Ability to get to card view from analyzer
As a power user of Domo who creates many cards I can have a quick way to get to the normal card view after creating a new card So I can lock the card, share, export, etc. without having to search for the card I just created Here is a common scenario for me today: I create a new card using the “+” ⇒ Card button After…
Display volume bar and 100% stacked bar chart as 2 options for a same card in a page
Hi I want to reduce the clutter in the dashboard page, hence I would want to see the bar chart and the 100% stacked bar chart in the same card when each of these options are selected as slicers at the dashboard level. I want to avoid displaying 2 separate cards as it consumes more space. Is that possible?
Card Border Color Enhancement
Currently, we can only change the background color of cards. It would be a nice to have a functionality that will allow us to add border color so that we can easily differentiate similar components or for users to recognize the separation of each cards on the dashboard.
hide and show card on the dashboard based on the filter selection
I want to hide and show cards on the dashboard if user selected any filter then hide some cards and if user remove that filter then card should be visible.
Why is a field not allowing me to exclude it?
I recently built a new field for my dataset in Excel that added certain employees into specific groups. Most employees are not in these groups, so when I joined that field to the rest of my dataset most of the fields are blank. This should be fine. However, when I add this field as a filter into any dashboards or charts,…
Antithesis Filtering on Dashboard
Hi all, When filtering on a dashboard - traditionally, my process is to have a few filters at the top of the dashboard, which are my top-level generic page filters. This process works great for me, and it's standard across our dashboard offerings that our audience understands. I've now started building a dashboard where I…
Can we save / export the projection data as a dataset in Domo Analyzer Cards?
We have created a Domo Analyzer Card using "Multi-Period Projection" from the chart properties. It uses Linear Regression Recent Weighted and shows the projection in the UI. We need a dataset where all these projected datapoints will be saved. Any idea how to create this dataset or export it from the card?
Add Word Cloud Formatting Options
We are trying to break-out of the habit of using list reports and Word Cloud is a great option for some of the reports we want to produce. However, I'm really surprised that basic formatting options are not available. Are there any plans to change this? Provide formatting options to: 1) Set the number of items to designate…
Using a jpeg/image as a cards background
I want my KPI cards to pop with some color but changing the background color effects the readability. Using a jpeg/image I could customize the background via an image editor and upload it to the background. This could be as simple as a border and it would be very helpful.
Dropdown selector filter card not displaying all values
It's not that many, not sure why there not all populating. Thanks.
Single Series Legend for 100% Stacked Bar
An option that exists on standard stacked bar charts is a 'show single series legend'. This idea is simply adding that to 100% stacked bar charts or any other series type charts. The labels on these charts are still important to consumers to understand what series is at 100%.
Option to disable/enable Default Drill Down for full Instance
In any Domo instance, the Drill Down to Final Data grid view option for all cards is currently enabled by DEFAULT and developers have to individually select each card, then Edit Drill Path to disable it by checking Prevent drilling to final data grid view. However, the instance dealing with PII/PHI/confidential data…
Show a 0 instead of "No Data" on Map Cards
It would be great to add a feature to map cards to show a 0 instead of "No Data" on map cards. It would look a lot cleaner and save a lot of effort having to build out an ETL solution every time. If that's not doable, changing the formatting for "Hide No Data Items" would be helpful. Being able to keep the state name in…
Increasing m x n dimension of a pivot table
I was trying to build a pivot table where columns would be month names, but DOMO can't handle pivot tables with (m+n) greater than 10. (m- rows, n - columns) It would be very helpful if you increased a possible number of dimensions of a pivot table.
Datasets join issue
I'm trying to create a card that can be used to present to budget owners how much they have currently spent for the month compared to the budget they've been given. In order to do so, I have to create a dataflow that involves joining 2 datasets; One is Netsuite, which stores all the journal entry transactions, and the…
Grant to Share Cards and Page, but not Edit
We would like to create a new role that is a User but can share cards and pages. However the grant that allows sharing also allows editing and deleting. I would like to see that grant split into two since they feel like they are completely stand alone actions. In our use case, we have upper management looking at a page…
Merged: Blank canva when creating cards
This discussion has been merged.
Analyzer: Don't Automatically Choose Chart Type and Columns
When opening a dataset in the Analyzer, often the Chart Type and Columns that are selected are not the ones that we want to use. It would be nice if it didn't automatically select these and did not turn on auto-preview until we have selected these options ourselves and are ready to run the first preview.
How can we apply drill down functionality between two dashboards in domo?
I have two dashboards. When user click on 1st dashboard's any record then it will redirect to 2nd dashboard and also apply filter on 2nd dashboard according to 1st dashboard's report.
Line chart formatting
How would I go about making one of these lines a dotted line and keep the other one how it is? Would it be in chart properties? if so, where? Thanks
Is there a way we can access the content of the "cards" entity via APIs?
By 'content' I am referring to the images, pdfs or any documents we attach in the creation of a card. Is there a way to access this material? I cannot find any endpoints in domo's documentation as well. Neither could I find any listing api for instance wide available cards. However, I did give a shot at using this api for…