option?
I want to display data label only for the line but the option is off.
How can use Domos filter to remove response rates less than 15%?
Hello, I have a data set containing all response ever recorded for several different surveys. I would like to build a dashboard that allows the user to select a question and see the response rates for that question (accomplished this by creating a variable and using case statements). The backend > grouped rows by survey to…
Is there a way to craft a variable to group by Month/Quarter/etc. and still display YoY data?
I'm currently trying to accomplish this, but it's not allowing me to select comparison data since the Beast Mode output isn't a date field.
DOMO Card Variable access via API
I created a DOMO Variable to filter metrics by period-to-date values across several Cards. These Cards are embedded and displayed together within our product's UI on the landing page (no filters shown). The variable functions as expected within DOMO. How am I able to call this variable through the API as I would a regular…
Using a variable to switch between x-axis values, not aggregating on bar graph
I'm trying to create a card where a user can switch between different aggregation groups for their x-axis. So if they select "Race/Ethnicity" they get something like this: and if they select gender: I successfully set up the variable: And the BeastMode referencing the variable: But when I try to graph using that BeastMode,…
Make it so that beast modes based on variables are usable on custom app cards
When creating a custom app card, I wanted to use a beast mode that includes a variable on my custom card. The beast mode returned to the custom card will always return the value as if the variable was the default value, even if it has been changed on the page. It would be good if the value from the beast mode (based on the…
Interaction between controls
Have the controls to behave similar to the filters in their interaction. A control should be impacted by another control. For example, a control of countries and a control of products. If I select a country on the first control, the second one should only show the products that exists in the country selected.
Variable Manager (Similar to Beast Mode Manager)
Starting to use some variables in our instance, and I want to make sure I have a good way to review/manage them as they are created/changed. I checked in the Beast Mode Manager thinking that would be the most logical place to find them, but unless I'm missing it I don't see a way to filter to them (tried searching by name…
Enable pfilters for Variables
While it's possible to use pfilters to pass parameters to cards and pages via URL, this does not seem to work with the Variables recently introduced, although visually they appear in the filter var when you apply them at the page level. This would allow a higher degree of control when creating links to navigate between…
Adding variable control to existing dashboard doesn't interact with existing cards
Hi, This has been confirmed by support that this is the intended behaviour and not a bug hence me adding it here. If you have an existing dashboard and you decide you want to add a variable and a variable control to the board, you currently have to then edit every single card that uses the variable and resave it for it to…
How do I create a checkbox variable
This seems simple, but I haven't found any documentation on how to build and use a checkbox variable. Right now I am using the radio dial variable where I can always select one variable at a time. For example I can check 'Ramped Headcount' and get the number of ramped headcount, then I can switch to 'Partially Ramped…
Making variable values the same as another column
Hi, I have a table full of hundreds of advertiser names. I would like to select an advertiser name in a dropdown control, and in the pivot table below, censor all the advertiser names to 'xx' and only show the advertiser name that's selected. I have created a beast mode that does this but I have 2 issues: How can I make…
Beast Mode Formula error
Could you please help me identify an error in my formula: POWER((SUM(CASE WHEN Parts Kits Fiscal Year=SEG PMKA CAGR End Period THEN Parts Kits Qty END) / SUM(CASE WHEN Instrument Fiscal Year BETWEEN SEG PMPK CAGR Start Period AND SEG PMKA CAGR End Period THEN Instrument Qty END))/(SUM(CASE WHEN Parts Kits Fiscal Year=SEG…
Simple Mathematical Equations in Domo
Hello, I am trying to do simple addition, multiplication, and division equations using static variables or numbers in Domo. What is the best and easiest way to go about doing this? Using variables gives me "An issue has occurred during processing. We are unable to complete the request at this time." Using manually…