Can you remove filtering capabilities for specific card level for Participants?
I don't want to remove ALL filtering ability for participant-level users, but there are certain instances where that would be ideal. Is that possible?
Pivot tables in emailed dashboards (scheduled reports)
I have a dashboard that uses both tables and pivot tables that is designed to be emailed daily. The cards with tables render well in the scheduled reports, but the text in the pivot table doesn't wrap and is almost illegible. Is there a setting to fix this, please?
Confidentiality Footer/Watermark/Header/Card
I propose the addition of an automatic header/footer/watermark feature for all printed cards/dashboards and possibly a footer for all dashboards/cards, especially when being presented. We present a lot of financial data in our dashboards and our legal department would like to put confidentiality statements on sensitive…
Add ability restrict export of individual cards
We need the ability to restrict the download of specific cards without turning download off for users across the instance. Can this feature be considered? Another way to do it would be to embed in the PDP permissions of a policy. That way we can assign which policies can export.
Scheduled Reports from Drill Layer
We have built several drill down reports for our business in order for them to see the aggregated metrics at each level. These work as intended, but our users want reports from the drill layers sent to them rather than the top layer where everything is just aggregated at the highest level. We would love to see an option…
Save / Export dataset containing the projections in Domo Analyzer Cards
Let's say we create a Domo Analyzer Card using "Multi-Period Projection" from the chart properties. It uses Linear Regression Recent Weighted and shows the projection in the UI. We need a dataset where all these projected datapoints will be saved.
Ignore some page filters in cards or pages
Is there a way , where you can set a card to ignore some pages filters but accept others . if i have one datasource and a card with a precalculated value at YTD filtered by a dimension. and a filter on country and i have another card that i want dynamic as MTD, o CTD depending on what the client pre selects. and country…
Query Based on a Value Between Two Date Columns
I've got a data set that includes job tickets with create_date and last_update columns. If the date range for a card is set to include a date in between the create_date and last_update, the ticket should be considered "open" at that point in time, and any tickets outside of the date range should be considered "closed" at…
Card instantiation based on card templates
Current situation: We have a dashboard with cards showing the number of sales in a country. Then for each target country, that cart is duplicated, and its filter was modified to select the specific country and renamed to include that country's name. Now we have a lovely dashboard in which you can quickly discuss the sales…
card design troubleshoot
I'm trying to recreate an excel graph in Domo. I have attached a screenshot of the excel graph I am trying to recreate. They are needing the week number on the x axis, and the distinction between the vertical bars represented with the blue and orange colors. The vertical bars represent net shipment (shipment less returns).…
Scatter Chart
I would like to create a card that shows the revenue we make from each customer in a scatter chart where the size of the bubble depends on the profitability of each customer. i am very new to Domo so please bear with me
Ability to Suppress Duplicate Value Headings
In the pivot table card type, there should be a way to surpress the value column heading if there is only one value being presented in the table. This can appear very messy.
Formatting on cards
Is there any way to manually select where the numbers are displayed on a bar chart? I've got 11/12 months that dont conflict with display data but 1 month that is throwing the rest off. Is there a way to manually take care of this? I need all of the numbers to display from left to right - not top to bottom.
What to Know Before Implementing Domo Certifications
Hello, my team is looking into using the certification process in Domo for the first time. Our goal in using it would be to better organize and manage our instance, to easily identify our forward-facing assets, and to make clean-up of junk cards and datasets easier in the future. I was wondering if anyone has used this…
Deleting cards on domo
I have about 500 cards which needs to be deleted on domo. These cards are basically JPGs or titles which did not had any datasets. These cards are orphan and currently not owned y anyone. Is there a way I can bulk delete them in a go?
Automating color palette for a condition that has multiple conditions?
I am trying to customize the colors in my visualizations and some of my variables have a lot of conditions (20+). I don't want to manually select a color for each of these variables so I was wondering how would I go about doing this?
Warning: Not all the data is shown
The information I found in DOMO knowledge says; This indicates that all of the data is present, but for visualization purposes, the visualization has been truncated. We are using this card to allow our users to export data. This message is misleading and confusing. Is there a way we can change it or make it no longer…
Best Way to compare Events
Hello! im trying to make a flexible card that is able to compare two points of time based of events that might have happend. For example this current period vs the school holidays fortnight. Or Event A vs Event B where the events are easily changed to different periods
Remove warning on Tree Map
Is there a way to remove the warning on a tree map. We are aware the data contains negative values as it is intentional. Is there a way to remove the warning notice that DOMO puts at the top of the card. It is unnecessary and takes up space
Any way to get text value from one column based on text value of another column?
I've got a data set that is a series of user and assistant responses. I'm trying to build a table visualization that will show me all user questions where the assistant did not have an answer. My thought was that I could search for the default “no answer” response in the assistant response columns, but am stuck at how to…
Is there any chance to disable filter view on drill down chart?
I was able to disable filter view on a primary card but global dashboard cards are showing once chart drill down. Any posibility to disable this view?
Ability to get to card view from analyzer
As a power user of Domo who creates many cards I can have a quick way to get to the normal card view after creating a new card So I can lock the card, share, export, etc. without having to search for the card I just created Here is a common scenario for me today: I create a new card using the “+” ⇒ Card button After…
Display volume bar and 100% stacked bar chart as 2 options for a same card in a page
Hi I want to reduce the clutter in the dashboard page, hence I would want to see the bar chart and the 100% stacked bar chart in the same card when each of these options are selected as slicers at the dashboard level. I want to avoid displaying 2 separate cards as it consumes more space. Is that possible?
Card Border Color Enhancement
Currently, we can only change the background color of cards. It would be a nice to have a functionality that will allow us to add border color so that we can easily differentiate similar components or for users to recognize the separation of each cards on the dashboard.
hide and show card on the dashboard based on the filter selection
I want to hide and show cards on the dashboard if user selected any filter then hide some cards and if user remove that filter then card should be visible.
Why is a field not allowing me to exclude it?
I recently built a new field for my dataset in Excel that added certain employees into specific groups. Most employees are not in these groups, so when I joined that field to the rest of my dataset most of the fields are blank. This should be fine. However, when I add this field as a filter into any dashboards or charts,…