Export Dashboard to PPT - enhancement
We can choose to show a card description when we lay out a dashboard -- this is great, as those sometimes help explain what is going on with the data (ex. "Customer could choose multiple responses on this survey question" or "Updated weekly"). However, when you export the dashboard to PowerPoint- amazing, because it takes…
How to create a dataset last updated card at top of dash?
Hey, how would I create a last updated card on top of a dash? This way it gives the users the understanding of how up to date the cards below are, etc. How would i create that on the dataset to then even be able to apply to a card? Thanks!
Can I dynamically query all fields?
In the javascript for my DOMO card, this is how I am currently querying from my dataset: If I am simply trying to query all the fields in my dataset, is there a way I can avoid hard coding all the fields in the "dataColumnName1" variable, and just change the "query1" variable to dynamically query all fields? Thanks.
Spacer cards
Would greatly appreciate a way to add a blank "spacer" card to my dashboards. Currently using empty text boxes to create space, but they have a (pretty large) minimum width/height. Would love a spacer card that could be set to any width/height,
range filter card should function the same as quick filter
I would like to see this filter card: Have the same kind of display as the quick filter for a range: The dropdown allows for more control, and the ability to type your number in the box rather than move a sensitive slider is really ideal.
Card switching using a filter/control in a dashboard
It would be great if there's a way to swap different cards using a filter/control (If I choose category 'A', I want a certain card to be visible and if I choose a category 'B' I want a different card to be visible. (Essentially looking for Domo equivalent of sheet swapping with a parameter in Tableau)
How to calculate % change between these two years in a beast mode on several columns of data?
Enhancements to "Add existing Card" search box on Dashboards
When clicking "Add existing Card" on a Dashboard, the search options and search results displayed are very limited: This makes it difficult to find the appropriate card, especially if many cards have similar names and/or view counts. Requesting any or all of the following enhancements to the "Add existing Card" search…
Allow hiding incomplete quarter on a period over period card
For now, any period over period card doesn't offer the setting to hide an incomplete quarter without data yet, this should be made possible so that the incomplete quarter can be hidden at user's choice. Also, the legend value 'Year to Date' should allow editting, because this isn't very accurate when setting the card to be…
Date Selector Filter - settings
I would love to see an enhancement to chart properties on Date Selector, specifically for the PRESETS menu. Our data is not live, it runs nightly. So any filter for "TODAY" will always yield no results. The Chart Properties > Presets View has options to exclude Week, Month, and Year options - please add the option to hide…
Multi-Value Gauge Showing 0 Change
I'm working with a dataset that is organized by date and account name and for each date and account name, there is a total number of subscribers. I'm trying to show the total number of subscribers over all accounts for yesterday and the value change from the day before. The value for yesterday is there but the value change…
allow users to duplicate (save as) locked cards
Hello, My goal is to have published reports be locked down, but accessible to users to manipulate unofficial copies of them. I would like to lock pages and cards so that only a users assigned to a group that owns the card or page (or is an admin) can edit them, but want all users with a user role that allows them to edit…
How to indicate the time of last dataset update in card title
In the title of a card I would like it to state the date and time of the last update of the dataset. Using the Smart Text option, I am only able to achieve "My Dataset - last updated 1 hour ago". What I want is "My Dataset - last updated 9am 12/8/2023". Does anyone know how to achieve this?
Improve mass data set change on cards
When creating a new dashboard my team frequently needs to duplicate an existing one, including cards, and then update the data source for each card one by one. The current system only allows users to migrate ALL CARDS associated with a data set. If I duplicate, I have: the originals the dupilcates I just want to migrate…
Top 25 Accounts
Hello All, I need to build a beast mode for a table chart that will show only the top 25 accounts. I tried to export only 25 rows, however it doesn't export in the order I have them lined up as. I cannot add anything to the ETL as this will change all the data. I just need to add it to a card. The top 25 is based on…
P&L % of sales
Hello, I have a p&l that breaks out all balances by line item. I am trying to show this cards values as a % of the top line item 'Manufactured' How would I go about creating this beastmode to do this functionality? For example: 2023 Jan shows 2.3 for manufactured. If Warranty cost was .5 then I would like to see .5/2.3 on…
Creating a Rolling 4Q Total
Hello, I have a dataset with a list of all customers and their recurring/non-recurring recognized revenue by quarter. Our business has a tremendous amount of seasonlity so I'm trying to report a rolling 4q total. How could I go about showing the sum of a quarter and the 3 trailing as well?
Card URL with Quick Filter parameter
Would it be possible to have a card URL with parameters for quick filters ( two filters)? Need to add the URL in other applications. The application will build the URL dynamically with parameter values. For quick resolution, user authentication could be left out of this scope. For this case, it will be expected that the…
Data label %'s and quick filters
We have a bar card set up with the Y axis as donation id distinct count and the series as deferral code of the donation id. For the sake of example, lets say there are 3 deferral code options: 'ABC',' DEF' and 'No Deferral' Then, our data label setting is % of category. So if there are 1 ABC, 3 DEF, and 6 No Deferral, that…
Why doesn't my line + bar chart show the "Show data label on" option?
I want to display data label only for the line but the option is off.
Tool Tip Functionality for Table Viz
We pull our data from SFDC and have opportunity pipeline tables we review weekly. We have long string fields (Next Steps, etc) that I'd like to be able to provide functionality to view but not make part of the table itself since the visual formatting gets messy. If we had tool tips for tables I could add the long text…
create a card to display a number ranking
can anyone point me in the right direction on how to create a card with a number ranking that will auto update? we give the sales people a score based on their activities. the one card will put them in order based off their activity score total. how do I create a separate card to just populate their Activity Score Rank?…
How Do I achieve below output based on data provided?
I want to transpose the below input format into expected output as below. Please suggest. Input : Month SEGMENT SITE Values Oct-23 Segment1 Site1 1000 Oct-23 Segment2 Site2 984 Oct-23 Segment3 Site3 234 Nov-23 Segment1 Site1 1100 Nov-23 Segment2 Site2 228 Nov-23 Segment3 Site3 2200 Output Oct-23 Nov-23 SEGMENT Segment1…
Does anybody mind sharing what their marketing campaign dashboard looks like?
Exporting as .xlsx is exporting a 0 KB file when it worked for this card before?
We've got a card that is essentially a transposed Excel table. Employees have been able to export this card as .xlsx before with no issue. However, now Domo is exporting a 0 KB .xlsx file that when attempting to open, Excel says it is corrupted or an invalid file format. I can export the dataset powering the card just…
Bullet Chart - removing labels of Ranges
Hi all, I've been trying to find a way to show the RAG ranges of acceptability on a graphic I'm currently working on; the bullet chart has been an excellent find, however, I want to display the "actual value" as a data label, but I really want to avoid having the data labels of my Ranges present. Is there a way to do this…
Using Fixed Function with Filter None but don't want to use the By argument.
Hi, I have a SITE column. This column itself I have taken as a interactive filter. I want the total unique count of sites irrespective of what I chose in the filter. Don't want to use By because I want the overall count of sites. This is giving processing error when I am filtering out some sites. I am using something like…