Adding new Historical Data to an Already Existing Recursive Dataflow
I am looking for a way to add historical data into my already existing recursive dataflow. My two input datasets are 1.) an email connector that uploads once a day, 2.) a copy of my output dataset as an input dataset acting as my historical records. My output dataset has data from 2021-2023 but I would like to add data…
Include Data for a specific date range
Hello - newbie here - I need to know how to only include data that falls within my defined start and end dates columns. There are multiple flight dates, so I need to be able to bucket the daily delivery data within those defined dates. It just pulls in all of the data for each flight and I cannot seem to get it to work. I…
Removing duplicates
Hi, I need help coming up with logic for this problem. I have a dataset that looks like this: ID Source 1 A 1 A 1 B 1 B 2 A 3 B I want to only remove rows from source A IF that same row is also in source B. Otherwise I want to keep rows unique to source A and unique to source B. The output should look like this: ID Source…
Approach to logically group data via inference of similar text strings
Hey all. I'm not looking for the detailed solution here as I know it will be complex, potentially require purchased add-ons and most definitely will require my dev team. But I'm hoping someone can guide me to general approaches and Domo capabilities that would be leveraged - if even supportable. We've got a large data set…
Is there an alternative for the add constants tile?
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to establish a new column with the same value for every row. But instead of a manual floating decimal input through an add constants tile, I'd like to generate the value from the magic etl auto calculation every time the dataflow runs. I know there is a simple way to do this, but the solution…
How to Unpivot or Explode Variable-Length Lists in Domo to Flatten a Table?
Hi Domo community, I have a dataset in Domo where the number of postcodes in a cell can vary. Here's an example of my input data: Network State Postcode A VIC 3000, 3001, 3002 B NSW 3011, 3021, 3001, 3004, 3012 I need to transform it into the following format: Network State Postcode A VIC 3000 A VIC 3001 A VIC 3002 B NSW…
Comparing Datasets to Determine Variance
Hello everyone, I am working on comparing data from a previous data input, Universal Analytics, to a new one, Google Analytics 4. Basically, there was an update and data is formatted differently. I am attempting to join the two datasets to compare the month of A ugust for variances, but the closest thing to a unique column…
Long Running Dataflow Alerting/Auto-Restart
We need to have the ability to understand when dataflows are running longer than the average duration. We would like to set user defined alert criteria based upon the dataflow's duration. For example: alert when dataflow has been running 15min, 1hr, etc. longer than the average for the dataflow. Having the functionality of…
Dataflow failed
Hello all, I get the below error after running my dataflow. As this consists for multiple inputs, I haven't still been able to trace the exact field causing it. But I do have a formula tile with this calculation.. " Failed to convert value '-3--3-01' from type 'String' to type 'Date'. " Some days this data flow runs…
Dataflow Search Screen - Show # of Tiles
It would be cool if when searching for dataflows that screen could show # of tiles in the dataflow.
Data transformation ideas around old/new user data
HI, we're migrating from username sign in, to okta that uses email as user id. we have an existing user info data with user id as username (xfsgsbss) but we would have a new data with user id as email(fdhsvbsjsbsjsh@email.com). I want to be able to join both old and new data and make sure the right attributes goes to them,…
How to create a rate by specific selection criteria in Domo
Hello again community. So I work within a healthcare organization and I have a domo grouped/stacked bar graph built currently from an etl that has columns regarding patients readmission start date, account number, discharge date and attending providers(previous admission). The card breaks down the readmit percentage rate…
More info in logs
It would be very useful if, when executing a Domo ETL, a log file was generated to see the details of potential failures in the process. Currently, if there is a failure in any of the Domo's own boxes, you see that the process has been interrupted in a part of the process but we don't see the details. Also, if the process…
Update DataFlow Name and Description without Going into a DataFlow
Currently, you must open a DataFlow to the editing page (either MySQL or Magic ETL) in order to update the DataFlow name or description. This is tedious and requires a lot of extra clicks and loading time, especially with MySQL DataFlows. Currently, DataSets allow the editing of their name and description right from the…
Different Page Background Colors for DataFLOW page and DataSET pages
Yes, I know I should know when I'm in a DataFLOW page vs. the DataSET page. But I don't. And it's confusing. Change the background page color when I'm on each so visually I don't have to look around to see where I'm at. Doesn't have to be bright crazy colors. Wouldn't that be helpful?
Option to Require Descriptions on DataFlow Versions
Domo currently supports adding descriptions to edits/versions of a DataFlow. However, these descriptions are not required and thus are often easily ignored. It would be very nice to have an option to require these descriptions on an instance-wide basis. Descriptions are absolutely critical to understanding how a DataFlow…
Card not reflecting updated Dataset/Dataflow updates
I manually run the input dataset that feeds into the datasets of 3 other dataflows. And all 3 dataflows reflect the inclusion of new data, but this is not reflected in the cards' visualization, as in the cards are reflecting data from the previous update despite the dataflows reflecting data from the new update. Any ideas…
How is Timezone inherited from source then converted?
I have a dataset coming in from the Gong connector and some timestamps come in as text fields (scheduled, started). Our Domo timezone is set to Eastern. When I cast data type as timestamp, the times move up 3 hours. Should I assume the Gong source data is Pacific (Gong is in SF) and Domo is inheriting the timezone…
Calculating a final value from two selected values that exist in the same column?
I have two columns—one column has revenue, the other column states which quarter the revenue was collected in. Is there a way that allows a user to select a quarter to calculate the difference in revenue between the selected quarter and another selected quarter. So, I am basically looking for a solution that would enable…
Preview flow "from here" option?
I think I know the answer, but I thought I'd check anyway … Is there any hack to cause a Magic ETL preview to run from a certain point in the flow forward? I'm working on a flow that starts with some heavy sources and groups down before performing some merges and other heavy actions. I would LOVE to preview from a point…
Why doesn't the Date Settings feature in Magic ETL update my dates?
When I navigate to Settings and change the Timezone to America/Los Angeles, it doesn't change any of the values for my date columns. However, when I navigate to my input dataset in the ETL and change the time zone on an individual date field, it works as expected. Am I doing something wrong?
Data Snapshot
Ok so we have a dataset in one of our databases that periodically gets updated. Every so often, we have new data that gets added AND some of the old data gets modified. (Sometimes we have loans that get modified and we need to keep the original 'value') I am trying to create a snapshot of the original data - on a quarterly…
Resize elements in Dataset Lineage View
As a Domo user I want to be able to resize the right-, and left-hand navigation elements in the Lineage view of the dataset. /details/data-lineage In order to view the full name of datasets that have long prefixes. In the example below, datasets prefixed RAW_WebsitePerformance_GoogleAnalytics_****** you cannot…
Converting Dataflows
Having a "Convert" button in dataflows would be great for switching from one dataflow to another. For example, a MySQL dataflow to a Magic ETL.
how to aggregate nested average case statement
Business task: "what percent of this region's sites beat their target signups YTD"? So I want to take the average daily signup for each site within a region and see if it passes its target. If it does pass, it gets a 1, else 0. After this, I then want to aggregate it to the region level. So for example if 5 out of 6 sites…