You've been Domo'ed (and other notifications) do not indicate which instance the email came from
There has been a kerfluffle at the community site b/c this key information was missing, additionally i work in a 90+ domo instance environment (a lot of publish) and users frequently lament not knowing which instance the "this dataset has been shared with you" email is coming from.
Ability to Use the Secondary Email when Adding User to a Group
Often users provide a secondary email address in the their Domo profile, which they prefer to use for certain alerts and scheduled reports. Currently, it is not possible to add a user's secondary email address to a group. One possible workaround is to add the email individually to a scheduled report, but this makes it…
How can I create an automated email with specified details about a record/row?
I'm trying to create a daily automated email for our media team that includes the top media mentions of our university. They want to have the following details for our top 5-10 performing stories similar to the format below for each mention grouped by the record/mention. [Outlet name] | [Media mention date] [News headline…
PDF/PowerPoint exporting - Image
Exporting a page/dashboard as PDF or PowerPoint is a great feature to help utilise DOMO content outside of the DOMO platform, however when images are used on a dashboard there are some limitations. If the image is uploaded directly, or using links where the image is hosted in DOMO, the images are exported fine. However, we…
How to remove duplicate records from the drill down view
Hi Community We have 6 months data in which we have some duplicate emails available, however we have created a beast mode to show the unique count in the chart but when we go to the drill down we are getting all the records with duplicate records too. So is ther any way we can create a beast mode where in drill down we can…
Export and Email Issue
Hi everyone, I am facing a bit of a issue. We have set up a customer instance for one of our customers which we embed into their CRM. We have enabled the export functionality so end users can export as pdf but also send and schedule reports as email. And this is where the issue is. The customer is sharing that instance…
Email connector - header row error
Hi everyone! We have set up an email connector and added the rules as below: HEADER ROW - 16 STARTING DATA ROW - 17 Update method - replace This is because the rows above 16 contain report summary data which are not required in the dataset. However, whenever the automated report comes through from the connector, we are…
Troubleshoot: Domo is ready, but an email was received that did not contain the specified file type
Domo is ready, but an email was received that did not contain the specified file type. Ensure the File Location and File Type settings are correct then try again. I am getting the above error message for a dataset that is coming into Domo via Email attachment. Here are the settings: skip empty rows is also unchecked at the…
Handling "Replace vs. Append" Logic with Email Connector
Hello everyone, I'm seeking advice on configuring the Domo Email Connector for importing reports in a "month-to-date" format via email attachments. I want to a) retain the reports for previous months, but also b) replace the latest "month-to-date" report. Our goal is to achieve a combination of "Replace" and "Append" logic…
Dashboard Editing for Different outputs
Currently under the 'Edit Dashboard' option, there are 2 options to choose from: Desktop and Mobile. These are really powerful for customising the layout and sizing between the two device types, however the mobile is really specific for phone, and when viewing dashboard on an iPad/tablet the customisation doesn't render…
I have an email with two attachments that go to different datasets. How to extract?
I have an email coming in from a vendor that has two different .xlsx files with two different datasets. Each file would end up in separate datasets in Domo. I've already asked if they can combine into one and got the standard "not at this time" answer. What is the best way to handle this so that both files get into their…
Using Email in Jupyter Workspace - Python Scripts
Hi All, I was trying to trigger and send emails from the Jupyter workspaces. I have the list of emails to whom I need to send and I also have the subject and body of the email ready, but I'm not able to connect to the DOMO Notifications Email which is being used by Card alerts and Workflows to send out emails. Is there any…
How to retrieve e-mail campaign information via API
Hey all, I have been trying to get information about e-mail campaigns running on my organization's Domo instance. I have been able to find the information needed through a GET request at the following endpoint: https://campaigns-prod.domolabs.io/api/v1/email/campaigns/ However, I struggle to authenticate correctly. I tried…
Can DDX Bricks apps bring up blank outlook email?
We are trying to utilize DDX Bricks and I wrote some code in javascript to when clicked open outlook and a blank email to a specific address. I have troubleshot my code decently, but now I wonder if it's possibly Domo not allowing it?
Scheduled Report Owner
Currently Scheduled Reports are only able to be "owned" by a single user. If changes are required and that user is on leave, the reports are unable to be edited. Requesting that Groups are able to be added as owners of Scheduled Reports, this would solve the issue by enabling teams to manage the scheduled reports for a…
DataSet via Email Connector - Using the Email Address to find the Dataset
Hi All, I have a "DataSet via Email Connector" email address (a1b2c3d4e5f6@example.mail.domo.com), but I don't know what dataset it connects to. How can I find the dataset that the email address belongs to? Thanks
Email Connector for Weekly Email with Multiple Attachments & Updated Date on Attachment Name
I am trying to set up an email connector that pulls one csv attachment from a weekly email. The email contains 3 attachments, two of which are csv and only one of these is the one I need. Both CSV files contain nearly the same name and the name of the attachments starts with the week of the statement, so it changes weekly.…
Ability to change email footer on scheduled reports to something other than the scheduler
When scheduling a report/dashboard to be emailed, having the option to change the email signature (as per image) would be appreciated. We'd prefer to be able to show our organisation group email, not an individual.
My company is switching our email addresses - what's the best practice for updating Domo logins?
I do not want to force a new account creation. Does simply uploading the bulk import user template with updated email addresses solve for this? Again, I do not want to force all my users to recreate an account and want each user to be able to keep their existing settings.
How to erase all contents in a dataset without deleting the dataset
Hi, I have a data connector through the "DataSet via Email Connector" that reads the attachment from an email. I need to empty the dataset without having to change the email address. Does anyone know how to do it? I can delete this dataset and recreate one but I would prefer to keep the email address to avoid additional…
How do I restart automated report emails after an unsubscribe?
I was sending a report to a company Google group until someone in the group unsubscribed from the report. Apparently, that individual action unsubscribed the entire group from the report. Now, I am no longer able to send the report to the group. After I reset the report for sending, nothing happens. I now have to manually…
Alert or Periodic Email to Customers on Obsolete/ Corrupted/ Harmonization of Domo Apps/ Connectors
Is it possible if Domo can email/ alert clients that are using certain connectors or apps that would get out-dated/ corrupted etc with recommendation from Domo on next steps? Regardless, if the client is on standard, gold or platinum support, these would be helpful for everyone. What we need is proactive communication from…
Separate "from" email addresses for Alerts/Scheduled Reports and User Management
I've recently had multiple users in our instance claim not to have received a password recovery email after clicking the "Forgot Password" button from the login screen. We eventually found that the email had been moved to a different folder because they had an inbox rule for scheduled reports and both emails were being…
Campaign App email concatenation in distribution list
Campaign App distribution list only allows us to send one email individually to each person we want to send it to, with all other addresses in CC. As a result, each email address on the CC receives as many emails as it is referenced in the CC field. As is possible to see in the image below, for example, email xx@domo.com…
Email Connector: Way to ignore #N/A fields in xls files ?
I am using the email connector to send .xls files to DOMO. There were some fields in the excel file that contained "#N/A" and they were automatically converted to "ERROR 42" in the dataset that was created and caused my downstream dataflow to fail. Is there a way to have the connector somehow ignore #N/A fields or convert…