Help figuring out how to get a data set to work with a funnel

For context the data set image linked is a representation of the data I am working with to protect our real customer data. I do not have the ability to reformat the data coming in, only use magic ETL and SQL transformations to convert this data into the format it needs to be in.

I can not find a way to make the funnels categories be column headers and the counts to be a sum of the column by UUID. The UUID will act as a filter that our customer applies at the dashboard level, I know how to do that. I mainly need help with either how do I reformat this data to work with the funnel or how do I get the funnel to work with this format.

Thank you in advance.


Best Answer

  • DashboardDude
    Answer ✓

    Hi @miguel_bustamante ,

    You need to use dynamic unpivot in the ETL to flip everything. I made you a little video to explain:

    John Le

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  • DashboardDude
    Answer ✓

    Hi @miguel_bustamante ,

    You need to use dynamic unpivot in the ETL to flip everything. I made you a little video to explain:

    John Le

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  • @DashboardDude Best answer ive ever received on these forums thank you so much!

  • @miguel_bustamante happy to help!

    John Le

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  • @DashboardDude Follow up Question, Bc of the amount of events we are tracking we want to split up the funnels into two funnels. But I want the percentage showed next to the count to track across funnels. So in this case Visits would be the 100% and each step would reflect its percentage of visits across both funnels.

    Is this possible?

  • @miguel_bustamante Ooo I don't think so. We would need to make that number static in the ETL via a group by and then you would have to calculate that % in a Tooltip field and maybe show that.

    I know…that sounds like a lot. Feel free to book 30 and I can try to do this with you:

    John Le

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