Does Magic ETL v2 Have a Max Row Limit
Hello, I am in the process of combining two DataSets with Magic ETL where they have a same identifying Key. One of the DataSets has 3.9 million rows. When I use 'Join Data' between the two datasets, I end up with exactly 1,000,000 rows (when it should be in the 3 million range). I tried doing another Magic ETL where I only…
Hi, Is there a way to connect Google My Business to DOMO?
Smart Text as a Variable
At the card level it would be beneficial to know what the current operating environment is for a card and leverage that information in a beast mode. For example, if there were a "system variable" that stored what the current "Graph By" selection is, like what is already available in Smart Text, then you could have a beast…
How do I add a total to a column when I added a Beast Mode?
I added a Beast Mode so I would only get the Fee to list once since the Position ID is listed multiple times. I need to see each line so I can have a count on how many candidates per position. have I used - SUM(DISTINCT Fee). It works great, but how do I now get a total for the column? Raw Data This is the pivot.…
Automate Exports from Cards via SFTP
We have several use cases where we need to export report data that appears on cards in CSV or pipe-delimited formats and then deliver them to clients via SFTP or an AWS S3 bucket. It would be amazing if there were a way to do the following: 1) Schedule exports of the data that is typically emailed as a CSV and send it to…
When clicking to filter, shouldn't the default be to INCLUDE the value???
Let's say I want to filter the page for the owner changes. Since the slices get small, I have to use the legend to do that. It excludes the values instead of filtering. For extra fun, it also makes the page filter 'In' all the other values! I am also providing an example, using a bar chart, since we would so clearly want…
Facebook Ads Advanced Custom Insights report > change in available unique metrics
On Oct 30th 2024, Facebook will make a change to the API that powers the Custom Insights report in the Facebook Ads Advanced connector (com.domo.connector.facebookads.) The change to the API will restrict the action_type breakdowns returned by the unique_actions and cost_per_unique_action_type fields to the following…
How can I create a beastmode that will return the desired substring in a field?
Hi all, I've given this multiple attempts and just can't seem to get it. I have a field called 'Destination' that I want to use in a Beastmode that will return the first substring of "B-FGI" or "FGI" in a value such as "Doe, John A-B-FGI-20.15.0003.B-FGI" or "Doe, John A-FGI-20.15.0003.B-FGI". I also want to create another…
Working with hh:mm:ss values
Hello everyone, I am relatively new to Domo but have built a few recursive data set, dashboards, and cards already and really enjoy the product. I am running into an issue however when trying to figure out how to best work with duration data that is formatted from the source system as hh:mm:ss. I have created beast mode…
PDP not enable but asking permission
I'm having some issues with a sql editor in the Views explore when I go to save it asks the pdp settings but the data set has it off. Even when I'm the owner it is asking permissions.
Can I introduce a new column on an existing data set? If so how?
I have an existing data set that I bring in weekly and I use the Append tile in ETL. I started about 3 months ago. 2 weeks ago I added a new column on the data set, but it is not an option when I am creating new card on my dashboard. How can I get this new column to show up?
Partition data from a historical date
I currently have an ETL that my team created yesterday, and it is partitioning data as of yesterday so there is currently 2 days of data in the data set. Is it possible to add historical data to a newly partitioned data set? Or is it possible to have the ETL partition off of a historical start date?
I have a chart which is populated yoy basis and has Q4 data being shown twice
Hi, I have a chart which is powered using a beast mode with a variable as following: (CASE WHEN (`Content Type ES Quarterly-2` = 'Project or Image') THEN AVG(`proj_image_insert_user_count`) WHEN (`Content Type ES Quarterly-2` = 'Project') THEN AVG(`customize_makeit_hva_user_count`) WHEN (`Content Type ES Quarterly-2` =…
Where to find Documentation?
Hi, I am trying to split a string and I cannot find which method to Use. Ive tried the substring_index method and the split_string Method and both have failed. I am trying to extract the city name out of a string that looks like this "CARROLLTON,TX/" Thank you
Can I know why the data is not grouping into single column in the pivot table?
Dynamic Variables should dynamically change formatting as well
Our company loves the beta of variables. We are able to create charts now where our users are able to change the dimensions and metrics they want on the fly. Our only problem is that we aren't able to dynamically change the format of that metric. So if our stakeholders select Business Area and they want to see the total…
Issue with Webhook Secret and Authentication Mechanism
I have configured a webhook for an alert and was able to pass a secret while setting it up. However, I am receiving the webhook API calls even without the secret being validated, and I am unable to see the secret anywhere in the request headers or body. Could you clarify where the secret is being passed, or if there's a…
Drill Down to an Existing Card
It would be excellent if you could choose an existing DOMO Card to use on the Drill Path screen as your Drill-in-Place Card. I have a specific Table Card that I use for almost everything as a Drill-in-Place bottom level card. Because i use it across cards types, datasets, and drill-path levels a simple "Save As" and…
Total Rows Should Export into Excel
When you export a table into Excel or use the Domo plug in, it will not bring the Total row with the rest. And simply adding a total row doesn't work for all tables. This should be doable. Thanks.
Amazon Product Reviews API
Is it possible for a WorkFlow to update a column during Various Users Tasks?
I'm developing a WorkFlow Process that has a few user-based tasks. The workflow is triggered by the addition of a Form Submission that will update a Dataset. As the Workflow progresses (users approve tasks), I would like to have a service automatically update the status in the original Form Dataset that will be used for…
Drill path Grayed Date Range
I'm working on creating a drill path that will filter down to the last 9 days. When I go into it the date range option is grayed out.
Number Abbreviation Options
Can we please have the option to fix the number abbreviation at a certain level, i.e., have all numbers always displayed in K, M, or B? Currently the abbreviations are automatically determined, but dashboard users have found it confusing to mix the units of measures in the same table.
Google Sheets connector is available again
The Google Sheets connector, which can be found at https://<your_domo_instance_name>.domo.com/appstore/connectors/com.domo.connector.googlesheets, is now available. The connector was taken out of commission earlier this year because of an issue with the Google app used to facilitate OAuth authentication. The issues with…
Disable Outputs During Testing
An essential part of any workflow is seeing the entirety of the output dataset. However, with the consumption model, ETLs with multiple outputs have become more expensive and more inconvenient to test. I think it would be a good idea to be able to right click on a line leading to an output and disable it to prevent that…
Alleviate the jumping cursor causing BeastModes and SQL queries to be overwritten
For a couple of weeks, now, we have been experiencing a "jumping cursor" when editing BeastModes in cards and SQL queries (in both SQL and Magic 2.0 dataflows) When typing first line — whether it be the name of the object being created or the first line of code for the object — the cursor will inexplicably "back up" over…
Cohort analysis templates for B2Becommerce (shopify)
Our B2Becomm client has an RFM model, create cohorts with the data actionable insights, to then assign numerical scores to each metric based on customer behavior, then categorize customers into segments, allowing for targeted marketing strategies. Are there templates for Shopify (or ones we can buy) that would be valuable…
Say my raw dataset looks like this: And I would like to unpivot any column that has a month name is it, so in this example, it's 'Jan 2024 Total Pts Earned' and 'Jan 2024 Pts Redeemed', and the dataset would look like this (add a date column, total pts earned and total pts redeemed column): How can I do this with Magic…
App Studio Filter View
In App Studio is there a way for the filter view to display at the top of the page like in the current dashboard view vs. having to select the controls button then select a filter view?