Dynamic Column Names in Tables

edited August 2023 in Variables Ideas

The introduction of variables allows you to create much more dynamic table cards where the user can pick and choose which columns he/she wants to see inside the Table/Pivot Card.

However, Variables only changes the data that shows up inside the table, it currently can not affect the Column Name so i have to end up naming that column something generic like "Column 1" … it would be awesome if the Table Card Column Names could be programmed to be dynamic and/or change based on Variable selections. Thanks for considering this!

20 votes

In Backlog · Last Updated

Great feedback! This is something we're discussing adding in the future, thanks!


  • Anna_Otake
    Anna_Otake Contributor

    Hi Andrew,
    I submitted this same request in March so I'd appreciate it if you can upvote my post. Thanks!

  • DK2
    DK2 Member

    This would also be helpful in the following scenario…

    Let's say we have revenue data in a table from the past 10 years by client, by month. If we create a card and use the 'Last…13 month' date range it filters out any clients that do not have revenue in the last 13 months instead of showing them at $0.

    With dynamic column names we could create 13 columns for each of the past 13 months and then set the date range filter to 'All Time' allowing all us to see all clients that have had revenue at any time and how they have done recently.