Add monthly options to dataset/dataflow controls
I have several data flows that only need to update on either the last of the month or first of the month, but these are not available options in the settings of the dataflow. It would be extremely helpful to have a monthly option to define what months to run and what day of the month to run (i.e. first day, last day, first…
Recalculate the transformation of the dataflow based on the specific time range selected in the card
Hi everyone! I am trying to create a card to show the number of active customers. Active customers are those whose the sum of revenue and the sum of quantity are more than 0. Practically, it means to exclude those customers whose the sum of revenue and the sum of quantity are less than or equal than zero. The reason behind…
Chrome auto fill username in DataFlow descriptions
When using Domo in Chrome (after a recent Chrome update), my domo username gets auto filled in the description field in DataFlows. It appears that the input fields must be inside a form element to prevent this issue (link to a Chrome post about it here: https://support.google.com/chrome/thread/1930298?hl=en). Is anyone…
Quickbooks Enterprise - ETL Transaction Pickup Issue
The nuts and bolt of the issue is our Quickbooks ETL logic is not picking up edits made by end users. We are wanting to pick up the latest transaction. We validate or process on the date and transaction number field. So say there is transaction number (TN) 123 on 1/29 and TN 124 on 1/30. If the user edits then edits 123 it…
Timing Out Redshift
Backstory: We have a datset provided by an outside consultant which is an export from SPSS. 11.3K rows of 1174 columns. The columns contain replies to a survey. The results are in categorical values, for example the answers to How much do you agree with.... are coded as 1 strongly disagree-5 strongly agree. The end user of…
ETLで日時に9時間足す方法 UTC→JST変換
UTC日時をJSTに直すため9時間追加したいですができず、そのために ETLの後に DataFlow SQL を入れています。 ETCで時間の計算や、タイムゾーン変換はできますか?
Appending snapshot data to historical dataset
I am attempting to schedule a dataflow to append the week's data to a historical dataset which contains the previous week's history. The auto-updating dataset, call it: "projects_prod_daily" runs everyday as a replace data update. The historical dataset, let's call it: "projects_append_weekly" contains a history we…
Create a MagicETL function to Split Column and Dynamic Unpivot
I have a column that contains multiple values. I would like to be able to flatten these values. Ex: Document ID Author(s) 12 Bob^Sally 13 Bob 14 Fred^Ann^Sally I would want the output to be: Document ID Author(s) 12 Bob 12 Sally 13 Bob 14 Fred 14 Ann 15 Sally